[3.23]The BLOCKMAN

Reroll cause of degens? But the build is so fun...

Mind checking my gear and saying what you’d save for first? I bought a warlord base to craft % life on block, but other than that?
GrappLr wrote:
Reroll cause of degens? But the build is so fun...

Mind checking my gear and saying what you’d save for first? I bought a warlord base to craft % life on block, but other than that?

chest with -15 to mana cost is a must, honestly. you free up a ring slot by not having to use mana and ditching the praxis, you finally set up lifetap on your movement skill, and you can finally fit in all your auras.

a crafted shield with really, really good rolls could be better than The Surrender, but the amount of armor you get from it also helps a lot in increasing your phys damage reduction. the reckoning/riposte/vengeance setup linked with LGoH also helps a ton in survivability.
leafyr0kr wrote:
GrappLr wrote:
Reroll cause of degens? But the build is so fun...

Mind checking my gear and saying what you’d save for first? I bought a warlord base to craft % life on block, but other than that?

chest with -15 to mana cost is a must, honestly. you free up a ring slot by not having to use mana and ditching the praxis, you finally set up lifetap on your movement skill, and you can finally fit in all your auras.

a crafted shield with really, really good rolls could be better than The Surrender, but the amount of armor you get from it also helps a lot in increasing your phys damage reduction. the reckoning/riposte/vengeance setup linked with LGoH also helps a ton in survivability.

Hello can tell me what are the best or recommended mods for paradoxica??


I want to start with a big thank you for your build! The ultimatums are nothing for me right now.

But i encountered a pretty big problem. Today I failed an awak 6 sirus. Mostly because of the degens on the ground but also, i couldn't tank the "die" or the other beams or pretty much anything.

I think my gear is pretty solid at the moment and I'm getting close to min max-ing it (buying watcher's eye, bottled faith, steel ring with vuln and flat phys).

My question is, do you have a minute to check my character? Am I doing something wrong?

Also the damage is decent but not there kind of, I feel like i'm missing out something.

I am gladly waiting for a response from you and thanks a lot again!
leafyr0kr wrote:
Bebzu wrote:
Is explosive chest still worth useing? or beter go with -mana and power charges?

And one more question: do we still keep blood rage gem when we get Paradoxica (it trigger blood rage very often) ?

explode chest right now doesn't feel too good. -mana is a must, power charge is a luxury.

you keep blood rage on a separate gem link because you need it on single target fights, as paradoxica's blood rage only procs on kill.

istrikerz wrote:
Also until i can afford a ryslathas coil, what belt should i use? Would soul tether work in making me survive more? or do i go like a belt of the deceiver for more damage

a simple stygian vise with life and resists should do just fine (belt of the deceiver would be the absolute budget option).

IMO, soul tether's overleech isn't that useful on this build compared to others. we're block capped and every block recovers a shitton of HP already, overleech would give you that extra safety, but using up an entire item slot for that isn't really worth it

GrappLr wrote:
I’m playing this on HC Ultimatum.

Gear is still meh, but working on it.

Anything you’d do differently on HC?

honestly? I'd reroll. this build is tanky as all hell, but our biggests weakness is degens. it really, really doesn't feel great to walk over a puddle and watch your HP drop so fast. if there was a way to make us tankier to DoT's, i'd do it

Im currently capped on resists without a belt thats why im asking what the best unique option for a belt would be as i dont need resists.

Was wondering if soul tether would just up the invincibility a bit and just make me never die or if deceiver was good for damage since i cant afford a ryslathas
Hello, played this build in both 3.12 and 3.13. Enjoyed it a lot.

I want to try it in 3.14 but most of your PoB links do not work, the only one that works is 3.12 budget version. Is there a way you can fix this?

Edit: I figured out that pastebin is down at the moment. Nevermind c:
Last edited by sipka_ on Apr 28, 2021, 8:44:35 AM
Hi. Would you pls give me some tipps.
My current budget 8ex. I alrdy have:

planning to spend 1 ex to craft armo for -15 mana :// sad story ^^

What items shud I get first to improve this build for mapping/ bosses?
And if my chest dont have " power charge on hit" better get ring with mark or still aim for ring with vulnerability?

divergent pride vs common is not that big diff?
Since explode chest is not that good of a choice right now, what would you recommend for double influence? Would you still go crusader for the power charge on crit or maybe hunter for attack crit chance and possible %life mod?

This is my current character at the moment. Using clusters, ailment immune and trying to stack a bit of chaos res.
PoB: https://pastebin.com/mYGg35EH

What would be the next upgrades?

What I am aiming for at the very moment is:
-Watchers Eye
-Power charges chest

And I wanted to know what alternate gems are good?

I'm not sure about fortify and impale alternate gems for example.

Also saw precision and blood rage alternate gems but those are not really dmg improvements so not focusing on those ones at the moment.

Would a rare helm with fortify effect and nearby enemies phys reduction be good over abyssus?

PS: Explode is not fucking worth it.
Last edited by PretoFPS on Apr 28, 2021, 7:17:46 PM
this is nice 50% movement speed at all times + the annointement which gives +30 to maximum life and 10% increased maximum life, silver silver black oil :).

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