3.9|Stress-Free PoE- ENDURING FIRE (RF) |SSF the Atlas w/ 1Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!

Heres a quick video of me running a tier 16 map with multiple mods for an idea of how the build looks endgame. This specific map boss had 3 bosses with some mechanic that I dont know so I did my usual strat, I sat in front of all them, held down cyclone and watched tv.

Last edited by JCOH35 on Jan 1, 2020, 6:26:20 PM
JCOH35 wrote:
so I did my usual strat, I sat in front of all them, held down cyclone and watched tv.

This is the best strat - thanks for sharing.
Finally done setting my money on fire playing the divines game, have all my jewels done now.


Skill Tree:

Last edited by JCOH35 on Jan 1, 2020, 9:49:36 PM
Really enjoying this build! However, I have switched to a Witchfire Brew which overrides the curse on the Ball Lightning link, so I am considering alternatives to that link.

Any recommendations? I have heard maybe a Holy Totem link would be best?

Just want to get the most bang for the buck out of the four sockets.

Thanks so much for the guide! First time playing RF and having a blast. :)
oddshocks wrote:
Really enjoying this build! However, I have switched to a Witchfire Brew which overrides the curse on the Ball Lightning link, so I am considering alternatives to that link.

Any recommendations? I have heard maybe a Holy Totem link would be best?

Spend 3 to 4 skill points depending on your preference to pick up the whispers of doom node allowing you to apply an additional curse, or annoint it on your amulet. Another option is if you are using a rare body you can craft the veiled additional curse modifier.

Lastly you could just go a different route with the link setup but 3 extra skill points is very doable, the build only requires lv. 90 worth of points, the rest are up to you.
Is there anything key I'm missing? I see people using this build and not really losing any HP when they enable RF, but soon as I turn it on, RIP in 5, I'm even having to try using totems to help me stay alive in mobs (Sorry, I'm still kinda new to the game).
Is there anything key I'm missing? I see people using this build and not really losing any HP when they enable RF, but soon as I turn it on, RIP in 5, I'm even having to try using totems to help me stay alive in mobs (Sorry, I'm still kinda new to the game).
When I press this skill my hp is nonexistat in 1 sec. And i have 70% fire resist i think maybe i will try rising fire res and this fire res aura.
To @cztk and @Khurune

Sorry the OP that wrote the guide for us has several other guides going so hes helping people in all of them and playing multiple builds in the league atm so it can take a bit for him to reply is all.

Its an easy answer though, you guys need to aim for 85% maximum fire resistance, you can get higher, like 86-87 but 85 is more then enough.

Just follow the skill tree the OP lays out, make sure you get the 2 nodes that raise max resistances, barbarism and soul of steel.

Next use either a Saffel's Frame or Rise of the Phoenix shield to further raise the caps, and lastly pick up a cheap lv. 20 purity of fire for an additional +4, you can get a bricked lv 20 corrupted one for cheap until you can get better.


(the slotted gem)

plus barbarism/soul of steel = ezmode
Thank you for the tips Jcoh35. I currently have 77(151)% Fire res, so I'm going to look into them items and double barbarism and soul of steel.

Thank you again.

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