<Currently Online> Casual/Social Guild from a Multi-Game Community!!

AlpacaJutsu wrote:
Hello there! I'm looking for casual and chill guild and I think this is the one! I've been play POE for awhile but still don't know much about the game. I'm from Thailand, so my English is not the best.
My IGN is : AlpacaJutsu

Thx you!

Gotcha covered!!

Last edited by Sahtee on Feb 5, 2020, 5:35:05 PM
Howdy, I'm a long-time casual player that would be interested in joining, provided your clan is at all interested in Standard league play. If so, IGN is Iolena. Cheers!
Howdy, I'm a long-time casual player that would be interested in joining, provided your clan is at all interested in Standard league play. If so, IGN is Iolena. Cheers!

With the guild being new we are trying to develop participants for all types of play. HC, SSF, League, and standard are all quite welcome! One of our primary objectives as a community is to be as all inclusive as we can. From casual to competitive, newb to veteran, the way we see it the broader the spectrum of play types the more fun we will have as a group over all. At the moment I don't think we have very many members if any who play standard but we would definitely love more. Who knows maybe you can be the anchor for getting that going for us ;)

I will shoot you an invite and hope to see you on the Atlas soon!

i am lazy to read all these stuff but i'd like to join your community if you guys have discord would be great and if you're willing to accept me please PM me cuz i'd forget about this comment in 2 seconds, thanks
The league is winding down but we are still recruiting!
Hi Just back from a break. Been a casual gamer for quite some time already.Would be my pleasure if you could drop me in. Thanks
IGN: SeMareo
MaroXeC wrote:
Hi Just back from a break. Been a casual gamer for quite some time already.Would be my pleasure if you could drop me in. Thanks
IGN: SeMareo

Invite sent :)

Was looking towards joining a casual fun guild to do group events and learn more about the game. Came back recently and was wondering if you guys were still recruiting active players :D
We are indeed!!

You can get an invite in one of 3 ways:

1. Shoot me a pm here with your IGN. I try to check my messages several times daily and will get to you asap.
2. Join our partnered discord, follow the orientation instruction concerning roles and then drop a line in #poe-chat with a ping for @Sahtee or @holm_z. The url is https://discord.gg/currentlyonline This would be your more reliable method, the officers are almost always lurking about.
3. Send me an @ in game. I am usually on my main for this season IGN: Sahttee

As a side note We have cranked up our max members slots to 70 and are currently at ~50 members. We would like to fill those other slots in the upcoming league. If you would like to get an invite now instead of waiting another week we will be happy to accommodate!!

I am interested in joining your guild. I started playing POE in Betrayal league. I played on and off (Synthesis and Metamorph). I have recently stopped playing Dota 2 as my main game in favor of POE.

I have killed Elder (not Uber) in Synthesis. Currently, I've made it up to AL6 Sirus. Most league challenges completed in a league is 18. I would like to join a guild where I can learn from guildmates (crafting, delving, bossing, etc.) and am looking for a regular, solid group of people to do rotas with.

I have Discord and would welcome chatting while playing POE, in-party or not. I'm from Los Angeles, so I mostly play when I get home from work (4pm PST). I play 3-5 hrs a night and play more during the weekends.

IGN: Solarity_RoABarrageMeta or Astraeus_MetaSummoner

I would like to hear from you soon!

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