[3.9] Burning Arrow Chieftain League Start - Budget Friendly

mapcar wrote:
BDZLE wrote:
TexasSpades wrote:
Are we worried about attack speed at all or projectile speed?

If we can fit more A-Speed in the build I would be happy. I've left the Barrage Support gem links in PoB because it would be a great option to solve a low A-Speed. Of course, we sacrifice damage to do this through our links. We could lose some defensive points on the tree to spec into speed, but I think it will take playing the build to find out what the prefference is.

But is attack speed important at all? I mean we don't need to attack more often than the stacks expiration..

Just looking at the most recent PoB, the A-speed is a little over 2/sec. Assuming that our ignite timer is the base 4 seconds, we would need about 2.5 attack cycles to apply our full damage. I since we burn faster from some of our equipment. we will have less than 4 sec for sure. I'd say A-speed should be a concern, but it probably will not affect the build too seriously. in most cases, this only feels bad when you are fighting a boss that is constantly on your ass. Dark forest map for example.
Uh oh, Stinky
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Last edited by TexasSpades on Dec 12, 2019, 11:53:08 AM
Been screwing around with a Chieftan in standard with this set up, trying to figure out why its so bad.
I mean, it's really really bad. Tomorrows buffs to the bow and skill will have to matter a whole lot to make a difference.
Do you care to explain what seems to be so rough? Is it just low damage because of the early nodes, etc?
TexasSpades wrote:
Been screwing around with a Chieftan in standard with this set up, trying to figure out why its so bad.
I mean, it's really really bad. Tomorrows buffs to the bow and skill will have to matter a whole lot to make a difference.
Do you care to explain what seems to be so rough? Is it just low damage because of the early nodes, etc?

No man, the Chieftan is 95, 6L bow, 21/23 BA, etc. It's all in place. If damage was 3x higher it would still be bad. This is just bad.
Last edited by DamageIncorporated on Dec 12, 2019, 12:09:26 PM
TexasSpades wrote:
Been screwing around with a Chieftan in standard with this set up, trying to figure out why its so bad.
I mean, it's really really bad. Tomorrows buffs to the bow and skill will have to matter a whole lot to make a difference.
Do you care to explain what seems to be so rough? Is it just low damage because of the early nodes, etc?

No man, the Chieftan is 95, 6L bow, 21/23 BA, etc. It's all in place. If damage was 3x higher it would still be bad. This is just bad.

I mean, almost every aspect of this is going to be hugely different in 3.9 as compared to right now. The bow, the actual skill itself...
TexasSpades wrote:
Been screwing around with a Chieftan in standard with this set up, trying to figure out why its so bad.
I mean, it's really really bad. Tomorrows buffs to the bow and skill will have to matter a whole lot to make a difference.
Do you care to explain what seems to be so rough? Is it just low damage because of the early nodes, etc?

No man, the Chieftan is 95, 6L bow, 21/23 BA, etc. It's all in place. If damage was 3x higher it would still be bad. This is just bad.

Don't forget, We're calculating damage on 3.9 changes. I've played a much more budget version of the build than what's in the PoB at lvl85 and can clear T10 no problem. Running the build in 3.8 is no legitimate indicator of how the build will preform in 3.9 at it's best or it's worst since so many changes will be made. Please check your items and links to make sure everything is proper. Pulling your current gear into PoB may help figure out why your damage is low.
Uh oh, Stinky
Last edited by BDZLE on Dec 12, 2019, 12:32:07 PM
Also, would Immolate be higher damage since it gives flat damage?
TexasSpades wrote:
Also, would Immolate be higher damage since it gives flat damage?

I've actually had a hard time deciding between Immolate and Combustion. Immolate seems to give us more damage without accounting for the ngamahu ascendancy. Since we'll be spending more time without that buff, it probably would be better to go Immolate overall. Since I can't calc 3.9 gem info in PoB at the moment, I'm just picking Combustion for the lowered enemy fire resist.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the reason I like the lowered resists is because of GGG stating that all monster resists are being raised in 3.9.
Uh oh, Stinky
Last edited by BDZLE on Dec 12, 2019, 1:37:47 PM
leveling with marauder with bows is super shit isnt it? D: i tested the first two acts and i got tired of it already haha
FakeSmile92 wrote:
leveling with marauder with bows is super shit isnt it? D: i tested the first two acts and i got tired of it already haha

It's not the best. I prefer leveling with molten strike and then transitioning later on personally.
Uh oh, Stinky

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