[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

This build looks like so much fun, thank you so much for making this guide! Hope you have a great league start!
Hi 1 question
Why the ES regen on CI version in pob is so low? How am I supposed to survive? If I miss something tell me what is it ( it will be my first time playing CI )
Even without regen, Energy Shield recharges after not taking damage for a couple of seconds. You'll basically be relying on the same recharge that Vortex has always relied on, and you get ES back with the effects of Brush with Death and Cinderswallow Urn as well.
Cold DoT For Everyone: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120
Last edited by ShakCentral on Apr 15, 2021, 2:00:37 PM
donbrawler wrote:

All of Vitality Life Regen is converted into Energy shield regen with Zealot's Oath on the tree.

Ahh i completely overlooked Zealot's oath.

Would you recommend i focus on ES% or cdot/damage cobalts until i can get the energy from within cards and thread of hope?

Currently using these, Been trying to roll another ES%/ESR/Cdot like the last one since that seems perfect.
Last edited by acidytrips on Apr 15, 2021, 2:23:55 PM
Kyronami wrote:
i read your post about the trigger wand update, but on the CI links gems you still have oos, sb, and fb on the trigger wand, was that not updated or is that still what we use for CI and switch to the other ones once low life?

Does anyone have a definitive answer on this question?

I am leaning towards self casting SB even when I am CI but I want to know if that is incorrect for some reason.
Kyronami wrote:
i read your post about the trigger wand update, but on the CI links gems you still have oos, sb, and fb on the trigger wand, was that not updated or is that still what we use for CI and switch to the other ones once low life?

Does anyone have a definitive answer on this question?

I am leaning towards self casting SB even when I am CI but I want to know if that is incorrect for some reason.

I'm pretty sure selfcast stormbrand is baseline for all versions now, you only need it for bosses anyway.
Kyronami wrote:
i read your post about the trigger wand update, but on the CI links gems you still have oos, sb, and fb on the trigger wand, was that not updated or is that still what we use for CI and switch to the other ones once low life?

Does anyone have a definitive answer on this question?

I am leaning towards self casting SB even when I am CI but I want to know if that is incorrect for some reason.

Honestly, everyone should choose Low Life this league its super strong defensively now compared to older versions.

If you a fan of CI, Just keep a storm brand setup for bosses. Self casting storm brand isn't needed for mapping.
donbrawler wrote:

Honestly, everyone should choose Low Life this league its super strong defensively now compared to older versions.

If you a fan of CI, Just keep a storm brand setup for bosses. Self casting storm brand isn't needed for mapping.

I must have misread the guide.

I had assumed the build was a progression from Hybrid -> CI -> LL, as you improved the character.

Can I jump from Hybrid to LL right away in early maps and skip CI entirely?

Can I jump from Hybrid to LL right away in early maps and skip CI entirely?

As long as you're confident in your ES pool, you should probably go low life immediately as soon as you can afford 5L Shavs and get the other pieces like Prism.
Clerith wrote:

Can I jump from Hybrid to LL right away in early maps and skip CI entirely?

As long as you're confident in your ES pool, you should probably go low life immediately as soon as you can afford 5L Shavs and get the other pieces like Prism.

sweet, that makes things much easier to manage. I would rather save up for what I need for LL only, instead of saving for CI and then saving again for LL.

Thank you for the advice!

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