[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

Best way to craft the weapon?
hoelzo wrote:
Best way to craft the weapon?

Just buy one. Wand crafting is the most gambling thing in PoE.
donbrawler wrote:
Ma23ck wrote:

Now, it's safe to assume that we want to remove the Mana modifier? Maybe do something else with it?

What is the best outcome i should go now for that endgame amulet !


Man that sucks you got mana prefix!!

Honestly, since its a prefix you have a very low RNG chance of removing the mana with some steps I will list below. I would just recommend against it though. I would sell that one for 10ex and hope a high roller crafter or someone who wants mana buys it. Then just buy the mats to craft another one you should make profit too :)

If you want to try to remove the mana. Here are some steps to do it but its very much against you and if it bricks its worth 2-3ex maybe lower.

All of these steps have a low chance removing mana and I would recommend against it. But its possible the RNG gods have your back

1. Use the Bestiary craft "Remove Prefix add Suffix" and hope it removes the mana

2. Use Harvest Craft Remove Non-Defense add defense and hope it removes mana. this might remove a suffix and add redeemer mod +(3-5)% chance to Evade Attack Hits buts that's ok defense can be remove :)

3. Craft Prefix cannot be changed > Scour Orb to only leave prefixes and Yolo Orb of Annulment and pray it removes mana.

I tried selling the amulet for 9-10 exalt with no avail. Just put it at 7ex.Hope it sells

Thanks for the suggestions

So just to make sure;

1) I craft "Prefixes cannot be changed"
2) Orb of Scouring
3) "can have up to 3 crafted modifiers"
4) Craft trigger a socketed spell and Cold Dot
5) Profit?

I just dont want to erase the item when im scouring

Ma23ck wrote:

So just to make sure;

1) I craft "Prefixes cannot be changed"
2) Orb of Scouring
3) "can have up to 3 crafted modifiers"
4) Craft trigger a socketed spell and Cold Dot
5) Profit?

I just dont want to erase the item when im scouring


Depends. If you want to craft Aspect of the Spider or slam something on it after multimod, then yeah, your method will be fine.

If you aren't going to do any of that, you can just multimod it now. Cast speed would be the last suffix on the item. Can save yourself 2ex.
Is it just me or does having Frostbite in a trigger wand feel way worse than running Blasphemy? I just got so accustomed to every pack blowing up with profane bloom, It was sorely missed when I swapped blasphemy with discipline.

I'm currently using a "End Game CI" setup of this build and dumped the 900 extra ES to put frostbite back on blasphemy, i threw Vaal Discipline on with my CWDT/IC setup for the increased duration. Still sitting around ~8K ES and since im softcore it feels ok. shaper/minotaur slams dont quite 1 shot me but put me pretty low. Also focused a little more on damage taking the DOT nodes from the Growth and Decay wheel and keeping elusive for that sweet MS/delving.

Currently level 95 and crushing most content. A7 sirus down (still need watchstones), shaper/elder down, next up is Uber elder and then maven. I assume my biggest upgrades would probably be my shield and my weapon, any advice on my gear/tree would be appreciated, I'm still relatively new to caster/vortex builds so I know I'm probably overlooking something.

How can i start to craft this
Don't know if anyone said it already, too many pages but..

Can you update the pastebin? the pastebin build doesn't even have the Elemental Equilibrium and has a lot of life nods.. if someone have one focused on CI and completed i would apreciate

How are you running blasphemy, malevalance, and discipline? Even with lvl 3 enlighten I don't have enough mana reservation.

Thanks in advance!

here you go, i could go try for the 20% but not worth it rn lol

Now i need to improve other pieces of my build!

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