[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Ahhhh that makes sense. Thanks!

Ok this is what I got so far. I am testing Loreweave atm for a bit more survivability. DPS is very close to Aquarism High Budget version in POB. Life 5k. Max res at 80% etc. I dont see any value in using shaper ring and taming since I get more health and more dps with these and I just use assasin mark from gems. I also use cold penetration watcher's eye, POB says its the best option but not sure if Crit chance or flat cold damage is better.

I can always use these

But not sure how to proceed from here. I guess next step (that doesnt cost 100ex) would be gems at level 21 and replace support with Awakened and better jewels. Any advice much appreciated.

Oh and yeah havent played for a long time so I am just playing in standard trying to understand how new map works ^^.
Last edited by Annelise22 on Jul 13, 2020, 6:59:11 AM
Should i buy a bottled faith or a single crit hatred mod watcher's eye for more consistent (boss)dps?

I am replacing the diamond flask and feel like i have to get close and personal with bottled faith in order to get the benefits, while on the other hand the watcher's eye has 100% uptime and i can have my distance. It is obviously less dps overall on paper.
Last edited by AfroBeast on Jul 13, 2020, 7:22:56 AM
Hey guys, could anyone take a look at my build so far and give me some insights on how to improve my damage and survivability? I would like to hear what upgrades itemwisdse to aim for next.

Hi guys,

I've been setting up the build but got a hard time figuring out where it goes wrong with my DPS. My gear is pretty decent, but still wont pass the 400k on Path of Building with everything activated.

I know the tooltip is not that relevant but it shows 110k dps. My gear is as follows:

Jewels I still have to work on, but that wont be adding a 1 milion DPS either.

Any advice please?
@intered14 small things i noticed while glancing at your gear:
- replace one life flask with diamond flask
- voidfletcher has pierce corruption -> bad
- frenzy generation might be an issue?
- you can 20% quality your barrage + support gems with vendor recipe
- lacking flat added dmg (but i'm guessing here). you have a lot of %dmg but no base to scale it.
- amulet annointment missing

furthermore did i notice a huge dps boost after equipping bottled faith flask and hatred crit watchers eye. my damage was also lacking before those items. quite expensive, but necessary to get this build rolling.
Last edited by AfroBeast on Jul 15, 2020, 7:04:16 PM

will this build work for +4 additional arrows 355DPS reach of the council bow?
I'm unable to use Hatred and HoI and and aspect of the spider with the mana I have(669)40 mana remaining

Even with the two Aura's running i don't have enough for steelskin to work

How is it possible to have all the these running and precision too at once?

I'm level 90 have decent enough gear

I Even messed with the tree and got a lot of mana leech nods and up to 1000 mana to test and still was struggling

Any advice would be great

Last edited by MisterRhys on Jul 17, 2020, 4:25:34 PM

Hi Folks!

I'm at about 12.3m DPS and 4500 HP right now. Just finished the bow so now I'm working on getting T1 life on my abyss jewels and boots for now and saving up for a HH. I'm currently farming 100% delirium Burial Chambers and this is holds up fine except to a gnarly modded Kosis. He can be a skip sometimes until HH.

Question for HH users - How do you deal with resists? I'm at about 77 for each so there isn't a ton of wiggle room (I'm in the process of getting higher rolls on my gear). I'm thinking I'm likely gonna have to swap to a Taming ring? The DPS loss will be w/e cause HH.

I'm also debating trying a Loreweave for a little more survivability without giving up the DPS going to QotF...I'm curious what folks who have tried it think. Is the survivability that much better? I feel soft at 4500 on A8 Sirus or max Kosis...I really need to get to 5k HP.

Another option would be to annul a cold mod from my Shaper ring to add life. I hate to mess with it because I lucked out rolling double cold...but I'm starting to feel I really need t1 life there instead.

Id appreciate any thoughts. Loving the build...ty @ Aquarism!

PS - Folks who are wondering what to craft: Make your bow. As mentioned in the guide, a good rare bow will add more to the build than anything not named HH. It can be a little expensive but if you have 10-15ex ish you can likely make something better than Death's Opus this league with any decent luck.
Last edited by Synercid on Jul 18, 2020, 1:16:14 AM
Could anyone please look at my profile and point me in the next directions to make this build better? My clear is perfect but my single damage is abysmal I can't even kill tq5+ bosses deathless..

I'm still levelling my genre so I know this is a point but what else?

I use Farrul cause I struggle a lot to maintain charges at bosses so it was a alternative but where shoul I go from there?

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