[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Updated POB to v 2.02

Some minor changes that I cant remember :/

Also added my aurabot as a jewel in to the gear section. you can play around with it a bit for no reason ^^
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684

Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978
What budget needed for this build to start feeling good in t16 maps?
Last edited by Wutsabi on May 8, 2020, 1:11:05 PM
First time really getting to end game and doing constant T14-T16 maps. I wanted to see if there were any suggestions on my tree or gear suggestions.

The reason why I ask is that I still get 1 shotted by Sirus, random delirium mobs, or some other bosses. Is that just part of the build and I need to learn the mechanics and dodge more stuff?

Also, I have run 100% juice full delirium, scarabs, 4 sextants & mods on T14 burial chamber. It was doable but by no means was it clearing fast. My sweet spot has been T7-T9 burials with juice, it seems like I should be able to higher tier maps with the juice.

I have included additional gear I have been swapping in and out trying to figure out what works best.

Thanks for the help.

Current Setup:


Other Gear I can Swap out / In:

Abyss Jewels if Needed:
TheRiski wrote:

The reason why I ask is that I still get 1 shotted by Sirus, random delirium mobs, or some other bosses. Is that just part of the build and I need to learn the mechanics and dodge more stuff?

Regarding gears, there are some rooms of improvement that I'd suggest:

Drop HH in bossfights is certainly my no.1 suggestion. The belt shown above is certainly a degree of magnitude better when you fight boss. Although it has become legacy due to fossil nerf, you still can craft a belt that is close to it (or even better by fossil-crafting a Redeemer base). Mapping, you can keep your HH.

The gloves above is also one of the best-in-slots you would have defensively while giving a good chunk of DPS. In addition, get the quiver I listed would help you tremendously defensively while don't have any downside compared to the popular Voidfletcher.

Also, equip awaken gems as much as you can. If you can afford HH, there is absolutely no reason to skip awaken gems.

Furthermore, get you chaos resist as high above zero as you can. Defintely try to have more physical mitigation since Sirus' source of DPS is all about physical and physical converted to other types. Since you have a HH, get Bottle Faith instead of a diamond flask. Better survival while not crippling your DPS.

Last, squishiness is part of the deal with Deadeye Ice shot. You clear fast, kill boss fast as a glass cannon. However, you can still make it work with Sirus if you have some extra damage mitigation and manage to dodge his moves. This league I'm not playing IS/barrage but I did it previous leagues and killed Sirus in Standard multiple times (my build was very similar to Aquarism's build which is a great one).

My build (a couple of) previous league: Deadeye Iceshot / Barrage.
My build this league: Pathfinder Scourge Arrow ft. Blast Rain | Fortify | All Content.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
Last edited by WolfieNa on May 9, 2020, 3:50:00 AM
The build is working out super good for me. Its first my league, third character and have to say this is the most fun one. Had to invest a bit but it was definitly worth it.
T16 80% Delirium
All Elder/Shaper Maps
Just finished my Sirus AL7 with 1 nobrain death, so I would count that as deathless aswell. -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3EzebWSFRY
My only problems I have right now, are the last boss from Uber Atziri and Simulacrum Wave 20 Kosis, but everything else goes super smooth.

My current gear:
Just finished Sirus AL8 | 2 deaths | 4.1k health.
Also just finished Simu Wave 20 w/Kosis | 2 deaths | 4.1k health, I might was able to do him earlier, but I haven't tried simulacrum alone yet. :D
Super good build. :) -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxITditu_kg
Last edited by Yqueso on May 12, 2020, 3:36:09 AM
Yqueso wrote:
Just finished Sirus AL8 | 2 deaths | 4.1k health.

Please share some tips here on how u managed to do it with such low life. Thanks.
sp3d2 wrote:
Yqueso wrote:
Just finished Sirus AL8 | 2 deaths | 4.1k health.

Please share some tips here on how u managed to do it with such low life. Thanks.

Basically, I did the same as in the youtube video I posted in my thread above.
Just trying to dodge everything, pull all you trinkets when you dash to him and if you're right infront of him barrage him down.
My biggest problem so far was, when there were many of him so you couldn't see who he was. When I played Sirus 7 I first realized how to. I just listen to were the voice comes from and than I know where to dash to.
The main aim for me is to: Go for as much DPS as you can (dash to him and barrage him until you see he begins to move his arms to shoot), dodge every spell, which sometimes isn't possible so you have just have to hope and if there are those 4 beams just always go to him and life leech him to death. :)
Tried to explain it as good as I can, probably not the best tips because this is my first league, but hope it will somehow help.
Guys, hope you don't mind but.. could anyone tell me which quiver is giving me more damage?

I have a 25% chance to deal double damage Lethal Pride right now. The nodes are:

Fevour - 5% chance to deal double damage
Herbalism - 5% chance to deal double damage
Survivalist - 5% chance to deal double damage
Force of Nature - 5% chance to deal double damage
Silent Steps - 5% chance to deal double damage

Is anyone interested in this jewel?


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