[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

can somebody say how word adds # to # fire/lighting damage to bow attacks or matter only cold damage?
im trying double corrupt voidfletcher and i got:
-adds 21 to 35 fire damage to bow attack
-gain 9% of phys damage as extra cold damage
how much does it coast or that bad?
It is not ideal but better than the pirece implicit. If you h ave enough currency you could try to get a Voidfletcher with an additional arrow. (starts at 100ex)

Mekrat wrote:
I finished my bow two minutes ago. Super happy now. Spend almost 30ex on it with beast crafting and than the rest for multi, inc phys. and attack speed. But im happy. Its 30% more dps compared to Opus.


and you want 2 arrows instaed of 1

insane bow...

so +2 arrows is also just from slamming alterations?
It is super rare. To be honest I bought this bow as a magic one with 30% quali as a 6link with another mod on it and continued the crafting. Rare cost at that point 4ex for the base. Could get rid of the other mod. Alot of augmenattion/regal orbs and beast crafting (remove suffix/add prefix and return) failed... many imprints where used. After I hit the t2 flat phys. I imprinted again and tried to lucky regal that thing. Alot of beasts later one of my last regal orbs for that session hit that lucky t1 flat cold...total dps is 663 (phys 408 and ele 255)

Sick bow tbh.

One of my friends tried to alt spam on an other base and only saw the mod once in 1,5k alts...
Last edited by Mekrat on Apr 5, 2020, 7:18:44 AM
So i have a lot of freeze chance % with nodes i grabbed on tree but i dont seem to freeze bosses or boss type enemies much. I dont notice it much with ice shot+barrage support combo either.....
Shitysushi - Arrow shooting build.
Sendeliriante - hollow palmer
Last edited by Shonster on Apr 5, 2020, 6:23:16 PM
When you use frost bomb? so slow.
You use flame dash and withering step in the same time? maybe i miss something or withening step without quicksilver?

Mekrat wrote:
Iwanite wrote:
zooky wrote:
so i finally got this thing:

Can anyone help me? How can i craft a quiver like this? I'm bat at crafting
Should i just buy something like this?

Try to get a shaped spike-point base and spam alterations until you hit the two combinations that you like. Bow attacks is the one you need and crit multi should be perfect. Dont use ctit chance cause it blocks the crit chance / frenzy charge mod from the bench. If you have two mods that you like (T1, T2) you must regal it and hope for the best. If you have enough currency you can imprint it.

Thanks for your answer <3

Veevz wrote:

Feeling a little bit too squishy with this setup @ only 4,374 life, any recommendations?

how can you have enlighten 3 with no items that give int? you allocated int on passive tree?
Hello , I've been reading recent replies learningand following this guide. However i have no idea about game mechanics and crafting. Learning every day but need your help.
Please check my items and let me know what should i upgrade. My passive tree is the same that Aquarius posted im lvl 90 currently and sitting on 4.8 k life and couldn't kill sirus .

- can you tell me where can I found some guides/videos to learn how to craft ?
- I'm dying almost every map right now , i can do t16 maps but i lack dmg on bosses
- What can I upgrade ? i invested about 10 ex but feel like i dont have enough damage
Anybody who is good at this build can review my setup. What I should improve first I have issue with bossing, yesterday I killed Sirus deathless awakened 6 but took long time , even map bosses take too much time to kill them. I try to find bow, but I check some put in the POB no much dps for 8 ex .. so i still go with opus :/

Last edited by h4mi22 on Apr 6, 2020, 9:03:58 AM

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