3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Dellith wrote:
Hey i need some tips / help

i would like to make a 6l zombie with a 6l spectre build would this be possible if i lose spirit offering to get aura's in glove and boots with enlight lvl 4?

or will i lose load of damage if i go this way ?

i would only make zombies 6L as they will be your main damage dealers. the spectres should also be in baron with the +2, hopefully you have lvl 21 gem to get the 4th spectre

i believe spectres should only be 6L if you are doing the ranged build, otherwise you are losing out on a lot of buffs from your spectres (frenzy charge, etc). The main point is to keep your spectres alive so that you can keep up your buffs. especially if you have arenamaster, as it is not easy to get all the time if you are lacking in the atlas department

the point of putting enlighten and all the auras in armor is to save room. you literally do not have enough space to keep your minions and auras at max efficiency. thats why you see OP posting an unset ring for convocation

lennaert222 wrote:

You're doing something wrong then. I've had maybe 2 zombies die, ever. I killed sirus last night with this build np.

a4 sirus or a8 sirus? theres a difference

kra3storm wrote:
I was having no problems with this build before the update and now i went to check the stats with the tanky build skill tree and i only have 900 strength, wichh before i had a little over 1000. Maybe im not seeing something. Could somebody check what im missing?

i would pop some intrinsic catalyst into cyclopean and astramentis, assuming you are using those.

Laere wrote:
I know his guide recommends Mistress of Sacrifice but is the bone shield ascendancy an optional replacement for mistress?

you could if you have enough chaos resistance and elemental resistance gear of your own. trade off is more resistance survivability for you, or more physical reduction and max life for your minions. thats your choice

Beastwho wrote:
Is it possible to craft % to minion dmg on a 2h wpn using fossils in 3.11? If so, bound fossils?

it is possible with bound but you need the highest level essence to make it worth it. that being said, i think the crafting guide wants you to grab incursion mods specifically as it has the double damage, but thats up to you in the end. both routes require luck, or just currency to buy it out

nicotinell wrote:
iznano wrote:
maps t13 max, I spent 40chaos in market.
For t14-16 need >10ex.

That is simply not true. This is my second league playing this build and you can comfortably do any content (including end-game bosses) with self-crafted items (slam Essence of Fear on a cheap 6L staff or 2h mace) and super cheap uniques (The Barron, Shaper's Touch and 5L Geofri's).

There is of course room for scale when you get to super-late game and stack a few orbs, which I would consider a plus.

"""""Why not true?? This is the first time I've taken a necromancer. I use the "3.11 TANKY END-GAME SETUP" build https://pastebin.com/ByZBVHFj. Geofri armor and simple gems pulled on 40 chaos.
6L weapons and 6L armor will pull another 8-10ex. Gems and amulet 5-10ex. For 40 chaos only T13.

Now I plan a fierce farm t10 for recipes chaos orb."""

i believe your luck and amount of currency you have should not be impose on other players

current price for deafening essence of fear is 14c per pop. considering the fact that it is very difficult to obtain +1 level to socketed gems, someone might actually spend several ex to even get it. there was also a recent buy out for a staff similar to yours for about 4x - 6x on average and not 6L. adding the 6L would drive it another ex or two depending on market price.

so what i am saying is i agree with iznano. it is heavy investment to bring it up higher to really push the potential of this build. please be realistic for all players, not just yourself.

this may not be a casual players guide for this league specifically

arcantris wrote:
your "useful levelign uniques" is full of lvl 65+ items...

it is stated that your leveling is mainly skill gem levels. so your leveling gear is basically whatever you can get and whatever gem slots you can stick it into. it makes sense that the level gear suggested in the guide is 65+ as your main leveling will happen in 65-88+ to get the build where you want it

keep in mind that the economy for this league is rather odd. basically everyone has free chaos/semi-fossil spams now due to harvest league....so ex prices are wayyyyy up....so i understand the difficulty people are having with farming and trying to gain enough currency to buy some of these items, cause they are expensive if you are not lucky

jdial3663 wrote:
I see a lot of people complaining that they can't successfully run T13 maps. Is there any truth to this? Given we are a couple weeks into the season it shouldn't be hard to come by a few exalts(especially in trade). With a few exalt investments can this build still run T16s?

last i checked an ex is 190c on average

I am currently at lv 90 with 5L femur and 5L geofri. i cannot go past T12 (depending on mods) and T13 (at all)...you can check my profile for my character set up (i got rid of AG as i have wasted a couple of uniques on it already)

main thing i am missing is the 6L for both the staff and chest. empower makes a huge difference for your zombies, as well as max enlighten adding the flesh and stone with maim.

it could be play style, it could be im doing something wrong, but i tried a lot of stuff and its becoming difficult. I would say that this is still a good farming build to build up currency for the current build or the next build.

i have read some of you are getting wrecked, you need to mess around with your play style. unfortunately you cant do what OP does and roflmao cyclone everywhere. You CAN if its an open map, you cannot do that if you are corridors and areas that block your zombies cause they are stupid. so you might have to switch your left mouse to attack and shift+tab to point zombies around.
Last edited by sekushiiandee on Jun 30, 2020, 2:12:53 PM
Does anyone have any tips for the levelling process?

I'm stuck on Act 4 (lvl 35) now: Piety's deathbeam one-shots everything I can throw at her, and when I do get to summon minions between her deathbeams, the damage to her energy shield that my minions do gets healed up almost completely during the deathbeam.

Even before getting to Piety, my minions had extreme trouble clearing Kaom and Daresso (almost 20 mins each), and generally just feel clunky while getting through each area.

I played a different summoner build in the previous league (Raise Spectre) and I don't recall having any such issues then during levelling. Is this a problem with the levelling tree given in this build? It feels like I have no skills to boost my minions with at this stage.

Would be grateful for any tips - as it stands, my time with this build has become increasingly frustrating and painful.
Loving this build so far! I'm currently at the "budget" level and had two questions about your PoB link.

1. Where you added the Thread of Hope jewel, what passives did you take in the medium ring?

2. Three jewel sockets are empty, what do you recommend for those?

To all those who complain that they are dying and cannot farm above T13. Below is my gear, which costs a maximum of 200-250c. I zoomed in the zombies myself, so it cost me 0. At the current exchange rate, this is a little more than 1ex. It’s okay that with this kind of garbage you cannot farm end-game content. Yes, you need to invest in a 6-Link mace, in gems and other gear. Also, do not forget that even so you will have ~9000 ES+HP.

You cannot expect to pick up a random piece of gear on the acts and kill Sirus with it. The game doesn't work like that. And yes, Spirit Offering in previous patches gave ES, so it was much easier to survive, but you need to either accept how it works now, or look for another build.

And yes, I changed Determintation to Discipline. So I feel safer.

Last edited by Deonix_ on Jul 1, 2020, 11:10:03 AM
Summon Skeletons and Summon Raging Spirits should work well on that kind of fight while leveling.

Does anyone have any tips for the levelling process?

I'm stuck on Act 4 (lvl 35) now: Piety's deathbeam one-shots everything I can throw at her, and when I do get to summon minions between her deathbeams, the damage to her energy shield that my minions do gets healed up almost completely during the deathbeam.

Even before getting to Piety, my minions had extreme trouble clearing Kaom and Daresso (almost 20 mins each), and generally just feel clunky while getting through each area.

I played a different summoner build in the previous league (Raise Spectre) and I don't recall having any such issues then during levelling. Is this a problem with the levelling tree given in this build? It feels like I have no skills to boost my minions with at this stage.

Would be grateful for any tips - as it stands, my time with this build has become increasingly frustrating and painful.
hey am following your build and everything going well! just hitted my lv 21 zombie and leveling empower to lv 3

my question is! would it worth to use a ring with lv 5 cast vulnerability on hit? would it proc with my cyclone? does the dmg upgrade is as crazy as it seem?

what do you think about it
brunowa wrote:
Eliasdk wrote:
looks nice!
PoB link or talentree link?:)

Done! just added
man, and the skeletons¿?¿? why the tittle say skeletons and the build dont use¿??¿ u brake me build, aaaahhh i hate you bro. dont say skeletons and the build dont use man. wtf, u are a pro player, why don whrite good the tittle¿? is mi first build, 60 hour played and u title brake my build...........
Deonix_ wrote:
To all those who complain that they are dying and cannot farm above T13. Below is my gear, which costs a maximum of 200-250c. I zoomed in the zombies myself, so it cost me 0. At the current exchange rate, this is a little more than 1ex. It’s okay that with this kind of garbage you cannot farm end-game content. Yes, you need to invest in a 6-Link mace, in gems and other gear. Also, do not forget that even so you will have ~9000 ES+HP.

Thank you for sharing the gear! 250c its real for me. Can you also show your body armor and gameplay videos?
Last edited by iznano on Jul 1, 2020, 7:12:33 AM
Thanks for this GREAT & AWESOME build!

I only died ONCE from Act 1 to Epilogue. (From the boss at Act 9 The Depraved Trinity from carelessness), 2 other times were from spinning trap mechanisms on the map which i was reckless with.

Which means this build is the BEST one in POE I've ever used.
All of the other builds involves dying multiple times at one of those hard bosses. And for this one, i didn't even die at Kitava.

Requires very little effort and I got all my gear from random drops.

Five Stars top notch build, very highly recommended.
iznano wrote:
Deonix_ wrote:
To all those who complain that they are dying and cannot farm above T13. Below is my gear, which costs a maximum of 200-250c. I zoomed in the zombies myself, so it cost me 0. At the current exchange rate, this is a little more than 1ex. It’s okay that with this kind of garbage you cannot farm end-game content. Yes, you need to invest in a 6-Link mace, in gems and other gear. Also, do not forget that even so you will have ~9000 ES+HP.

Thank you for sharing the gear! 250c its real for me. Can you also show your body armor and gameplay videos?

Cyclone -> Desecrate + Spirit Offering -> I stand next to the mobs and pray that they will not see me. There’s nothing to watch there, just play carefully. I am also dying on T14-T16 now, so I am saving up currency (~12ex) for the mace.

If you do not have enough currency, you can always sell jeweler's orb, orb of fusing or Run as many maps as possible.

Last edited by Deonix_ on Jul 1, 2020, 11:21:18 AM

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