3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Hey guys.
Im currently on 4.3kHP / 3.2k ES with 17chaos resist and over 80% elemental resist BEFORE flesh offering (so 40% chaos, above 100% ele) which is nice.

I just got Enlighten lvl4, but I when I start all the auras I have 11 mana left, so I cant use my movement skils :))

how do i get more mana? to have 24 mana for frostblink Id have to have 2k max mana (now I have 1100)

michealcell wrote:
Linus1985 wrote:
Vulnerability i get from my animate gaurdian. Vulnerability is more for bleed that enables the melee phys gem. BUT Sin Masters assassins mark is super powerful.

for 4th specter i run They of Tul, that blizzard effect will save you from some deaths.

5th specter is arena master for me.

Are you running an aggressive AG that doesn't use Gruthkul's Pelt so that you get the Vulnerability on hit from AG? What is your AG setup if you don't mind my asking?

Phys damage increase taken aura helm
Consecrate bodyarmour with phy reduction and phy taken as lightning corruption
Shaper's touch corrupted with vulnerability curse on hit
Windshriek boots
I'm stuck at lv 91 since weeks.
Granted that I'm new to the game and my computer is a potato, I play 3 hours at night and I finish at 0% exp.

I was thinking of adding another cluster gems setup, cutting down the tank skill points of the tree since they don't seems to do much difference.

Any help would be appreciated.

Now sitting at 1.7m dps/zombie with 13 zombies and 6.8k hp/ 1.2k ES.
Can do pretty much everything deathless except 100% delirious juiced maps where kosis pretty much 1shot ur face most of the time.


I'm using Host/Carnage Chieftain, Baranite Cleric for the extra 20% phys to lightning damage small aura, and Arena Master. These spectres have yet to die even in 100% delirium maps. I do not use curse spectre since I have curse on my gloves.

Over 100ex invested for sure, but hey, what am I gonna do with all the currency anyway.

Running Pride, Flesh, dread banner, purity of elements, and Avian.

Ynneb82 wrote:
I'm stuck at lv 91 since weeks.
Granted that I'm new to the game and my computer is a potato, I play 3 hours at night and I finish at 0% exp.

I was thinking of adding another cluster gems setup, cutting down the tank skill points of the tree since they don't seems to do much difference.

Progressing beyond 91 requires '100% death avoidance' - that means farming "safe" content.

L82 Delve or Beachhead T15s - farm 30K Sulphite or buy 4 maps and you'll get 91-92 in about 1-2 hours

As for Clusters - they are generally "more damage less survival" - you get SOME survival from small clusters but never what you gave-up to get the large clusters (I've tried this on 5 builds - always the same end-result)

This build does seem to thrive on 'attack as defense' but you could also swap "Mistress of Sacrifice" for "Bone Barrier" ascendancy for extra survival perhaps (as MoS only really benefits users of Bone Sacrifice anyway??)
Last edited by ohnpeat on May 9, 2020, 9:22:40 PM
ntpphong wrote:
Now sitting at 1.7m dps/zombie with 13 zombies and 6.8k hp/ 1.2k ES.

What are you using to calculate that - I notice you use a Timeless Jewel which makes PoB calculations "unreliable" to say the least?

I also notice you have Curse-on-Hit gloves but we don't hit things so they'd not actually do much (PoB includes their effect but I don't think it would be applied??)
ohnpeat wrote:
ntpphong wrote:
Now sitting at 1.7m dps/zombie with 13 zombies and 6.8k hp/ 1.2k ES.

What are you using to calculate that - I notice you use a Timeless Jewel which makes PoB calculations "unreliable" to say the least?

I also notice you have Curse-on-Hit gloves but we don't hit things so they'd not actually do much (PoB includes their effect but I don't think it would be applied??)

My lethal pride gives me 5% strenght, 5% life, and 20% fire resist in addition to the extra str per node. So if pob could calculate the dps would be even more.
I hit things by cyclone so I DO apply the curse.
Import the pastebin and you can see calculation.
Last edited by ntpphong on May 9, 2020, 8:47:37 PM
ntpphong wrote:
ohnpeat wrote:
ntpphong wrote:
Now sitting at 1.7m dps/zombie with 13 zombies and 6.8k hp/ 1.2k ES.

What are you using to calculate that - I notice you use a Timeless Jewel which makes PoB calculations "unreliable" to say the least?

I also notice you have Curse-on-Hit gloves but we don't hit things so they'd not actually do much (PoB includes their effect but I don't think it would be applied??)

My lethal pride gives me 5% strenght, 5% life, and 20% fire resist in addition to the extra str per node. So if pob could calculate the dps would be even more.
I hit things by cyclone so I DO apply the curse.
Import the pastebin and you can see calculation.

Ah - the benefits of not using a Bow (budget confines me to a Bow!) - Cyclone...

I wondered if there was some tool/trick/version of PoB which did this better (I used the 'COmmunity' PoB?) but Timeless Jewels are a pain - it's easy to add their benefits but trickier to calculate the 'losses' (as it nullifies all nodes in-range)

Last edited by ohnpeat on May 9, 2020, 9:43:46 PM
For the 4th spectre do i actually need Lvl 21 raise spectre or it can be Lvl 20 and boosted with support lvls?
Lets stay at the Spectre/AG Discussion :D

Definition of Vulnerability is clear:

Wiki: Vulnerability is a spell that curses all targets in an area, making them take increased physical damage and granting hits dealt on the cursed targets a chance to apply bleed and maim.
---> Good for phy DMG.

Elemental Weakness is clear.
Flammability is clear
Enfeeble is a debuff against Enemies.

Assasines Mark let your Minions do more Crits And there i dont see a real Benefit over Vulnerabitlity.

As i can only apply 1 curse, i would chose a Spectre that cast Enfeeble (Diabolist)
or Vulnerability like Merveils Retainer.

If the AG has Gloves with Vul on Hit that would be nice against Single Targets, at least for my understanding.
Last edited by RDS1964 on May 10, 2020, 1:57:45 AM

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