[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

clerino wrote:

Thanks a lot.

Why is the armour in the stat page unreliable? What do you check instead?

Path of Building is generally the most reliable way to see how good your stats are
ruffmagga wrote:
Hi man,

I was wondering if the Jugg ascendency (Unbreakable > Unflinching > Unyielding > Unstoppable/Unrelenting) is viable to start League and just UberLabfarm and lowlevel Delve ?
i like the Jugg endurance charge mechanic (with Kaom's Way), you can just run and loot. There is delve mod like "monsters cannot be stun" : annoying to generate Endurance Charge on Berserker.

Thanks for this guide and your rigor !

should be very viable and alot more defensive

if you go undeniable, you do not need to spec into Resolute Technique so you can drop it as you will have alot of accuracy

if you can spare the point you can invest into crit as well
Last edited by frawrst on Jun 10, 2020, 9:45:41 PM
Hey and ty for the build. This is my POB https://pastebin.com/vaTMGGhh
I know I am still low lvl, but my damage seems to be pretty low and the clear speed is not good.I can take big hits so survivability is not big concert atm, but against bosses I feel pretty slow.Can you check my pob if I am missing something ? What am doing wrong and where I have to improve at most . thank you :)

Note : I am using Onlaught flask, but in pob shows basalt
Will be playing this once 3.11 rolls in, but I have one question.

Do you think even with the new/buffed warcries Kaom's Heart remains at the top for Body Armors or would you prefer adding another 6-link in (most likely Vaal Ancestral Warchief) by using Sporeguard / Carcass Jack / Loreweave or even a crafted rare chest (I'm in particular looking at an explode/phys reflect immunity chest so that doing all content seems more than just a pipe dream)?
I love this build and the explanations, for sure I will use it as a league starter since it has so many options for weapons and gear, make an update on the new gems when possible after league starts pls
Last edited by gogulikzagod1990 on Jun 13, 2020, 2:42:21 AM
Hi. Your build looks really cool. Gonna try it in new league, hope you can update it if you have time, cos as i udnerstand there are some new features coming. Thank you for sharing.
AlexAndonov wrote:
Hey and ty for the build. This is my POB https://pastebin.com/vaTMGGhh
I know I am still low lvl, but my damage seems to be pretty low and the clear speed is not good.I can take big hits so survivability is not big concert atm, but against bosses I feel pretty slow.Can you check my pob if I am missing something ? What am doing wrong and where I have to improve at most . thank you :)

Note : I am using Onlaught flask, but in pob shows basalt

hey friend

here is my PoB


some stuff you can improve that i can see

40% increase ground slam damage enchant helm

better jewels, with double attack speed with maces and % max life

max lvl skills, like blood and sand and main ground slam links. Get 20 quality too

awakened brutality and awakened melee physical (you need a source of intimidate badly)

link maim to flesh and stone for more dps from its blood strance

get a source of fortify, either from overlord cluster jewel, fortify on main link GS or on leap slam

vulerbility curse on hit gloves (tombfists are great for these corruptions)

abyss jewels in tombs

better rysalathas, divine it so your max phys is alot higher

if you have the $$$, a corrupted 6 link tidebreaker with fortify support

double damage + attack physical damage pride watchers eye

crusader explosion chest

if you want to see very expensive upgs $$$ check out hitmas guide


Last edited by frawrst on Jun 13, 2020, 9:20:04 PM
Will be playing this once 3.11 rolls in, but I have one question.

Do you think even with the new/buffed warcries Kaom's Heart remains at the top for Body Armors or would you prefer adding another 6-link in (most likely Vaal Ancestral Warchief) by using Sporeguard / Carcass Jack / Loreweave or even a crafted rare chest (I'm in particular looking at an explode/phys reflect immunity chest so that doing all content seems more than just a pipe dream)?

kaoms is an excellent chest, giving insane eHP due to warbringer

however in almost every league ive opted for a templte % max hp chest with links, as you said for anc warchief or a cwdt setup or similar

explode is insane for clear

to note; while reflect phys chest is good, due to aspect of carnage we will still take reflected damage =[ (similar to abyssus)
Last edited by frawrst on Jun 13, 2020, 10:11:02 PM
I love this build and the explanations, for sure I will use it as a league starter since it has so many options for weapons and gear, make an update on the new gems when possible after league starts pls

glad to hear it! yes i plan to update all trees and such when we get patch notes this week
b1ad3poe wrote:
Hi. Your build looks really cool. Gonna try it in new league, hope you can update it if you have time, cos as i udnerstand there are some new features coming. Thank you for sharing.

yes, will be lots of updates

i suspect we will use seismic and intimidating war cry, but not sure if we want the instant war cry notable (will have to see changes on war bringer)

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