[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

hendrik16 wrote:
Thanks for the build! Quite good clearing, but I get often very fast killed in t4 t5 maps. Maybe doing something wrong?
My profile is public, maybe some one can give some advice? Can't run all aura's, have to make a choice also...

Thanks a lot...!

build looks good, defense wise you are only lvl 80, with 45 life crafted rings etc

get better gear, use better flasks like onslaught/quicksilver to dodge hits
DrHarvey12 wrote:
Made it through the levelling process ok but the Ground Slam AoE does feel fairly lackluster now without the Rapid Expansion jewels. Vaal GS helps a lot but in my case I swapped out of it for regular GS to try and get used to Fist of War early on which was probably a mistake. I also didn't use warcries until later on which was another mistake as they are less clunky than I feared.

Once I equipped all my proper gear at level 68 things felt substantially better and the increased ground slam angle enchant plus the increased angle from the divergent ground slam makes you hit just about 180 degrees in front of you which feels great. Couple that with the AoE from Blunderbore, pulverise, fist of war and seismic cry and your groundslam hits pretty much to the edge of the screen or offscreen. The one big attack every couple of seconds feels great for clearing. Had a couple of issues versus essence mobs where they had insane ES recharge that forced me to hold down right click on them to prevent their ES from recharging between each hit but otherwise hitting every 2 seconds or so is working out fine.

The attack time was a concern but I have gotten it to feel ok by using the raider ascendancy from the Fobidden Flesh / Flame combo and crafting min frenzy charges on all 3 bits of jewellery. That gives me permanent onslaught as well as the attack speed from the frenzy charges and the attack time feels ok now. It's still fairly slow but rewards you for attacking a little early and letting the mobs run into you. With the AoE feeling so good it's not too big of an issue. Plus once you get either a lesser acceleration shrine or a greater acceleration shrine it's nice and fast.

I did also need to invest more into life leech for keeping good uptime on overleech so grabbed the wheel Martial Experience and focussed on the increased overleech from hits so that my one big hit would hopefully give me enough leech for the full 5 seconds. It seems to be working great so far and I definitely notice it if it goes down.

All in all, happy with the progress so far. Still have to get more damage really from the last 5 or 6 passives and it'll be interesting to see what level of content feels good with the character. You really do want to be killing normal and magic mobs in one hit for the build to feel good so it'll mostly depend on what level of map that stops happening.


I'm no expert and haven't played the version of the build you are using but I notice you have 3 life flasks and a mana flask. You seem to have mana leech on gear so do you still need the mana flask? I'd also try and drop down to one instant divine life flask if you can. You should definitely try and get a Lion's Roar unique flask as that will give you 10% More melee damage as well as a bunch of flat armour which should help versus physical attacks. They start as low as a couple of chaos for a badly rolled one and about 10c last time I checked for the perfect 10% roll. Frawst has a guide to his recommended flasks in his guide so maybe look to follow that.

this sounds like a really fun version of the build, big bonk style!
Hey everyone.

I hit a wall with my current setup and was hoping to get some input. Id like to give this another shot next league but want to make sure I got it down beforehand.


I think my gear is o-k, but not sure what to replace.

Veilleux wrote:
Hey everyone.

I hit a wall with my current setup and was hoping to get some input. Id like to give this another shot next league but want to make sure I got it down beforehand.


I think my gear is o-k, but not sure what to replace.


gear is looking pretty decent: heres some tips off top of my head

use catalysts on ryslaths to get to 48% more phys

get a inc berserk effect helm enchant

drop seismic and ancestral cry, they do not add dmg. use infernal cry for clear and rallying cry for boss dps

link mail to flesh and stone for a inc phys dmg boost

drop mana flask and bismuth flask, get lions roar or an armor flask

start looking into powerful influenced rares

your jewels should be % max life, then 2-3x attack speed rolls. phys dmg is okay but not amazing since we have so much already

your warcry masterys are not ones i would choose. i prefer remove ailment and 15% life (very defensivve and strong) and mimimum of 10 power to keep berserk up as much as possible

get 28% or 30% tidebreaker,

annoint a better passive on neck, kinetic impact is 7% dmg increase whiule ur current annoint is only 1.9%
Last edited by frawrst on Apr 20, 2022, 7:07:27 PM
excited for reveal next thursday! will post thoughts when sentinel revealed
Last edited by frawrst on Apr 27, 2022, 12:23:51 PM
Anyone has a 3.17 POB? OP only has a 3.16 linked
jybpoe wrote:
Anyone has a 3.17 POB? OP only has a 3.16 linked


from few post up
Last edited by mikerusinov on May 1, 2022, 2:05:27 AM
jybpoe wrote:
Anyone has a 3.17 POB? OP only has a 3.16 linked

the pob didnt change as there was only item changes for this build for 3.17

when we get 3.18 updates for pob ill do one and a write up on front page, i will likely be starting as an impale version using maces for this league starter
when we get 3.18 updates for pob ill do one and a write up on front page, i will likely be starting as an impale version using maces for this league starter

Do you think it's worth it to add some sources of impale to the current build or do you need to really invest in it in order to feel a boost in dmg ? (i'm really confused about impale btw aha)
vozde wrote:
when we get 3.18 updates for pob ill do one and a write up on front page, i will likely be starting as an impale version using maces for this league starter

Do you think it's worth it to add some sources of impale to the current build or do you need to really invest in it in order to feel a boost in dmg ? (i'm really confused about impale btw aha)

ill have to do some investigating and experimenting, but for the RT mace version impale is a straight huge ups upgrade since we are pure phys and scale huge single hits.

i think we will skip impale gem and look to get all sources of impale chance from tree and implicits/gear

that will allow us to keep our normal links and enjoy impale scaling

the previous versions didnt impale at all, and had great dps still, i just like trying something new everytime i do this build

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