3.11 NEBULOCH JUG. TECTONIC SLAM, HC SUPER TANK, 3.11 BUFFED! Featured by Goodgaming!


shure find me a sirus on sc and pm me. then ill do it

I mean its your guide after all claiming "HC Awakener still viable works flawless". And i have my big doubts about AL8 Sirus. But whatever mate have a nice day.
uploaded video of clear
zzang wrote:

shure find me a sirus on sc and pm me. then ill do it

I mean its your guide after all claiming "HC Awakener still viable works flawless". And i have my big doubts about AL8 Sirus. But whatever mate have a nice day.

i guess since new changes i cant clame that. ill change the title. thats the sad part of keeping guides upto date in hc. and its also so time consuming
hey, do i miss something or whats the reason for not using elemental focus instead of conc at least in maps? also loving the build so far :)

also is soul of steel still worth it when we use loreweave?

checked your new pob and i agree in maps the damage is pretty good if u have frenzy charges and flasks up but against bosses the damage isnt that great because we cant keep up the frenzy/flask charges
Last edited by bahnschranke on Mar 22, 2020, 6:58:51 PM
bahnschranke wrote:
hey, do i miss something or whats the reason for not using elemental focus instead of conc at least in maps? also loving the build so far :)

also is soul of steel still worth it when we use loreweave?

checked your new pob and i agree in maps the damage is pretty good if u have frenzy charges and flasks up but against bosses the damage isnt that great because we cant keep up the frenzy/flask charges

i switch between many diff gem setups- nothing is carved in stone here
Hey man thanks for all your hard work! This build works great and ive cleared so many red maps even with mirror and not dying. Vaal Ancestral guardian seems to die in a few seconds to basically every boss though. Is there another possible setup we can use on the helm ? +1 curse and then CoH/flammability? Any recommendations if we dont like the guardian?
bahnschranke wrote:
hey, do i miss something or whats the reason for not using elemental focus instead of conc at least in maps? also loving the build so far :)

also is soul of steel still worth it when we use loreweave?

checked your new pob and i agree in maps the damage is pretty good if u have frenzy charges and flasks up but against bosses the damage isnt that great because we cant keep up the frenzy/flask charges

i switch between many diff gem setups- nothing is carved in stone here

i see :)

toyed a bit with PoB. highest dps setup seems to be with multistrike instead of melee phys (coz i have awakened elemental damage with attacks i guess) and conc effect at least for my character
Last edited by bahnschranke on Mar 23, 2020, 8:09:08 AM

This is my POB:


Following the 3.10 POB guide.

Anyone has any tips for more dps or maybe I am doing something wrong. I couldn't do A4 Veritania I was tickling her. Kosis not even a dent.

What do you recommend to upgrade/change next?
antmangaka wrote:

This is my POB:


Following the 3.10 POB guide.

Anyone has any tips for more dps or maybe I am doing something wrong. I couldn't do A4 Veritania I was tickling her. Kosis not even a dent.

What do you recommend to upgrade/change next?

your gear is fine. get some nice 4 mod jewels. and dude you dont have any leech.. annoint the claw leech note.

and Tabula.. get a real chest. i recommend a good rare.

also just drop the dex and get lower lvl br and dash..
... annoint the claw leech note.

Having just experienced it... it's a game changer. Makes everything so much smoother. Well worth the outlay for the Silver Oil.

First time dealing with Lethal Pride in a build.

Are we safe enough to assume any Kiloava jewel will be somewhat helpful? Or should we dig out specific numbers (where possible) online before committing?
(Or is there a known optimal one we should prioritise? Hopefully not given the 8000 odd combinations)

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