[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

I'm really curious what this "Coin shower" on the alternate Item Rarity Support is supposed to be.
Currency drop/shower would seem too strong but what else could be implied by "coin"
Singulare wrote:
I'm really curious what this "Coin shower" on the alternate Item Rarity Support is supposed to be.
Currency drop/shower would seem too strong but what else could be implied by "coin"

Probably either perandus or the new heist coins. because 2% is a high number so it can't be anything too exciting currency-wise.
Ok, thnx for all input on Essence Drain and Contagion.
Blight though,


Blight Default 10% increased Area of Effect
Alternate Quality 1 20% increased Chaos Damage
Alternate Quality 2 60% increased Secondary Duration

Isn't AQ1 a better suggestion to go for if possible?
rövballeknut wrote:
Ok, thnx for all input on Essence Drain and Contagion.
Blight though,


Blight Default 10% increased Area of Effect
Alternate Quality 1 20% increased Chaos Damage
Alternate Quality 2 60% increased Secondary Duration

Isn't AQ1 a better suggestion to go for if possible?

To me it looks like it is. Contagion + ED gives us enough AoE clear, Blight is there to ramp up single target DPS.

I am very curious how common the AQ gems will be.
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Last edited by Jadran on Sep 17, 2020, 1:00:58 PM
Shortx wrote:
Regarding the bow with liquefaction suffix, would it be better to go through your 5ex (about my budget) crafting guide and hope to get the +1 to socketed and liquefaction suffix with alteration orbs? Or try another method or just save for the next bow in your guide?
I think your chance of alt-spamming liquefaction and paragon together from lucky alt / aug / regal is very low.

Generally you can craft a bow with liquefaction and 1 trash suffix for about 1ex more expensive than the "5ex bow" in the guide. The trash suffix is not a problem as long as you're not planning the redeemer orb slam pog bow. I.e. are still in the budget range.

You might need some extra prep, for example putting Leo in research in syndicate and levelling him to rank3 saves you 1ex that you'd have to spend from your pocket otherwise (putting the price at 2ex more than the budget bow). You can sometimes buy the service (Leo rank3 bench) from other players for cheaper than 1ex.

What you do:
- alt spam for liquefaction
- regal
- if you have 2 suffix you're fine, if you have 1 suffix 1 prefix beast craft "remove a prefix add a suffix", if you have 2 suffix 1 prefix (or more), annul until you have one of the previous cases (2 suffix or 1 prefix 1 suffix) -> if brick go back to alt spam
- craft cannot roll attack modifiers (1ex)
- apply leo rank3 in research bench or 1ex
- multimod for +2 to support gems and 40% chaos multi (this part costs 4ex 4c and whatever to unlock mods / crafting fees)

The "bad suffix" will be probably something like accuracy or increased stun duration on enemies which is generally useless but there isn't anything great to put there if you don't have a spare conqueror orb to slam.

HHLupus wrote:
Regen from ED quality looks really nice, another 10% increased damage isn't doing much anyways.
To actually benefit from it, wouldn't we need Zealot's Oath all the way to the left side of the tree which all those travel nodes?
This is a life build tho? Zealot's Oath is for ES builds (low life / CI).
Last edited by Viktranka on Sep 17, 2020, 1:23:13 PM
Hello, i want to know if there its a nerf in the last patch notes for this build, want to try in hc :), Thanks!
Darkxellmc wrote:
Sadly, nothing really stands out to me for alternate quality on main gems.
The ED regen is half decent, but I'd rather not bother and just take a bit of damage.
There's a few good things on auras and quality of life gems, here's the list of swaps I think are worth doing:


From: 40% increased Area of Effect
To : You and nearby allies have 10% increased Skill Effect Duration

From: 40% increased Area of Effect
To : 10% increased Damage while on Full Energy Shield

Flesh and Stone
From: 10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
To : Buff grants 10% increased Evasion Rating and Armour

Flame dash
From: 10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
To : 20% increased travel distance

Empower Support
From: This Gem gains 100% increased Experience
To : 60% reduced Strength Requirement

Infused Channelling Support
From: Gain Infusion after Channelling a Supported Skill for -0.4 seconds
To : 10% increased Effect of Infusion

Intensify Support
From: Supported Skills deal 10% increased Area Damage
To : Supported Skills have 10% increased Area of Effect

Note that The following seems interesting:
Item Rarity Support
10% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills
Alternate Quality 1 :
Supported Skills have 2% chance for Coin Shower on Kill

If this is strong, we may just put that in contagion instead of faster casting, as it's always contagion that does the killing.

IDK man the alt quality ED gems seems pretty insane to me. That's 20% more regen. That is absolutely bonkers.

My tooltip DPS for this build from delirium is 845,000.

Default quality regen

Alt quality regen

That's nothing to sneeze at and is well worth a measly 10% increased DoT
Last edited by IceColdPorkSoda on Sep 17, 2020, 3:42:22 PM
Hey, thanks for the nice guide.
Do you have a leveling skill tree by chance? I'm not really sure which way to go first when leveling :/
POB links don't appear to be working for me, at least the top one. Anyone else having issues?
SnotZombie wrote:
POB links don't appear to be working for me, at least the top one. Anyone else having issues?

Copy and paste the whole pastebin instead of the link.

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