[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Raotiz wrote:
Alt spamm culling strike, then you wanna get another suffix and craft cannot roll attack mods so you block alot of attack mods

then you go either reroll prefixes keep suffixes or augment new influence. then aug caster for spell dmg

You wanna make sure you dont get a non targetable mod before you augment with new influence mod

aug influence=expensive but probably higher chance (?)

Can someone please explaing better in detail the steps to craft those gloves please?
Hey Guys!

Someone can help me?

I have a hunter ilvl 84 and want craft +1 int gems and malevolence reduced reservation...

when got this 2 mods, i will do multi craft etc to clean it and got other mods for this build (dot, +1 chaos etc)

Which way are easiest to got this 2 first mods? +1 int and malevolence red reserv?

Idk much about fossil craft, but probably have some way to block mods and do it in some easy way...

ty gl!

Sorry for my poor english!!

Last edited by Rato86 on Jul 12, 2020, 11:02:10 AM
I just bought a belt with aspect of the spider ... but I can't use it with discipline and malevolence up .. any advice?
KekkoRebu wrote:
Raotiz wrote:
Alt spamm culling strike, then you wanna get another suffix and craft cannot roll attack mods so you block alot of attack mods

then you go either reroll prefixes keep suffixes or augment new influence. then aug caster for spell dmg

You wanna make sure you dont get a non targetable mod before you augment with new influence mod

aug influence=expensive but probably higher chance (?)

Can someone please explaing better in detail the steps to craft those gloves please?

I can explain it more detaily how I did it, there may be better and cheaper ways.

1. Alt spam a double influenced item (elder + warlord) for culling strike
2. When you hit culling strike you wanna regal and annul so culling strike is the only mod on the gloves.
3. you augment with chaos so it gets 1 suffix which you can remove later, leaving 1 suffix open for craft.
4. you craft "cannot roll attack modifiers" on the last suffix so the next process gets easier, blocking about 7 prefixes and as the item already have 3 suffixes we dont have to worry about those.
5. now your item have chaos res/chaos dot, culling strike and crafted cannot roll atk mods.
6. Now I shifted between 2 methods, Used augment with new influence mod and keep suffix roll prefixes. now it gets a big tricky..

if you use roll prefixes keep suffixes, make sure you dont get a non targetable mod before you augment with new influence mod (mana/attributes/#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill/maximum frenzy charges), if you do you have to keep suffix roll prefixes

for me it was like 20 attempts getting it.

baguz wrote:
I just bought a belt with aspect of the spider ... but I can't use it with discipline and malevolence up .. any advice?
Switch your phase run for enlighten lvl 3 in your helm!
Last edited by Raotiz on Jul 12, 2020, 11:43:50 AM
Raotiz wrote:
I'm looking to minmax this build, not switching to the lowlife version, could need some tips on what to uppgrade besides the synthesised +1 bow

Double Corrupt Chest
Ornate Quiver (@Darkxell_FloraEssence is offering a Splitting Service for Orante Quiver)
Is there anything to do to make it less of a pain to get an arcane surge ring?
Hey, This is my first league never played poe before so I'm still learning.

Currently at T5 Maps, I feel my DMG could be better so wondering what else I could do to improve it although I could be completely wrong as I have no experience to know otherwise.

Based on the flowchart my Cane, ED Lv21 and Transcendent Mind are my next upgrades I think.

If someone could check my character and let me know what else I should be working on changing/improving that would be great.

Can someone explain me how to craft a cheaper "{10ex} Dot multiplier BIS bow" with Harvest, someone told me i can skip the Can have 3 crafted modifiers // Cannot roll attack mods but i want to be sure how to do it, i'm quite low on currency and can't afford to make a mistake in the process...

Thanks !
Dealz wrote:
Hey, This is my first league never played poe before so I'm still learning.

Currently at T5 Maps, I feel my DMG could be better so wondering what else I could do to improve it although I could be completely wrong as I have no experience to know otherwise.

Based on the flowchart my Cane, ED Lv21 and Transcendent Mind are my next upgrades I think.

If someone could check my character and let me know what else I should be working on changing/improving that would be great.

Definitely Cane, you're only on a 4 link cane which is a big loss of damage. You probably can't afford to buy a 6 link, but a five link will still be an improvement.

You also need to get a Witchfire Brew, it's a lot more damage than you'd think and they're relatively cheap. Replace your grey evasion flask with it.

Arkhandar wrote:
Can someone explain me how to craft a cheaper "{10ex} Dot multiplier BIS bow" with Harvest

Thanks !

1. Use the guide in OP until step 11, so you've got the rare bow with just % dot multi and nothing else.

2. Instead of crafting multimod and cannot roll attack in step 12, we can craft cannot roll attack and then use harvest crafting to augment a suffix (fire, cold or lightning are good as they can easily be removed later). This lets us save 2ex on the multimod craft.

This is about all that haven't gives us for the bow, but there's lots of posts about making ammys, rings, gloves and belt in the previous 10 pages or so.
Last edited by SScouty on Jul 12, 2020, 6:57:35 PM

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