[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Welp, pretty massibe buffs anounced for harvest.

We'll be able to have synthetised bases back. I fully expect them to be expensive, this is only a buff for minmaxing. But ED tricksters benefited heavily from synth implicits in synthesis, and this will be no different.
Note that you can now only get one implicit instead of 3, and synthesised bases can not be influenced. As synthesis isn't an influence, you cannot use awakening orbs on them either.

The very powerful mods are:

[Bow] +1 to level of socketed gems
This is a nobrainer. 16% more damage if you have a +1 amulet, 21% more if you don't (but you should). This mod has a 1/300 chance of popping when you roll a bow, so It'll be expensive. It means we'll need to get onslaught from somewhere else (back to abyss jewels), and we loose 10% movespeed, but that's 100% worth it.
Note that this burries faceted fossils, as we're already hitting ed gem level 31 without them, and going above gem level 30 has diminishing returns.
There are less powerful variants of this mods (+1 int, +1 strength, +1 chaos), but I personally would not spend 10ex crafting on them. Depends on the price, I guess.

[Ring] gain arcane surge on hit for 4 seconds
We didn't even use influenced mods on our rings. Sure, it means we potentially loose a bit of life from temple mod, but this is a massive buff overall. 10% more damage and some cast speed with no drawback.

[Ring] 18% dot multi
This one's apparently a 1/1600 chance to hit, just don't. But it'd probably be pretty cool as a 2nd synth ring when minmaxing. Tbh, I'm not even sure this actually exists, this looks like a poeDB bug, as some implicits have the wrong values.
What about the change to Wind Dancer?

As far as I can tell it will cost 4 more points to get it now (if you skip Pain Attunement). However you then get another jewel socket. If that is not needed, then 2 more points - hardly build breaking?
Just to say many thanks for the build as the season just ended.

I had a blast playing this, ended up level 93 and got much further than I got before. The guide was so good I only had to ask a couple of questions in one post, after I'd been playing it for quite a long time. The flowchart makes it really easy to work out the upgrade path.

Great guide format and a damn good build. Cheers!
Looks like this build dodged the Nerf Manifesto and I’m looking forward to trying it next league. Are you planning on updating it?
Aw damn, lad, my own mother never explained things to me so neat and clear. Thank you!
My regret is I did not start with this!
I had an amazing end of league, took a Jugg to 96 and this to 96 both firsts for me! Killed Kosis, defeated simulacrum, Sirus Al8. Hit 29. Lot's of love for Delirium and this build!
Looking forward to league start with this.
It also looks like the commoners are lighting the torches for ED/Cont.
I think it is safe because while deadly and very effective, you still must engage with the game, and I know that is important to GGG.
And it costs a hell of a lot to really make this effortless :)
I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say...
Last edited by GrunkleBob on Jun 16, 2020, 11:25:12 AM
GrunkleBob wrote:
It also looks like the commoners are lighting the torches for ED/Cont.
Lol why, this isn't some "3 shapers per second" type of build.
Would be nice to see modified leveling section to use spell slinger ED Con / Bane since its a much smoother leveling experience.
I'm planning on league starting with this build, so i'm looking foward to the update for the 3.11, specially the tree. Seems like there may be some sizeable changes to it.

Jkjk. Any real build changing effects to the build?

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