[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Last edited by InkFathomInfiltrator on Jun 12, 2020, 12:30:39 AM
I don't actually know how to come up with an example of a build that isn't viable.
Every skill can be "viable" if you throw enough currency at it. Some streamers / youtubers live off making meme builds work, like leap slam or lightning warp as main skill. Some skills are extremely inefficient though, that's why you can easily league start with ED+cont but it took herald stacking level of investment to revive ethereal knives.

This is very strong, likely to be a must annoint now. Still no good reason to path to there, but looks good.
No more FoM annoint or soul of steel. I'll kinda miss the damage reduction, but this node is ~13% more damage on any chaos build, that's way too good.
Not sure why twitter is saying it's shit, I don't think they even understand how wither works.
Is this going to be updated for Harvest?
:: Man in black fled across the desert, and the gun slinger followed"
Darkxellmc wrote:

Not sure why twitter is saying it's shit, I don't think they even understand how wither works.
Probably. :) I've seen someone asking on a bane thread whether this is a nerf because of loss of chaos multi from corruption.

But with cluster jewels we got ways to add more chaos multi to builds so having ~5 nodes with chaos multi stars feeling very generic, I think it's nice they're trying to add some identity to nodes, and I expect they're adding it on witch side because occultist already has synergy with withered (a passive aura for it).

Are the expected changes likely to still keep this build achievable for players without a deep understanding of game/lack of time to build high levels of currency?

I can still find around 10ex achievable, but beyond that would probably not be realistic.

BTW, your flowcharts are some of the most userfriendly tools I have seen in any guide in POE.

Thanks for you effort. Looking forward to the 3.11 refresh.
Last edited by infrasonicreturns on Jun 12, 2020, 6:14:03 PM

Are the expected changes likely to still keep this build achievable for players without a deep understanding of game/lack of time to build high levels of currency?

I can still find around 10ex achievable, but beyond that would probably not be realistic.

BTW, your flowcharts are some of the most userfriendly tools I have seen in any guide in POE.

Thanks for you effort. Looking forward to the 3.11 refresh.

While there's definitely going to be a few changes, the progression style will be very similar. Bruises through leveling and early endgame, mediocre against mid tier endgame, subpar on your first t16s while you have no investment, and quickly back up to super smooth mapping after you invested a few exs.

You've played it, you know what to expect, it'll be similar ^^
Actually, mapping should feel smoother earlier on, since cluster jewel requirement is lessened. But let's be honest, that's a very small change overall.

Btw: How would you guys feel on dropping wither totem entirely and use blight to apply wither?
It'd leave us space for a 3l CwDT setup, and with a second wind flame dash, we probably can use shitty steps instead of phase run (frenzies, wither and elusive...?).
I'll keep experimenting this weekend to put up an updated guide before release. Always a bit hard to release something in such a short window between patch notes and launch day ^^'
Power creep question incoming: can this build do a T19 100% Delirious map?
Trying to compare power to some other builds claiming this, e.g. the Low Life DD+VD Spellsinger.
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Jadran wrote:
Power creep question incoming: can this build do a T19 100% Delirious map?
Trying to compare power to some other builds claiming this, e.g. the Low Life DD+VD Spellsinger.

Haven't tried it. Probably not, at least definitely not comfortably.

ED's damage is just going to be too low, and there are nasty oneshots, especially from beyond, that are going to hurt very bad. I don't know if it would actually kill you, but ED is definitely not a skill I'd use for juiced t19s.

Why aren't you just running a temp chains HH setup like the cool boys tho? Winter orb probably being the best one...
Another possibility for next league -- the new timeless jewel keystone Chainbreaker looks pretty awesome:

This gives us access to rage, which by itself is a nice 10% buff to movement speed, but isn't too crazy beyond that. However, with a berserk skill, things may get a bit more interesting.

Berserk (https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Berserk) "Consumes Rage at an accelerating rate to provide a powerful buff, granting more attack damage, attack speed, movement speed, and less damage taken" -- basically, we can consume our built-up rage for a flat 20% less damage taken at gem lvl 21, on top of 30% MS. May be worth socketing in somewhere if we can otherwise meet the str req for the gem. From my calculations on Berserk, with no increased mana regen taken on the tree and a default rage pool of 50, we should be able to have the buff up for 7 seconds before we run out and have to recharge, with % increases in mana (rage) regen massively extending the amount of time we could keep the buff active. With a second wind support on berserk, we can get that CD between casts all the way down to 3.5s, meaning we should be able to have a flat 20% reduction in damage up more than 2/3 of the time, or at the very least have access to a full rage pool for any boss encounter.

I think this build works great with this mechanic, as we rarely actually 'hit' anything, other than on an initial ED cast, meaning that we should have max / close to max rage up on a regular basis.

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