[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

Stormzerker wrote:
Can someone explain to me doing the HOP Version - What is desercrate do? - WHy do we use it - How do we get spiders? I can only get like 2-4 during a boss fight or opening of a dungeon.

What do i have to do if im doing something wrong? lol

Desecrate spawn corpses. Then on one kill, you spwan 2 spiders for each corpses...up to 20.

To get a kill without ennemy, you use the Jar flask and kill the worms.
Use desecrate 1 or 2 times, use writhing jars and REALLY quickly kill worms.
I am 66 and a bit slow so i hit flask buttons 1 + 2 together to get 4 worms.
If you have a Golem present try getting rid of him to practice.
Later when you are confident and quicker you can let him live.

I find i never use Deathmark so should i start to try to cast it?
I assume the Deathmark on our weapon is the one to use?

As previously stated i am 66 and probably more than a bit slow.

Tried dropping Deathmark on body armour so i could use a Raise Zombie gem and found the game play to be much smoother using them.
Smoother i mean before boss fights all that was required was to summon zombies and as they quickly died were replaced with spiders.

Also good for Jun downstairs, Izaro etc.

I fully understand this is not the way to go but having spiders auto cast made things easier for me.

Having said that i am now hitting red maps and have retired my poor old zombies.

Last question is i watched that video of the Sirius fight, how the hell does he get well over 10k ES? And how do you cap resists using a darkness enthroned? i have tried but always come up short on 1 resist which annoys me.
Thanks for the build again, i will continue using it.
Hey man, builds be fun, different playstyle to what i usually do. any tips for baran? hes just demolishing my minions? thanks in advance

edit, i think im missing potency so the duration might be the problem
Last edited by jtovak11 on Jul 2, 2020, 2:05:06 AM
For the Stalwart Commander Small Jewel, I'd recommend an Energy Shield base for the small passive.

+15% armour base loses 91 energy shield for 2018 armour. Not a good enough trade for me.

The evasion base not worth looking at, but the link on p1 brings it up as an option


is an Energy Shield base link for it if you want to update the guide.

Thanks for the build. Not got all the gear yet, hence looking at budget versions, but enjoying it a lot.
Stormzerker wrote:
Can someone explain to me doing the HOP Version - What is desercrate do? - WHy do we use it - How do we get spiders? I can only get like 2-4 during a boss fight or opening of a dungeon.

What do i have to do if im doing something wrong? lol

Try to always do 2 desecrate, it creates corses on ground. quality on gem is good. Level of gem is important, lvl 19 =9 spiders only. Faster casting. If you go with 1 cast only you will get 10spiders only. Not major problem im maps ,because they spawm from corpses on kill, but on boss 2 desecrate quick for 20spiders is better.
In my Sirus fight i didnt had quality on gem so casting was slow and i had 10 spiders which slowed down fight at one moment.

Basically, dagger cast spawn spiders spell on kill. Which is where Jar flasks comes in. It creates 2 worms each flask.So on kill worms =spiders.
EDMOSES wrote:

Last question is i watched that video of the Sirius fight, how the hell does he get well over 10k ES? And how do you cap resists using a darkness enthroned? i have tried but always come up short on 1 resist which annoys me.
Thanks for the build again, i will continue using it.

Watchers Eye , mana to es while affected by clarity

Build has from 5k-6k mana so 17%+ of that is shit load of boost

~65k armor and watchers with 7% p.reduction "tooltip=90% p.def"
i havent found anything that can really kill this build, unless u make mistake and beam into the storm in sirus fight.
I went with MANA based jewel
more mana=more ES(from watchers)=more armor(from reserved mana to armor in helmet)
can't link tree jewels in chat unfortunately
%mana 3 nodes jewel if you can afford otherwise 2 nodes (afford meaning if you have enough levels to spare a node, not currency)
es based jewel if u dont have watchers eye.

linking youtube video fight again so it doesn't get buried in chat :)
Last edited by IceLancerSR on Jul 2, 2020, 5:56:27 AM
I picked up this build because of the great artwork you provided. It is also very accurate.
Would a Pure Agony jewel be worth it?
IceLancerSR wrote:
Level of gem is important, lvl 19 =9 spiders only.

Can you explain? Desecrate always spawns 5 corpses.

I'd also say keep desecrate on lvl 1 to avoid corpse explosion dmg (scaled by corpse lvl)
IsabelleX wrote:
IceLancerSR wrote:
Level of gem is important, lvl 19 =9 spiders only.

Can you explain? Desecrate always spawns 5 corpses.

I'd also say keep desecrate on lvl 1 to avoid corpse explosion dmg (scaled by corpse lvl)

it does say so , doesnt it?
But if u look at video i ended up with 18 spiders from 2 desecrate ? it happens often
Last edited by IceLancerSR on Jul 2, 2020, 7:01:47 AM
That's true but it happens to me on lower gem lvl too.
Nice vid - the best example Sirus mechanics should be fixed. BTW you can map auras on ctrl+ shourtcuts ;)

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