[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

Prof549 wrote:
Good build overall, but...

Impossible to complete HoGM.
Big downside. Makes it unplayable.

I have not tried it myself but an earlier poster said the HOGM was extremely easy for this build if you bring the reduced block chance support gem.

I am going to assume the "makes it unplayable" was tongue in cheek :)

Well, i keep getting rekt by one particular mob with claws that is casting some kind of fan(half-sphere) of lightning bolts(?) or something. It instantly kills all minions and, well, me. And yes, i was using block reduction.

So, there is that.

Outside of that little problem - cool build, hands down.

Good build.Almost done with equimpent.
Any tips what to improve?


adrmar82 wrote:

Good build.Almost done with equimpent.
Any tips what to improve?


Lots of cool stuff and choices you have! Nice work.

Here are some questions/comments to consider, ignore any and all that don't make sense or are too much trouble.

1) With Cyclone doing almost 0 damage (by design) are you getting anything useful out of Energy Leech in that set up?

2) I may have missed it but do you have corrupted blood immunity any where?

3) Many of us have no problems running 1 writhing jar. You should experiment to see if you really need two, else you can another defensive flask of your choice. Basalt would probably be the strongest for you.

4) I see you are running two different granite flasks. You probably already know this but they do not stack so unless you have a specific reason why you need two, this is another area you could sneak in more defense.

5) I noticed you are not currently using Melee Splash in your dagger. You may already do this but just in case, minion splash will significantly improve your clearing speed and then you can swap it out for the big end game bosses for a single target support gem.

6) you should double check but I don't think Flesh and Stone is benefiting from your +2 corrupted shield (at least in blood stance). Dread Banner however I think would benefit. It may be hard to fit this swap though so just ignore this

Again, really cool choices and it looks very strong in POB!
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Jun 5, 2021, 9:30:48 AM
Thanks Andy.

1)It mostly leftover from early days(when I had Resolute & Spiritual Aid) and helps with no regen maps, probaly will swap for Vitality.

2)Flask.Since during mapping Granite is always up i don't need CB immunity
on jewel(it's redundant).

3)Yes I know.It's just placeholder, thinking about swapping for Kiara's.

4)Not really,idea was having countermeasure for rust maps but i don't like
numbers (60/40).Thinking about Bottlet Faith for that slot.

5)I'm gonna give it a try.

6)Yup.Gem slots are issue and even then it's only 2% Impale effct so nothing big to worry about.
hi everybody, can everybody help me with what i need to improve for bigger dps, i feel that i still lack of a lot dps,

here is my

thank you everybody
Last edited by thienvipga on Jun 5, 2021, 8:44:21 AM
Good build.Almost done with equimpent.
Any tips what to improve?


- Jade flask and blind on jewel is not very good, when you have dot you need to be hit...
- Basalt flask help with dot (6% regen, 650ES/s for me)
- Flask with ~100% increased armour
- Replace cast when damage taken with Divergent cast when stun, higher proc.
- Level Hop ? Dont forget that damage increasing with level is only linear up to level 30%. 2 level after 30 = 1 level before 30.
=> Maybe replace amulet with defensive amulet 10K ES is good for endgame boss :
Last edited by dextrelame on Jun 5, 2021, 9:08:36 AM
thienvipga wrote:
hi everybody, can everybody help me with what i need to improve for bigger dps, i feel that i still lack of a lot dps,

here is my

thank you everybody


To improve your DPS you probably want to use the Impale version. It is not listed in the guide but it provides much more damage with same defense. You can check out any of our characters to get some ideas on how to use the impale version (slightly different gem setup and different cluster jewels)
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Jun 5, 2021, 9:36:34 AM
Hi all, been farming and building up this week and so far i've managed to get HOP to 29, ES at 10.3k and armour at 66k.

Managed to kill my first Sirius, Elder, Uber Elder and Atziri with relative ease too. Loving the build so far.


Would like to see if there's any other upgrades i should be looking at.

Currently i'm trying to find a better ring.

Also, defence vs ES vs Mana vs int, which one is the more preferred stats?
Last edited by Szktel on Jun 5, 2021, 2:17:55 PM

Made that tonight. Took about 3ex. Strength over Int would have been nice. >.<
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
Westwood1121 wrote:

Made that tonight. Took about 3ex. Strength over Int would have been nice. >.<

That looks awesome!

Why is strength preferred over int for the amulet?

With out knowing better I would have assumed int was better because it gives mana and es in our build. Mana gives armor due to helmet.

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