[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

Thank you a lot for the advices! As i said i am a complete noob with end game. Just found some cheap armour and amulet and now (with determination + discipline + HoP) i have 4400 energy shield. is there something else important that i have to do or from now it is just leveling and min maxing jewels?

Thank you very much for answering so quickly!
Havn't checked the whole thread, it might have been noted, but if someone is looking to a cheaper beginner alternative for Skin of the Loyal, here are 2 options:

You can ignore socket colors, but try to get as many red sockets as possible as they give +1 gem level. A 6L you can find for 10-15c now and it's great for leveling

Also easy to find for cheap, but look for a keystone that doesn't gimp you.
Really good keystones will be expensive, but you can find one you can live with in 10-30c range. Oh, and this is important - this takes ONLY CORRUPTED gems!
Caustic Arrow/Death's Oath Occultist - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2990048
Last edited by f4ward on Oct 28, 2020, 5:03:44 PM
richardkacz wrote:
Thank you a lot for the advices! As i said i am a complete noob with end game. Just found some cheap armour and amulet and now (with determination + discipline + HoP) i have 4400 energy shield. is there something else important that i have to do or from now it is just leveling and min maxing jewels?

Thank you very much for answering so quickly!

Leveling will make massive difference yes.
I also would look at sorting out potions, dont underestimate power of potions if setup correctly. try to match with what guide suggests.
(also try to avoid health potions they will interfer with spider potions if you use panteon for potions)
Cleared Wave20 Simulacrum without any problems, as well as any other content. (Besides Delve500+, havent got that far)

Only difficulty I had was a T16 100 Delirious 8 mods maps, cleared it with 3 deaths (all on Kosis :( )

Getting one more level to fit a watcher's eye would help, as well as a +2 gems chest.

Looking forward to get thet next upgrades !
NaineNoire wrote:

-PS. I tried 4R/2B, 4R/1G/1B on chest. Currently I am running around with 3R/3B. I seem to like those 11 extra phantasms :)

Phantasms feels great and don't interfere with spiders! although gettting only 10 of them not 11.

Badly need the chest with at least 2 blue sockets though , for it to feel real good.

Does math supports the phantasm as 6th gem being most efficient?
@Vatinas Thank you so much for this guide, you detailed everything so well, and having the item purchasing links was amazing. Sped up my ability to put it together. I used almost all my currency doing it but it doesn't matter 'cause it's so damn good!

I only have one problem, I am clearing T15 maps, and my DPS seems a bit low. I was wondering if you could look at my PoB and give me any tips on being able to up my damage significantly. I'm not great with PoB but best I can tell my DPS is half of yours.


Anyone with some tips is appreciated!

Thank you again, this will probably be my first level 100 if I can grind it out!
HumbleSoldat wrote:
@Vatinas Thank you so much for this guide, you detailed everything so well, and having the item purchasing links was amazing. Sped up my ability to put it together. I used almost all my currency doing it but it doesn't matter 'cause it's so damn good!

I only have one problem, I am clearing T15 maps, and my DPS seems a bit low. I was wondering if you could look at my PoB and give me any tips on being able to up my damage significantly. I'm not great with PoB but best I can tell my DPS is half of yours.


Anyone with some tips is appreciated!

Thank you again, this will probably be my first level 100 if I can grind it out!

I would highly recommend trying divergent melee splash instead of awakened melee splash. Anomalous withering touch will keep your spiders up for longer. Swap conqueror's efficiency for Fortress covenant, and drop Foresight and the nodes pathing to it and instead get your cluster jewel setup going! And as you level up more and finish the cluster jewels you should notice a difference. Also, make sure you keep up your holy relic, spirit offering and rallying cry at all times. These will boost your dps significantly.
NaineNoire wrote:

-PS. I tried 4R/2B, 4R/1G/1B on chest. Currently I am running around with 3R/3B. I seem to like those 11 extra phantasms :)

Phantasms feels great and don't interfere with spiders! although gettting only 10 of them not 11.

Badly need the chest with at least 2 blue sockets though , for it to feel real good.

Does math supports the phantasm as 6th gem being most efficient?


With my setup, I did quick math and it seems the phantasms are better than awakened minion damage if you manage to keep up at least 6 phantasms (I get something like 6mil dps instead of 5mil if I have 11 phantasms up).
I'm not sure it's interesting for me since they die pretty quickly and I'm not fast enough to have a lot of them all the time...

Does anyone know how the phantasms scale?
It seems to change in PoB when I add supports but in the wiki, I read that it depends on the level of the skill...

A quick observation about divergent vitality: I think the full life condition doesn't work with the spiders and the sentinels because when you test damage on full life on them it doesn't work.
But at the same time, you can see some numbers for life of those minions in PoB so they HAVE life...
Are we sure divergent clarity really work?
Last edited by RadiNash on Oct 29, 2020, 3:20:30 AM
RadiNash wrote:
NaineNoire wrote:

-PS. I tried 4R/2B, 4R/1G/1B on chest. Currently I am running around with 3R/3B. I seem to like those 11 extra phantasms :)

Phantasms feels great and don't interfere with spiders! although gettting only 10 of them not 11.

Badly need the chest with at least 2 blue sockets though , for it to feel real good.

Does math supports the phantasm as 6th gem being most efficient?


With my setup, I did quick math and it seems the phantasms are better than awakened minion damage if you manage to keep up at least 6 phantasms (I get something like 6mil dps instead of 5mil if I have 11 phantasms up).
I'm not sure it's interesting for me since they die pretty quickly and I'm not fast enough to have a lot of them all the time...

Does anyone know how the phantasms scale?
It seems to change in PoB when I add supports but in the wiki, I read that it depends on the level of the skill...

A quick observation about divergent vitality: I think the full life condition doesn't work with the spiders and the sentinels because when you test damage on full life on them it doesn't work.
But at the same time, you can see some numbers for life of those minions in PoB so they HAVE life...
Are we sure divergent clarity really work?

I tried Phantasms a few days ago, and went pretty deep into the theory of it; as you said, they scale with the level of the gem they support, HoP, and since it has a very high level (28 for me right now), it's really strong on paper. I replaced Ruthless in my tries, and my math led to the same conclusion as yours: we need 6 phantasms to reach the DPS of another support, with the difference being pretty insane at 11 phantasms.

However, in practice, even with the duration alternate quality, I didn't have enough phantasms. While clearing, I often had more than 6, but 1) that's not when it matters the most, and 2) they died very quickly, which means that as soon as the area had a damage mod, I rarely had more than 3 or 4. And more importantly, while bossing, if I started the fight without phantasms (which is the case for Uber Elder, Sirus, etc), they took a very long time to come up, and I never had more than 3-4 at a time. And that was without a boss that hits a lot, like - again - Uber Elder or Sirus.

So while it was a great idea and looks amazing on paper, I ended up going back to a "pure damage" gem. :)

Edit: Damage on full life does work on minions in PoB, you just need to check the "Are your minions always on full life?" box. And for Divergent Clarity, I'm pretty sure it does; minions do have mana, since frenzy charges spectres can't spam their spell unless they have blood magic, and our minions don't use anything that would use mana. :)
Last edited by Vatinas on Oct 29, 2020, 3:43:50 AM
Tiny improvement for Stalwart cluster search:


to prevent accidentally buying +Evasion one

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