[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

MikeyTwoGuns wrote:
Will there be a new PoB or some guidance on what passives and support gems to use before the league starts or should I just stick with the basic build on page 1? I've never played this build before but seems like it is a solid league start that didn't get hit too hard.

OP will likely post a new PoB. But first the PoB needs the update itself so that he can post the new PoB Link. I guess it will happen someday tomorrow. He already has some things in mind like he said several pages before.
The thing I am very worried about is that Scourge Arrow is going to take a LOT of mana to channel.

I remember that Wolfie tuned Scourge Arrow to take only 15 mana per tick. But now I have a feeling it might take far more that even a hybrid enduring flask won't keep up even with all the buffs it gets from Pathfinder tree.

IlyaK1986 wrote:
The thing I am very worried about is that Scourge Arrow is going to take a LOT of mana to channel.

I remember that Wolfie tuned Scourge Arrow to take only 15 mana per tick. But now I have a feeling it might take far more that even a hybrid enduring flask won't keep up even with all the buffs it gets from Pathfinder tree.

enduring mana flask will most definetly
The thing I am very worried about is that Scourge Arrow is going to take a LOT of mana to channel.
How about 1 point to Mana Leech? In old PoB it says 67 mana per hit.
Last edited by Wirwolf on Jul 22, 2021, 7:24:58 AM
so guys, what u think? is it still viable to league start with this build? i mean start with tr and swap to scourge after? or should i stay on tr?
So anyone have thoughts on the Iron Flask? ES that works better with dodge because of insta replenish during the fight, on top of flask which adds more with all our flask boosts.
Fluffyqz wrote:
so guys, what u think? is it still viable to league start with this build? i mean start with tr and swap to scourge after? or should i stay on tr?

Definitely still viable with some tweaks here and there. Hope the main guide will be updated soon.
So anyone have thoughts on the Iron Flask? ES that works better with dodge because of insta replenish during the fight, on top of flask which adds more with all our flask boosts.

Depends on its numbers but I think it will be really good for us, we will see.

Fluffyqz wrote:
so guys, what u think? is it still viable to league start with this build? i mean start with tr and swap to scourge after? or should i stay on tr?

YEa still good starter, start with TR as soon as you get Darkscorn swap to SA.

Anyway, build updated for 3.15:

Changes rundown:
- We lost Berserk what means we also lost *a lot* of movement speed what is pretty sad (chains of emancipation worked only because of temporary curse immunity from flask, just curse removal is not enough)
- Coralito was destroyed so we do not use it anymore
- Our gems were nerfed by a lot and we do not use Infused Channeling anymore but Void Manipulation instead
- We now use Solstice for double curse setup (to offset poison duration lost from Coralito)
- We use Circle of Nostalgia again as we dont use Rotblood for Berserk setup anymore
- Mana might be a bigger problem now so build is using mana flask again for mana sustain (what is plenty to sustain our mana)
- We got possibly massive new defensive option, Ward. Especially with the new Ward Iron flask, still need to see numbers on it before I will start considering it
- Overall poison damage was buffed by 50% what completely offset all nerfs to this build
- Removed Strength stacking setup because it was rly hard to maintain and at this point probably outdated, needs more testing in future
- Build lost only around 4% of damage so its same as before nerfs (what is big because everything else lost around 30 to 40% of damage)

PoB is already updated in main post, make sure you are on updated PoB version before importing it.
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Thank you so much for the speedy update! Would annointing hardened scars be worth it for the added defense along with petrified blood?

Thank you so much for the speedy update! Would annointing hardened scars be worth it for the added defense along with petrified blood?

I tried hardened scars with petrified blood before and its not very reliable so probs nope.
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