[3.9] Gryph's CI Vortex + Coldsnap Trickster || Uber Elder+Everything Else

iGanc wrote:
Finding a great rhythm by shield charging/dashing and as soon as I see a pack, cold snap them, move past to the next mob, drop a vortex while passing, then cold snap the next and so on. Anyone else in this same type of cadence? Build feels great and having no trouble so far in yellow maps, and doing very well with metamorphs! I have tweaked this build though to incorporate acro/phase acro and I feel like it works well for me. I went full ES as well, which I know is odd... but trying something new!

Thanks for the build Gryph, loving it!

I don't advocate Acro+Phase Acro but...to each his own. haha. And yes, that sounds a lot like the cadence I use when I play Vortex.

Charl1eTango wrote:
laurent67 wrote:
i have some free socket when did the build, and have a CWDT , and try to put a curse, now i have a bane in, but ask about despair, what are thinking about ?

bane work only 2s , but have a 40-50 more
despair have 9s, but 15-20% increased.

cwdt trigger with 580 dmg

don't really now wich one could be better. i'm only on t13-t14 map, and don't have survive issue, so don't look defensive option for the moment.

have 8700+es.

Cold Snap has no cooldown if you're using it for clear. It eats Frenzy charges (which you get from killing with cold snap) to negate the cooldown.

So a ranged Vortex makes no sense to me as it just mimics Cold snap.

I can see the appeal of using vortex at a range. Especially with beefy/rippy metamorphs and the like. Being able to keep your distance is not a bad thing :P

that said, I don't know if I could get used to it. :)
about my curse question, i read the note about frosbite, and the negative resist on mob. if a mob have 0 base elemental resist, if he have frosbite -25%, that's mean we have a 25 more damage with the element.

so with EE we have -50% + -25%, that's do 75% more cold damage ... that's really huge.

thank's for the tips, change that's tomorrow.

about coldsnap, on mapping , i always, run and use just in front of me, and use vortex when i go inside the coldsnap zone if mob not die shatter.

like in delve or for boss, i always use both, first for chill/slow other one for damage.

for me the coldsnap dot have 1/3 of the vortex dot, so using 2 and run around boss is very nice dance :)
Gryphenprey wrote:
iGanc wrote:
Finding a great rhythm by shield charging/dashing and as soon as I see a pack, cold snap them, move past to the next mob, drop a vortex while passing, then cold snap the next and so on. Anyone else in this same type of cadence? Build feels great and having no trouble so far in yellow maps, and doing very well with metamorphs! I have tweaked this build though to incorporate acro/phase acro and I feel like it works well for me. I went full ES as well, which I know is odd... but trying something new!

Thanks for the build Gryph, loving it!

I don't advocate Acro+Phase Acro but...to each his own. haha. And yes, that sounds a lot like the cadence I use when I play Vortex.

Charl1eTango wrote:
laurent67 wrote:
i have some free socket when did the build, and have a CWDT , and try to put a curse, now i have a bane in, but ask about despair, what are thinking about ?

bane work only 2s , but have a 40-50 more
despair have 9s, but 15-20% increased.

cwdt trigger with 580 dmg

don't really now wich one could be better. i'm only on t13-t14 map, and don't have survive issue, so don't look defensive option for the moment.

have 8700+es.

Cold Snap has no cooldown if you're using it for clear. It eats Frenzy charges (which you get from killing with cold snap) to negate the cooldown.

So a ranged Vortex makes no sense to me as it just mimics Cold snap.

I can see the appeal of using vortex at a range. Especially with beefy/rippy metamorphs and the like. Being able to keep your distance is not a bad thing :P

that said, I don't know if I could get used to it. :)

Using vortex at range is just memeing and is certainly inferior. Firstly, you are gimping the aoe. Second, it means you arent shield charging, and therefore losing fortify, a major defensive source. Thirdly, you wont be able to take advantage of -cold resist fossil craft helm, another huge damage increase. You also already need to be running through enemies with vaal cold snap anyway, so it i'snt even synergistic. To each there own, but your going to spend a lot of time and effort to end up with more work to clear slower.
the vortex damage stacks?? i mean if i cast 4 vortexs on boss feets, he will take more damage?? and why you don't use coldsnap in your boss kills?
CrasherPM wrote:
the vortex damage stacks?? i mean if i cast 4 vortexs on boss feets, he will take more damage?? and why you don't use coldsnap in your boss kills?

Vortex Stacks with Cold Snap and Vaal Cold Snap (not with itself)

Always use cold snap to apply bonechill debuff on bosses. ^^
Gryphenprey wrote:
iGanc wrote:
Finding a great rhythm by shield charging/dashing and as soon as I see a pack, cold snap them, move past to the next mob, drop a vortex while passing, then cold snap the next and so on. Anyone else in this same type of cadence? Build feels great and having no trouble so far in yellow maps, and doing very well with metamorphs! I have tweaked this build though to incorporate acro/phase acro and I feel like it works well for me. I went full ES as well, which I know is odd... but trying something new!

Thanks for the build Gryph, loving it!

I don't advocate Acro+Phase Acro but...to each his own. haha. And yes, that sounds a lot like the cadence I use when I play Vortex.

This was a huge debate before I started the league (Acro+Phase or skip all together). I did a super small amount of trial and error on standard before starting. I have to say, I just did my VERY FIRST Atziri run, and it was deathless first try on a 5 Link with 6.4k ES, and Acro + Phase Acro. It was incredibly easy, I literally didn't get hit on the trio!

I know this is normally discouraged to go CI and Acro + Phase acro.. but just sharing my experience in case anyone else is interested. My gear is dirt cheap and some is self found, majority was purchased once I hit maps for small amounts of chaos. I'm going to keep reporting back as my ES grows and I hit higher tier maps. This makes me feel hopeful I can farm my own Atziri's Reflection!
iGanc wrote:
Gryphenprey wrote:
iGanc wrote:
Finding a great rhythm by shield charging/dashing and as soon as I see a pack, cold snap them, move past to the next mob, drop a vortex while passing, then cold snap the next and so on. Anyone else in this same type of cadence? Build feels great and having no trouble so far in yellow maps, and doing very well with metamorphs! I have tweaked this build though to incorporate acro/phase acro and I feel like it works well for me. I went full ES as well, which I know is odd... but trying something new!

Thanks for the build Gryph, loving it!

I don't advocate Acro+Phase Acro but...to each his own. haha. And yes, that sounds a lot like the cadence I use when I play Vortex.

This was a huge debate before I started the league (Acro+Phase or skip all together). I did a super small amount of trial and error on standard before starting. I have to say, I just did my VERY FIRST Atziri run, and it was deathless first try on a 5 Link with 6.4k ES, and Acro + Phase Acro. It was incredibly easy, I literally didn't get hit on the trio!

I know this is normally discouraged to go CI and Acro + Phase acro.. but just sharing my experience in case anyone else is interested. My gear is dirt cheap and some is self found, majority was purchased once I hit maps for small amounts of chaos. I'm going to keep reporting back as my ES grows and I hit higher tier maps. This makes me feel hopeful I can farm my own Atziri's Reflection!

Have you considered a Perfect Form? It's high evasion so it gets bonus ES from Trickster Ascendancy and you get to avoid the negatives from Acrobatics.

I've usually go Perfect Form on trickster and I didn't this league because of the dex cost was too much.
Just killed Awakener with this build as my league starter. Having a blast, thanks for the build!

How important is it to apply storm brand + frost bomb for the debuffs?
Do we need to do it often?

It just seems like a pain in the ass to be casting do much stuff

Thanks :)
Yo mate, thanks for the build. I remember i played it (occultist though) 3-4 leagues ago.

I am still leveling, don't have much time to play sadly.

I have 2 questions:

1) do you swap to CI as soon as you can, or do you swap to CI at level 70?

2) regarding EE: do you take the keystone only if you have the weapon with "trigger socketed spells" mod, or is it reasonable to take it even if you don't have the weapon (even though is quite cluncky)?

Just a consideration. The nerf to fortify is quite huge for this build, considering the fact that trickster has recieved relevant nerfs in the previous patches.
Last edited by Serge91 on Dec 21, 2019, 10:44:22 AM

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