[3.7] A Little Outdated - Crit - CONSECRATED PATH - Chieftain - League Starter

Rake7 wrote:
I've done some item upgrades since the last time because i just love the playstyle and the power of consecrated path!

Everything except uber elder dies within a blink of a second. And CP in general feels just great in high density maps. Thats the reason i tried to max the build. Especially for doing maps and delve where i hopefully don´t get stopped to soon.

Especially for delves i tried to improve my defense. So i switched to Wise Oak with 81/81/81 resists and switched increased Area of Effect with Fortify in my 6l. Fortify in my whirling blades setup gets to rarely triggerd to rely on it.

But, unfortunally, i got oneshooted two times today in delve at 360 already :-/ That never happend before. So either its the depth already or it was the "monster cannot be stunned" affix that was on this room.

So... i already thought multiple times about switching to Juggernaut. PoB says i lose 30% DPS, life regeneration drops from 1300 to 1000 and life drops from 7,4k to 6,9k. The upside would be 3 more endurance charges and 40k Armour. But thats already all.... The Question is, is the main onehit damage source phys or elemental damage too in delve?

My Cieftain PoB: https://pastebin.com/gebArXnz
My Juggernaut PoB would be: https://pastebin.com/D187RWX6

The main item difference between Chieftain and Juggernaut is the body armour which i switched to Brass Dome. I think that is absolutly mandatory. Otherwise Juggernaut would have only disadvantages left if we don´t make use of the "Unbreakable" Ascendacy. For my item setup i have to switch one ring too to cover the lose of fire resists. Everything else can stay the same. Except for the lose of one Jewel socket because we need 4 points for the endurance Charges.

But with all this disadvantages Juggernaut have, its still the question what type of damage the delve mobs mainly do. Phys or elemental too?

Wow your gear is insane!!

Yea i'm not liking Jugg either. The build feels awkward with jugg, and I dont have charges unless i get hit. Also, Jugg gets too much atk speed and run out of mana quick.

You dont have my CWDT-enfeeble setup and I think that's a pretty huge loss of defense, especially in delve since curses probably function with full effectiveness (unlike vs shaper). Enfeeble lowers crit multi too, similar to brass dome. Your tombfist is ridiculous but I'd honestly drop it for enfeeble. I dont think u need more DPS anyways.

Do you always have fortify linked? You know, fortify on hit vaal implicit does exist on statsticks. you might be able to afford that, or vaal one yourself lol (actually, there arent many on sale)

And btw, increase aoe gem is pretty defensive too I'd say. Enemies die before they get to u.
Its me again. Already bough a new main wep and did some, jewels/passive mods.
The dmg its great, buuuut with mana issues, yeah Im jugg, any tips?
may be less atk speed?
willemhawk wrote:
Hello, new player here. Loving the build so far, very strong and fun!

Budget is pretty low for me so i was wondering if this statstick(lvl66, 1h mace) i bought for 2c is better than nebuloch. It has the following global mods: 32% increased elemental damage, 33% global crit multiplier, 6 mana gained on kill, 37% of phys as extra fire damage, 36% increased area damage.

Is this statstick better than nebuloch or am i better of just using nebuloch?

Thanks in advance!

Also, could you tell me roughly what the upgrade priority is for gear? Always weapons first and then body?

Thanks in advance!
Last edited by willemhawk on Oct 4, 2018, 1:56:58 AM
willemhawk wrote:
willemhawk wrote:
Hello, new player here. Loving the build so far, very strong and fun!

Budget is pretty low for me so i was wondering if this statstick(lvl66, 1h mace) i bought for 2c is better than nebuloch. It has the following global mods: 32% increased elemental damage, 33% global crit multiplier, 6 mana gained on kill, 37% of phys as extra fire damage, 36% increased area damage.

Is this statstick better than nebuloch or am i better of just using nebuloch?

Thanks in advance!

Also, could you tell me roughly what the upgrade priority is? Always weapons first and then body?

Thanks in advance!

Wooops. I missed your post. Yea that statstick is probably better than nebuloch.

There is not really a priority. Everything is important. Just dont spend all your currency on one item. Distribute it evenly

But, the build will not work at all without a good main weapon, you should try to get a 6 link even if there is no other stats on the chest, and people tend to neglect flasks but theyre really important. flasks double your dps and theyre the next best form of defense after life pool.
Last edited by Hollyphantom on Oct 4, 2018, 4:35:05 AM
Marcoyju wrote:
Its me again. Already bough a new main wep and did some, jewels/passive mods.
The dmg its great, buuuut with mana issues, yeah Im jugg, any tips?
may be less atk speed?

well, I honestly suggest u to switch to chieftain. I tried jugg and regretting. The build is awkward. Theres not many benefits that jugg has over chieftain, but the drawbacks are many. (see posts above)

I'd at least switch your devotos and try. too much atk speed. You also dont have a diamond flask, which adds 30% more dps.
This build works really well, can kill everything deathless except uber elder. I know it is possible but its really hard to fight uber elder with consecrated path :D Really like this build, flexible and funny to play.

Sitting at around 6.2k health and really loving the build. I have around 2.5 ex of budget currently. Suggestions on what to target next? Amulet? New stat stick?

Thanks again for the build, it’s really enjoyable.
totalhavok3 wrote:
Sitting at around 6.2k health and really loving the build. I have around 2.5 ex of budget currently. Suggestions on what to target next? Amulet? New stat stick?

Thanks again for the build, it’s really enjoyable.


Hmm your helm can be upgraded easily. It is currently a 2-mod item (life/ -9 res) because the 32% fire res is probably unnecessary because of ascendancy.

your belt should be changed too (bad base. go for leather or stygian). I'd vaal it lol

your two-stone ring is a little underwhelming. If that had accuracy on it, it'd be good

It's hard to tell how good your statstick is without putting it in POB, but you'd want near 40% phys as fire eventually. This might be an easy upgrade too.

You have many lv20 gems that you should vendor with gcpm.

If you still have currency left, I'd get a 2-socket tombfist.
Thx, bought the flask and the devotes to chieftain, also changed my jewels and accessories.
Even so in pob I can't reach 1M fps, nor good defense like 62 reduce dmg, I'm capped at 36%. I'm doing something wrong?
Marcoyju wrote:
Thx, bought the flask and the devotes to chieftain, also changed my jewels and accessories.
Even so in pob I can't reach 1M fps, nor good defense like 62 reduce dmg, I'm capped at 36%. I'm doing something wrong?

hmm get a vaal warchief

your 6 link is weird. dont use fire pen and end charge on stun. Melee phys suuport is a must. Then, use ruthless, conc effect, or damage on full life. I'd probably not use ele focus (for most content) because you have cold damage that can freeze enemies. I'd use combustion instead (swap with totem).

Then for endgame bosses, remove increased aoe and use a dps support.

also, the way ur dealing with mana is weird. remove the 2 mana nodes, and take the mana leech node. dont get the leech on the boots. just link blood magic to leap slam and youll be fine. (i wouldnt 3-link the golem.)
Last edited by Hollyphantom on Oct 4, 2018, 12:14:09 PM

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