[3.7] A Little Outdated - Crit - CONSECRATED PATH - Chieftain - League Starter

The item level on that helm is 85

RipKevlar wrote:
The item level on that helm is 85

nice. definitely recraft. Essences are good too btw, not just fossils
Sombra1337 wrote:
Hi guys, thanks to your help I was able to improve a lot. Only thing lacking a bit is my single target. How could I improve?


I'm not sure why you think you lack single target. You gear is good. Make sure you use totem and conc effect instead of aoe when possible. link ele focus instead of combustion for more dps. keep combustion on totem.
Dragonnik1 wrote:
Thanks for this build. currently this is my gear. it does need update:)

both rings need upgrade and Atziri flask as well. i had to take Versatility for dexterity and accuracy, seems good node, till i get better rings (waiting for uber izaro). but let me knw ur advice for the same.

I think every single item will need to be changed except your chest and amulet. Especailyl after uber lab, you're going to have to replace all items with fire resist.

So right now, I suggest you get upgrades for items that are unrelated to the fire res issue: sword, statstick, and flasks. Read my weapon/statstick/flask sections.

also, remove life leech from tree. u have leech in the ascendancy

above all, finish uber lab asap.
Last edited by Hollyphantom on Oct 3, 2018, 1:06:11 PM
Hollyphantom wrote:
Dragonnik1 wrote:
Thanks for this build. currently this is my gear. it does need update:)

both rings need upgrade and Atziri flask as well. i had to take Versatility for dexterity and accuracy, seems good node, till i get better rings (waiting for uber izaro). but let me knw ur advice for the same.

I think every single item will need to be changed except your chest and amulet. Especailyl after uber lab, you're going to have to replace all items with fire resist.

So right now, I suggest you get upgrades for items that are unrelated to the fire res issue: sword, statstick, and flasks. Read my weapon/statstick/flask sections.

also, remove life leech from tree. u have leech in the ascendancy

above all, finish uber lab asap.

thanks for quick response. Stat stick as i get more currency, but sword is aint good? has crit, aps, 220 pdps? and yes boots gloves, as i find something better. Since uber is not yet done my fire res is not capped, will replace once i have it. oh yeah i forgt abt tht node, thnks for pointing out.
Hello, new player here. Loving the build so far, very strong and fun!

Budget is pretty low for me so i was wondering if this statstick(lvl66, 1h mace) i bought for 2c is better than nebuloch. It has the following global mods: 32% increased elemental damage, 33% global crit multiplier, 6 mana gained on kill, 37% of phys as extra fire damage, 36% increased area damage.

Is this statstick better than nebuloch or am i better of just using nebuloch?

Thanks in advance!
Dragonnik1 wrote:
Hollyphantom wrote:
Dragonnik1 wrote:
Thanks for this build. currently this is my gear. it does need update:)

both rings need upgrade and Atziri flask as well. i had to take Versatility for dexterity and accuracy, seems good node, till i get better rings (waiting for uber izaro). but let me knw ur advice for the same.

I think every single item will need to be changed except your chest and amulet. Especailyl after uber lab, you're going to have to replace all items with fire resist.

So right now, I suggest you get upgrades for items that are unrelated to the fire res issue: sword, statstick, and flasks. Read my weapon/statstick/flask sections.

also, remove life leech from tree. u have leech in the ascendancy

above all, finish uber lab asap.

thanks for quick response. Stat stick as i get more currency, but sword is aint good? has crit, aps, 220 pdps? and yes boots gloves, as i find something better. Since uber is not yet done my fire res is not capped, will replace once i have it. oh yeah i forgt abt tht node, thnks for pointing out.

sword is borderline ok. It only has 2 sockets, which really sucks in endgame. And 220 pdps is pretty low. fast and high crit tho, which is good. maybe go for a 250pdps non corrupted.

alternatively, you can stack a lot more added phys on your gear, which will compensate for the low pdps and can work well since the attack speed is high. But right now, u have almost none.

But yea, flasks and statstick will be easier to upgrade, and should be upgraded first. especially flasks..
Last edited by Hollyphantom on Oct 3, 2018, 2:05:34 PM
thks for response.

updated flask n ring, had to adjust a lot, due to stat requirement of int n dex!. one more query ne autoway of gettng power charge, tried vengence but thy dont proc power charge at all. dont want to cast orb of storms manually everytime..
Last edited by Dragonnik1 on Oct 3, 2018, 2:31:16 PM
Dragonnik1 wrote:
thks for response.

updated flask n ring, had to adjust a lot, due to stat requirement of int n dex!. one more query ne autoway of gettng power charge, tried vengence but thy dont proc power charge at all. dont want to cast orb of storms manually everytime..

cwdt - orb of storms - pc on crit should work. At least better than vengeance.

no lions roar? quality?

I've done some item upgrades since the last time because i just love the playstyle and the power of consecrated path!

Everything except uber elder dies within a blink of a second. And CP in general feels just great in high density maps. Thats the reason i tried to max the build. Especially for doing maps and delve where i hopefully don´t get stopped to soon.

Especially for delves i tried to improve my defense. So i switched to Wise Oak with 81/81/81 resists and switched increased Area of Effect with Fortify in my 6l. Fortify in my whirling blades setup gets to rarely triggerd to rely on it.

But, unfortunally, i got oneshooted two times today in delve at 360 already :-/ That never happend before. So either its the depth already or it was the "monster cannot be stunned" affix that was on this room.

So... i already thought multiple times about switching to Juggernaut. PoB says i lose 30% DPS, life regeneration drops from 1300 to 1000 and life drops from 7,4k to 6,9k. The upside would be 3 more endurance charges and 40k Armour. But thats already all.... The Question is, is the main onehit damage source phys or elemental damage too in delve?

My Cieftain PoB: https://pastebin.com/gebArXnz
My Juggernaut PoB would be: https://pastebin.com/D187RWX6

The main item difference between Chieftain and Juggernaut is the body armour which i switched to Brass Dome. I think that is absolutly mandatory. Otherwise Juggernaut would have only disadvantages left if we don´t make use of the "Unbreakable" Ascendacy. For my item setup i have to switch one ring too to cover the lose of fire resists. Everything else can stay the same. Except for the lose of one Jewel socket because we need 4 points for the endurance Charges.

But with all this disadvantages Juggernaut have, its still the question what type of damage the delve mobs mainly do. Phys or elemental too?
Last edited by Rake7 on Oct 3, 2018, 8:45:30 PM

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