[3.7] A Little Outdated - Crit - CONSECRATED PATH - Chieftain - League Starter

Could use some advice with this build. Really struggling bossing t12+ maps, literally get insta gibbed or insta oom. I'm thinking higher hit rate will help but other than that I really don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I would really love to finish completing atlas with this build if possible but I feel like I've hit a wall.
MsOtherName wrote:
Can someone have a look at my char.

I struggle a lot with dmg and i dont know how to drop the Scavea. If i use my second wepon in mainhand i even loose a lot of dmg.Should i just buy a shield?

Drop it by replacing it with another sword with high phys, crit and attack speed.
Could use some advice with this build. Really struggling bossing t12+ maps, literally get insta gibbed or insta oom. I'm thinking higher hit rate will help but other than that I really don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I would really love to finish completing atlas with this build if possible but I feel like I've hit a wall.

I'm using lyco and it's doing wonders. It frees up my other slots and lets me roll HP or more damage.

So, I'm having trouble deciding on whether to go Chieftain or Juggernaut.
Your guide seems very convincing, however according to poe.ninja, 64% of people who use Consecrated Path play as Juggernaut while only 14% play as Chieftain. Is there any reason to this? Is it easier to play as Juggernaut or something?
Hey all,

has anybody considered using molten strike in this build and does it work or are there no alternative to consecrated path?
Thanks for guide
good job, dude

Can u say something about weapon in left hand: I've dropped The Princess during exp, and used before bought Dreamfeather.
And DPS higher with The Princess, then Dreamfeather.
Maybe I didn't understand something, cuz I newbie in poe.

Is ice golem strictly better than lightning golem for this build?
Does the accuracy on Terminus Est count towards your hit% on CP? I get confused over the whole local vs. global modifier subject...
Can somebody help me with defenses? Sometimes im getting 1-shotted on t10/11 maps, my dps i good enough, but I dont know how to build on defence :(
Im almost 6k hp
zEMPd wrote:
Is anybody able to tell me whats wrong with my build? I feel extremely squishy, have mana issues, and cant get resist capped.

I have the money to buy a 6L loreeave, but if I do that my cold and light res will be like mid 30s despite what I thought was good gear.

Do I just need a better helm and better boots if im going to run loreweave?

Also even with my very expensive foils I still feel as-if my DPS is very low (comes up on the tooltip above the skill as about 140k)

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