[3.7] Chunky Chargrill Chieftain - Incinerate CwC Volatile Dead - [2x Demigod winning build]

Last edited by davc1234567890 on Jun 6, 2019, 7:43:57 PM
Looks pretty good for mapping

What about bosses ?
Is Viable for HC ? Also is good starter build ? and is not Tasalio much better than Valako ?

Tasalio is better for survivability but this build does lack top end DPS so the 15% more damage when spending Endurance charges is something I think will be better with Immortal Call as a spender. This boils down to a personal choice though and each gear/build setup may benefit in different ways.

Do you think this build will be hit hard by the abyss jewel nerf in 3.7?

I've never had top end jewels as I've always played SSF, so all the nerfs would do for me is make me try harder to get like t2 rolls instead of the t3 stuff I settle for most of the time prior to 3.7

JaxRC wrote:
Looks pretty good for mapping

What about bosses ?

Really good for mapping and map bosses. The big game bosses, shaper and above require quite a bit of work and I've had very mixed results from people's feedback. A lot of this seems to boil down to how good you are at those bosses prior to playing this build as this build will by no means carry you though such fights due to the top end dps being lower than boss focuses builds.

I stream daily at twitch.tv/CellTank
Really interested in this build, as it looks super fun!

Just wanted to know: how do you plan to deal with mana problems, considering the 3.7 Warlord's Mark nerf?

That's the only thing keeping me from following this build and I wanted to know your workaround :)

guidulove wrote:
Really interested in this build, as it looks super fun!

Just wanted to know: how do you plan to deal with mana problems, considering the 3.7 Warlord's Mark nerf?

That's the only thing keeping me from following this build and I wanted to know your workaround :)


Taken from the front page of the guide

"In 3.7 The chieftain ascendancy gave a small buff to the build. However the change to warlords mark means that mana will be a problem.

Lab enchanted boots with leech after kill are fantastic and will allow you to map with no issues at all. A mana flask will be needed on bosses with no adds though."

For general mapping, including the majority of map bosses these boots will be perfect and it's what I had all the way through the latest flashback as I had no warlords in any form from lvl92 to 98 on that character.

For real bosses though, such as shaper, delve bosses, elder guardians and so on a mana flask is the easiest work around.

Another possibility is the -mana cost craft on rings, but this can take a good portion of a league to unlock yourself.
I stream daily at twitch.tv/CellTank
hey. interresting build. thx for sharing.
Ate you planning to update the guide, so it has a more easy setup. like pictures of gear and skills?
all the best
Just droppin a big THANK YOU message, your build is super satisfying to play, i never had such fun starting a league since a long time.

Super high defense, quite good damage, very good clean speed, original, and cool looking melting of monsters.

I'm having a very great time playing your build, thank you :)

My game is crashing when doing the legion stuff, not sure if this is your build + the legion spawning, will wait few patches before dropping my POE settings :)
Would you update your link for your gear? Thank-you for the share though, I look forward to playing it this season.
Get a Ring with "-x to total mana cost of skills".
For me -7 is totaly enough to sustain the skill.

Thank you for the work you out into sharing this with us. I am currently levelling and cant wait to try it out on the ps4 3.7 league.

If I could ask, what emphasis you would put on passives, other than just colors? It seems very general and for someone that ended last league in top tiers I would like to know what passives you rushed towards first.
Should I be getting divine judgement asap? Or is aoe a priority? Any additional info for overall levelling of passives.

Thanks again and happy grinding ;)

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