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Guys i'm trying a rare sword on my delve character, some one mentioned changing the skill tree to suit but i am not clever enough to work it out myself.
Any advice on that?
Seems to me Grelwood is a sword and i am using a sword so why change?
EDMOSES wrote:
Guys i'm trying a rare sword on my delve character, some one mentioned changing the skill tree to suit but i am not clever enough to work it out myself.
Any advice on that?
Seems to me Grelwood is a sword and i am using a sword so why change?

Because Grelwood gives you Iron Reflexes but most important Point Blank. That is a massive damage boost. So if you are using rare you need to adapt the tree so you can grab the node. This means you need to drop a jewel sok and some damage as I wouldn't compromise life. Therefore the rare you use needs to be really really good to compensate for this. This without mentioning the +2 projectiles.
alecs87 wrote:
EDMOSES wrote:
Guys i'm trying a rare sword on my delve character, some one mentioned changing the skill tree to suit but i am not clever enough to work it out myself.
Any advice on that?
Seems to me Grelwood is a sword and i am using a sword so why change?

Because Grelwood gives you Iron Reflexes but most important Point Blank. That is a massive damage boost. So if you are using rare you need to adapt the tree so you can grab the node. This means you need to drop a jewel sok and some damage as I wouldn't compromise life. Therefore the rare you use needs to be really really good to compensate for this. This without mentioning the +2 projectiles.

Which also, if you were the same one that didnt want to use Xoph's amulet, ammounts to ALOT of points you have to spend traveling. I'm no expert but I think you need to have some insane gear to make up for all of this.
Yeah i am the guy who dropped Xoph's blood.
With Grelwood i get 64k HO dps and with the rare i get 81k HO dps.
Sacrificing some 5% life nodes for another jewel slot (7% life) and replacing the Xoph's blood with the rare has lost me around 150 life total.
I'm public so you can look at me Daryl_is_my_name
At present sitting on 7150 life + 380 shield.
That's in game tooltip I assume.
You should make the calculation in pob to get an accurate representation of what you gain/lose by doing it your way as opposed to following OP's suggestions.
But if you feel its working for you, then keep on keeping on.
OK been comparing damage on both Grelwood and rare sword.
Only using tooltip damage so probably inaccurate but it is a guide.

Grelwood Rare Sword.

Min damage is 65k. 81k
Mainly sits at 97k. 121k
Spikes 123k. 153k

Spikes are caused by blood rage, molten shell etc kicking in.
These could be cast manually but would be a pain to keep up.
Phys damage reduction with Grelwood is much better while standing still - 44% v 25% but i feel that because we are moving continually most of the time that is a non issue. Facetank T16 guardians aside for Phoenix of course.

POB tells the same story, way higher damage with a well rolled rare in the 10ex range.
Last edited by EDMOSES on Oct 26, 2018, 9:09:19 PM
EDMOSES wrote:
OK been comparing damage on both Grelwood and rare sword.
Only using tooltip damage so probably inaccurate but it is a guide.

Grelwood Rare Sword.

Min damage is 65k. 81k
Mainly sits at 97k. 121k
Spikes 123k. 153k

Spikes are caused by blood rage, molten shell etc kicking in.
These could be cast manually but would be a pain to keep up.
Phys damage reduction with Grelwood is much better while standing still - 44% v 25% but i feel that because we are moving continually most of the time that is a non issue. Facetank T16 guardians aside for Phoenix of course.

POB tells the same story, way higher damage with a well rolled rare in the 10ex range.

pob is ignoring the 2extra proj grelwood gives.
hello thanks for this awesome build i try to build it but i have a little probleme to complet some stuff

i go share my stuff equiped and some intteresting thing i have my big probleme for the moment is chaos resitance and if i need change some stuff to get the same build please help me :)

Items i use

items in reserve

i have 6700 life | mana 222/796 | dammage 38400 | shield 295

thanks to taking from your time to see :) and try to help me
Run Exile Run xD
Last edited by hiro01dzdvb on Oct 27, 2018, 10:29:21 AM
is a helmet with

Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance

a very good benefit? not as strong as "% fire penetration", right?

i wonder what to upgrade next, sitting at level 96 with 8k life and much stuff maxed out somehow ;)

... also thought about a second mana leech jewel, but thats currently impossible below 30-40ex with good stats ( to be able to use a 3rd aura )
larsahh_ wrote:
Ok, going to be my last update for this build.

Finally managed to hit 100, after some connection issues and deaths due to that at lvl 99. Other than that I've had a blast playing this build and it's been a amazing journey. All my deaths have basically been in Delves. (Even at around 300 you can get 1 shot by stupid mechanics)

I end up with 75.3k Hideout dps with Anger + Herald of Ash. (With a good rolled Stygian wise, could easily get up to 85k+++) 9133 hp, 97 all elemental resistances for Wise Oak and 79 after ele weakness cap with 4 endu charges. Enough Attack speed on jewels/tree to hit almost 3Aps on Leap Slam.

I could invest at least 150+ more ex into the character if I wanted right now but I think it's time to move on and going to try a LL Poet Pen on my 93 Hiero. (You make so much currency by just leveling to 100, it's actually insane so I really recomend it to the guys who want to push this build very far!)

Anyway, final gear I achieved:

If you get curse with elemental weakness on gloves doesnt that not stack with enfeeble since you can only apply 1 curse?

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