[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

Parrotpoo wrote:

Thanks for commenting. damn, i really hoped there was another explanation ^^
At the moment i have like 10 attempts on uber-elder, managed to kill him once. For me, its rarely the balls (at least not alone). Its more a feeling that the fight lasts too long. at the end, there are always to much groundeffects, so the overall incoming damage prevents me from regen to full life (or not fast enough) so anything is killing me. had some runs where i focus the squids and the shaper balls to spawn at the edge, but then again. fight is too long, something is killing me eventually. yeah, i guess i have to try harder. i thought with a build i invested 30 ex+ it would be easier to kill him^^

Ah, well, if the fight is taking too long then I'm not sure. Maybe I am underestimating the damage difference from my gear. I have invested considerably more than 30ex and Shaper and Elder just melt during the fight. So maybe it is more of a gear issue. I've linked my gear here for comparison. Ignore the enchant on my boots, I'm trying to change it over to life/mana regen (or fire pen if I could get lucky) and I can't seem to hit the damn thing.

I guess I do have a lot of fire penetration and that adds up on the bosses. One thing I've been happy with is fitting Combustion in and linking it with Ancestral Protector. That's a pretty significant damage boost whenever it procs.

Somehow i totally missed the mechanic that enemies can get negative resistances. thought it was only possible for players. i have two watcher's eyes, one wit gain phys damage and one with fire penet. perhaps next time i give the penetration jewel a shot.

Hello,im wanna share my experience so far with this build.
I'm not followed it exactly as in guide,make it more like hybryd build adapted for myself so it will viable do both(good Delving and maps/Bosses).

First of all i went Grelwood+Nebuloch combo,i dropped Lioneye's Shield since it only gives us HP and Block,Nebuloch at the same time gives even more armour than shield with 5-7 end charges,while also boosting our damage !a lot!,giving reduced elemental damage taken and some chaos resistance.

At the same time we don't need super high Life regen since we not using 2x Nebuloch's for that 200*2 fire damage taken per endurance charge for (that's a total of 4000 fire damage per second for 10 charges like Morphh's ladder build,with 80% fire resistace its a bout 800 fire damage taken per second).

Why not 2x Nebuloch's and max end.charges u will ask?
Because we will miss Point Blank/2x proj/Iron Reflexes from Grelwood and it will cost extra 7-8 points in the skill tree.
Also nebuloch's don't have any Attack speed as 20% Grelwood,so our main MS attacks,and Leap Slamming will be way slower.
Why not 2 Grelwoods? Because we will not benefit from Keystones from seconds weapon,while single Nebuloch will gives us a lot damage and defence.

Currently im have 82% phys mitigation with this setup with only 5 endurance charges while standing still(87% with Molten shell up),additional end charge from the tree will gives you additional 3% mitigation.
Im not even using phys mitigation pantheons bcs its enough already,instead im using Solaris(Jorus) + shakari(upgraded) for even more defences.

Currently im at 6900 HP and 62k tooltip MS dps in h/o without golem/blood rage/totem.
It melting bosses super fast(im done about 9-11 red tier 13-15 Elders so far deathless).
Not tryed Uber Elder yet because im focused more for Delve progression(Currently im at Delve ~380,don't have a lot time to play right now ~ 47hours on that character,but it feels super smooth,i doubt it can easy push 700-800+ depth)but it should be easy with that 2.2-2.3kk damage,and maybe Forbidden Taste to avoid some risky situations.

Also for those who aiming for Delve progression im recommend dropped Herald of ash and going Anger + Blasph/Enfeeble for more defences if you dont have Poacher's mark on hit mod on ring like mine.

Also about mapping.
I was thinking about a skill gem that i can replace Molten strike with same colour so i dont need a white socket or another chest for mapping,that also utilize Ancestral Call + Multistrike.

There was only 1 choice i tryed it and it works super good for me right now.
The answer is - Infernal Blow.
It gives us super fast debuffing and %life aoe explosions with multistrike which not leaving any singles enemy's as Molten Strike + spreading on other enemies with Ancestrall call.

But single target not the strongest side of Infernal Blow,and here comes out Molten Strike for single target damage.

I have that idea for another skill for mapping instead MS since i played Gornodd's Ele Claw Inquisitor in Abyss League which also was utilize Frost Blades for maps + MS for bosses.

So that's all for now.
Sry for not the best eng,just was want to share this experience with others,maybe for someone it will be usefull.

Last edited by FreshMeat93 on Sep 26, 2018, 8:08:10 PM
Marxeo112 wrote:

is just more dmg, round about 5k hideout moltenstrike dmg in compare to less armour and life with

So if i am correct....the 3rd aura variant is not the best solution for endgame bosses, huh? Or am i missing something?

If you have spare gem sockets, you can use Enlighten (level 3 or 4), Anger, and Herald of Ash or 3rd aura in the shaper reduced mana shield. If using a 3rd 25% aura, you end up with about 130+ mana left over unreserved (on a 750 max mana pool). I fit in Anger, Herald of Ash, and Herald of Purity this way.
Hey all, I loved this build last league and now finally able to afford to play it this league as it seems like it will do very well in Delves.

Here is my question, and I apologize if it has been asked/discussed:

With the low armor on Loreweave, isn't it possibly better to NOT go Unbreakable and pick up more defense/chaos res with unrelenting? Seems to be a good tradeoff and maybe better in delves?

Has anyone tried this out or have thoughts on that?
dday_0612 wrote:
Hey all, I loved this build last league and now finally able to afford to play it this league as it seems like it will do very well in Delves.

Here is my question, and I apologize if it has been asked/discussed:

With the low armor on Loreweave, isn't it possibly better to NOT go Unbreakable and pick up more defense/chaos res with unrelenting? Seems to be a good tradeoff and maybe better in delves?

Has anyone tried this out or have thoughts on that?

Tomorrow I'm gonna try it out, as I started having troubles in mines (around 390 depth). Gonna give up some dmg nodes probably and get more endurance chanrges
Hello, i got a question.
Will this implict work well with molten strike ? Checking in pob gives nothing to dps same as in game, it is really working ?
Any tips on keeping Shaper alive during red-Elder fight? I usually go with single target gems for red-Elder but that sucks for the midphase. I don't feel the aoe setup is enough with my current gear for that 2nd phase to keep Shaper alive.

Frost Wall the only viable option for this build in this case? I just wanna move on to getting the 15th fragment.
Any tips on keeping Shaper alive during red-Elder fight? I usually go with single target gems for red-Elder but that sucks for the midphase. I don't feel the aoe setup is enough with my current gear for that 2nd phase to keep Shaper alive.

Frost Wall the only viable option for this build in this case? I just wanna move on to getting the 15th fragment.

I used Ancestral Call + Concentrated Effect. So you get the higher damage from concentrated effect but if you position yourself correctly you can hit multiple portals with the AC. There may be better ways, that's just how I did it.

Easy mode is to just do it with another person. Feel free to add me in game if you want, character name is MathoranDLV. I'm usually on after I put the kids to bed - 9pm central give or take.
gogel123 wrote:
Hello, i got a question.
Will this implict work well with molten strike ? Checking in pob gives nothing to dps same as in game, it is really working ?

In PoB remember to change from melee hit to magma balls for molten strike. You'll see the dps change then.

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