[3.2] Lifting's Lead Sprinkler Berserker - Boss Killer & Fast Mapper!

I've spent hours looking at POB to try to find out why my molten strike magma balls are 160k dps compared to Liftings 373k dps. I'm only short 91 Str but that shouldn't account for 200k dps. I have mine a little different with using Kaoms Heart with a helm that has Immolate and Conc built in. Would anyone mind checking it out to see if there's something easy I missed?


Well first there is the ascendancy.
There a damage difference between chieftain and zerker.
Then your gear have lots of room to improve.
Your molten strike lost one link with elemental focus by slotting this in the helm.
You can have better ring with % elemental damage or % fire damage(or both)
And a last big thing. You play without blood rage. So you loose a lot of damage (15% attack speed + 3 frenzy charge , each one providing 4 % increase attack speed and 4 % MORE damage , much better than increase damage or flat damage. Increase and flat are additive when more is multiplicative)
Last edited by Kalt13008 on Apr 1, 2018, 3:35:12 AM
Got some spare time and Decided to try your build using berserker made it to 85 in one day or so leveling was really smooth, never expected wild strike was so great aswell i never took time to test it before.

I'm missing the helmet enchant and watcher eye for now -
Using xoph's blood and a 6L belly + some ok jewels i have been able to kill red elder and his guardians at level 80 so far it went "ok", quality on gems helped a lot here too.
As i can notice there is a lot of room for improvements i'm not worry about further progression, still i did like to get some more comfort on bosses and here are few questions hope you will have a min to answer them - :)

1/ What would be the most beneficial enchant for bosses encounter until i get +3 projectiles enchant + watcher eyes ( wich will greatly increase the leech and allow me to bring vitality aswell ): Life regen or life leech ?

2/ Have you tried uber elder / uber atziri with berserker version ?

3/ What would be the most beneficial gloves enchant for bosses encounters in your opinion ?

Thank you for reading, very nice work.
Hf :)
Im wondering about Uber Elder too, has anyone managed to kill it with this build? And how difficult would you say it was?
I haven't attempted it yet.

Shaper/guardians/Red Elder are easy enough for the build.
wooopaul11 wrote:
wooopaul11 wrote:
Juggernaut checking in here.

Facetanked pheonix.
Vinktar boss down in a 3 man group.
Yellow elder so easy.

Berserker or chieftain would have had to dodge those slams during certain boss fights.
Jug doesn’t move , jug says why move?
Jug just right click and not let go till boss poops loot.

Paul am not sure why you seem so determined to undermine chieftain and berserker. You have done that directly or indirectly in several posts now.
You mention them not being able to facetank the Phoenix, vinktar etc. That is simply not true and in a fight such as the phoenix the chieftain would be far tankier than the jugg.

Also I have facetanked all of the guardians on my berserker with various dangerous map mods, how? Because I deal so much damage that they rarely get to attack enough times before they die. Do I risk dying? Occasionally, yea sure - that is why I don't recommend berserker for HC, but it is rare that it happens and I can kill 3 guardians in the time it takes the jugg to kill 1.

The problem with me constantly having to defend the berserker is that it makes it sound like that I don't see any value in any of the other ascendancies and that is simply not the case. You can play this as a jugg, champion, raider etc. It is just not my preferable choice and I have explained why and I believe those are valid reasons. The goal of this build was to get the most damage and the best clear speed at the cost of taking extra damage - that is achieved via the berserker.

Also I see you comparing the damage of the chieftain to the jugg and claiming the jugg has more damage, which is partially true. It depends on the type of setup, however the point to understand here is that the chieftain was never intended to compete damage vise with the other ascendancies (although it has good damage). It was made as an alternative choice for newer players to the game or if you specifically want to farm uber lab due to the regen, elemental mitigation and low budget requirement. Comparing the two based on who does most damage is irrelevant as that is not the focus of that ascendancy

If you prefer the tankiness of the jugg then thats great, keep playing that. The same goes for the champion or any other ascendancy - but don't use it as an argument for devaluing the other ascendancies. Doing that simply indicates a lack of perspective and it confuses other players who might be interested in trying out the build. Each ascendancy has it's own benefit with this type of build.

Hey lifting, it’s nothing personal bro,
I like the build hence why I keep updating my progress
I was able to facetank Minotaur today with double damage mods
Never been able to do that before .

I appreciate u making the build, I was just trying to have fun with an alternative tanky
Version. If you sense I’m being inflammatory or trying to undermine u , or trolling I’m not.
I get it’s your thread and ur build and if u feel like I’m confusing the newer players several
Of which that complained about dying to much with berserker, then I’ll stop. No prob bro
Just a game , berserker is Op but watchers eye is probably out of range price wise
For newer players so I was simply providing an alternative.
I like ur vids, I’ve made that champion Uber farmer before and it’s great.

Hey mate,

You know what? I probably wrote that message at a time when I should just have gone to bed. I see now, that I probably misunderstood your intent. I am sorry.

As the creator of several guides throughout the past few years, I have had to defend my choices on a constant basis and sometimes this leads me to forgot that most of you guys are simply sharing your own creative touch to the build with the other people in the thread. That is something I encourage and appreciate. Thank you for doing that and keep the updates coming - I know there are lots of people who prefer the Jugg and I am sure they appreciate your progress reports =)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
Hey im looking at your flask, how are you avoiding being frozen?
1. What map mods are impossible?
2. How we know the amount of life leech we have?
so for the past few days i've been working on your chieftain version of this and i'm not entirely sure item wise what to go for next, i litterally just now completed the uber lab as level 73 chieftain with mediocre gear, or some would probably say shit gear :P but i was wondering, for chieftain you still do recomend a elder ring with life for each enemy hit by your attacks right ? been looking at them and man they sure do cost nowdays (unless i'm looking at the wrong thing) but i cant really find any decent ones that seem affordable for me right now, at least for when i'm typing this now, i can only find 1 with the elder mod, life and strength and thats like only 25 str and still 2ex, is that really worth it? it does have 19 life for each enemy hit by your attacks, but i'm having a hard time seing that as enough considering that the thief's torment have way more but still at some fights it seems like it's barely enough, it might just be me, but yeah i wanted to check with you about tips for how to proceed if you got the time and stuff for that ^^

if you do look at my char and come with some tips, that would be very much apriciated, but i also understand if you cant or just simply feel like you dont really want to :P

aside from that tho, i'll say the build feels real good damage wise even with my gear ^^

EDIT: after i posted this i did manage to make a ring that looks okay-ish prolly not that good tho :P
Last edited by Keelty on Apr 1, 2018, 7:39:39 PM
I actually play with Blood Rage but I added it after I exported it, all else was the same, it brought it up about 20k DPS or so. I guess I need to re-evaluate my gear, I may have to drop Kaoms and 6L MS because the helm is hard to get high str and life. The left ring was due to the warlords on hit, helps me leech a ton.
Hit 90 today with the zerker build and it's been a blast. Does exactly what it says on the tin, hits like a truck and is lightning quick when the stacks get going

Was trying to Alt Regal a half decent life on hit elder ring, gave up about 1500 alts into it, that was rough going and would not recommend. Think i saw the T1 LoH roll less than 10 times. Bought one today in the end.

Anyway for me up to Tier 12/13 is grand, ran a few T14's corrupted for the atlas bonus & feel it does get a bit sketchy around there with crit chance and increased damage mods

Fair to say you need to be fairly mechanically proficient and stay tuned in when mapping or it can go south quickly xd. Constantly refreshing endurance charges is kinda draining but necessary in those tiers,

Not sure i'll push for 92 and that last jewel slot, that watchers eye is so not gonna happen

Below is where I'm at now, molten strike enchant all that's left I guess but don't really think more damage is needed,

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