[3.2] Lifting's Lead Sprinkler Berserker - Boss Killer & Fast Mapper!

RexZShadow wrote:
So want to make this mainly for uber lab farming and wondering just how big the difference between Berserker and Chief is.

Like is the damage difference big enough or the survival from Chief much better for uber lab?

You do not need the berserker damage for Uber Lab, Chieftain is a better choice.
Now i make 2nd Reroll, now from Chief to Jugg and Jugg for me looks like best option for this build. I feel Jugg make more dmg than Chief (tons of attack speed more so it's also move faster), he is a real tank. So i went all Marauder ascendancy and i will stay on Jugg.

BTW i'm start to use a
as offhand and its looks like good option, two Brutus have a bit more DMG on numbers in town but 2 projectile its alot and that armour! and i can use a whirling blade, hate leap slam :D
Apologies if this has already been addressed, If currency is an issue are there any alternatives to Xoph's blood and Lycosidae? I have a level 80 Jugg, I was going to spend most of my currency to respec. I've read some posts about staying Jugg and dual wielding for damage, is this an option? I have a 5l belly already on my Jugg, just needs recoloring. I am fairly casual and really don't see getting a Xoph's this league, lycosidae is a little more reasonable, but have about 64c to my name. I might be able to sell my Jugg's Stat Stick, if it's worth anything.

If it is viable to stay jugg and dual wield, I can save a bunch of currency to get lycosidae and respec to berserker or chieftain later, I've always wanted to play this build, but Brutus' lead sprinkler was never cheap enough. Thanks in advance!
Sirsmashface wrote:
Apologies if this has already been addressed, If currency is an issue are there any alternatives to Xoph's blood and Lycosidae? I have a level 80 Jugg, I was going to spend most of my currency to respec. I've read some posts about staying Jugg and dual wielding for damage, is this an option? I have a 5l belly already on my Jugg, just needs recoloring. I am fairly casual and really don't see getting a Xoph's this league, lycosidae is a little more reasonable, but have about 64c to my name. I might be able to sell my Jugg's Stat Stick, if it's worth anything.

If it is viable to stay jugg and dual wield, I can save a bunch of currency to get lycosidae and respec to berserker or chieftain later, I've always wanted to play this build, but Brutus' lead sprinkler was never cheap enough. Thanks in advance!

Xoph isn't necessary. Just get a rare amulet with strength.

If you can't afford a lyco you can always roll a champion.
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
wooopaul11 wrote:
Juggernaut checking in here.

Facetanked pheonix.
Vinktar boss down in a 3 man group.
Yellow elder so easy.

Berserker or chieftain would have had to dodge those slams during certain boss fights.
Jug doesn’t move , jug says why move?
Jug just right click and not let go till boss poops loot.

Paul am not sure why you seem so determined to undermine chieftain and berserker. You have done that directly or indirectly in several posts now.
You mention them not being able to facetank the Phoenix, vinktar etc. That is simply not true and in a fight such as the phoenix the chieftain would be far tankier than the jugg.

Also I have facetanked all of the guardians on my berserker with various dangerous map mods, how? Because I deal so much damage that they rarely get to attack enough times before they die. Do I risk dying? Occasionally, yea sure - that is why I don't recommend berserker for HC, but it is rare that it happens and I can kill 3 guardians in the time it takes the jugg to kill 1.

The problem with me constantly having to defend the berserker is that it makes it sound like that I don't see any value in any of the other ascendancies and that is simply not the case. You can play this as a jugg, champion, raider etc. It is just not my preferable choice and I have explained why and I believe those are valid reasons. The goal of this build was to get the most damage and the best clear speed at the cost of taking extra damage - that is achieved via the berserker.

Also I see you comparing the damage of the chieftain to the jugg and claiming the jugg has more damage, which is partially true. It depends on the type of setup, however the point to understand here is that the chieftain was never intended to compete damage vise with the other ascendancies (although it has good damage). It was made as an alternative choice for newer players to the game or if you specifically want to farm uber lab due to the regen, elemental mitigation and low budget requirement. Comparing the two based on who does most damage is irrelevant as that is not the focus of that ascendancy recommendation.

If you prefer the tankiness of the jugg then thats great, keep playing that. The same goes for the champion or any other ascendancy - but don't use it as an argument for devaluing the other ascendancies. Doing that simply indicates a lack of perspective and it confuses other players who might be interested in trying out the build. Each ascendancy has it's own benefit with this type of build.
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
Last edited by LiftingNerdBro on Mar 31, 2018, 5:53:36 PM
Sirsmashface wrote:
Apologies if this has already been addressed, If currency is an issue are there any alternatives to Xoph's blood and Lycosidae? I have a level 80 Jugg, I was going to spend most of my currency to respec. I've read some posts about staying Jugg and dual wielding for damage, is this an option? I have a 5l belly already on my Jugg, just needs recoloring. I am fairly casual and really don't see getting a Xoph's this league, lycosidae is a little more reasonable, but have about 64c to my name. I might be able to sell my Jugg's Stat Stick, if it's worth anything.

If it is viable to stay jugg and dual wield, I can save a bunch of currency to get lycosidae and respec to berserker or chieftain later, I've always wanted to play this build, but Brutus' lead sprinkler was never cheap enough. Thanks in advance!

It is viable to stay jugg and dual wield 2x Lead Sprinklers if you prefer yes - you will have less damage and unable to use Shield Charge for movement, but it is a tankier choice than the berserker for instance =)

You don't need the Lyco shield or Xophs to make this build work, but they are amazing additions down the line. If you eventually go chieftain I would skip out on the Xophs though, its not worth it then. Get a good rare amulet instead =)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
RexZShadow wrote:
So want to make this mainly for uber lab farming and wondering just how big the difference between Berserker and Chief is.

Like is the damage difference big enough or the survival from Chief much better for uber lab?

Chieftain is miles better than the berserker for uber labbing. It is partly why I presented it as an alternative build for people who wanted to do that type of content =)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
loczek123 wrote:
I have a really nice gear (i think its nice) but im considering to change to Chief or Jugg, DMG its insane on Zerg but some mechanic just one shot me and its dont look im doing wrong its just one shot (example its atziri spear, one hit me 90% of time).

This build its great i think its best build i ever play and have so fun :D

Good to hear you are having fun =)

There really shouldn't be anything that should one-shot you with 8000+ life, even as berserker with the exception of shaper slam, izaro swipe with conduits and essences and potentially a minotaur with damage mods, at least not if your gear is properly optimized.

That said I always recommend the chieftain over the berserker, unless you specifically want the absolute most damage. The chieftain is gonna feel much easier and pleasant to play, the jugg is a viable alternative to that as well or even the champion =)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
wooopaul11 wrote:
Juggernaut checking in here.

Facetanked pheonix.
Vinktar boss down in a 3 man group.
Yellow elder so easy.

Berserker or chieftain would have had to dodge those slams during certain boss fights.
Jug doesn’t move , jug says why move?
Jug just right click and not let go till boss poops loot.

Paul am not sure why you seem so determined to undermine chieftain and berserker. You have done that directly or indirectly in several posts now.
You mention them not being able to facetank the Phoenix, vinktar etc. That is simply not true and in a fight such as the phoenix the chieftain would be far tankier than the jugg.

Also I have facetanked all of the guardians on my berserker with various dangerous map mods, how? Because I deal so much damage that they rarely get to attack enough times before they die. Do I risk dying? Occasionally, yea sure - that is why I don't recommend berserker for HC, but it is rare that it happens and I can kill 3 guardians in the time it takes the jugg to kill 1.

The problem with me constantly having to defend the berserker is that it makes it sound like that I don't see any value in any of the other ascendancies and that is simply not the case. You can play this as a jugg, champion, raider etc. It is just not my preferable choice and I have explained why and I believe those are valid reasons. The goal of this build was to get the most damage and the best clear speed at the cost of taking extra damage - that is achieved via the berserker.

Also I see you comparing the damage of the chieftain to the jugg and claiming the jugg has more damage, which is partially true. It depends on the type of setup, however the point to understand here is that the chieftain was never intended to compete damage vise with the other ascendancies (although it has good damage). It was made as an alternative choice for newer players to the game or if you specifically want to farm uber lab due to the regen, elemental mitigation and low budget requirement. Comparing the two based on who does most damage is irrelevant as that is not the focus of that ascendancy

If you prefer the tankiness of the jugg then thats great, keep playing that. The same goes for the champion or any other ascendancy - but don't use it as an argument for devaluing the other ascendancies. Doing that simply indicates a lack of perspective and it confuses other players who might be interested in trying out the build. Each ascendancy has it's own benefit with this type of build.

Hey lifting, it’s nothing personal bro,
I like the build hence why I keep updating my progress
I was able to facetank Minotaur today with double damage mods
Never been able to do that before .

I appreciate u making the build, I was just trying to have fun with an alternative tanky
Version. If you sense I’m being inflammatory or trying to undermine u , or trolling I’m not.
I get it’s your thread and ur build and if u feel like I’m confusing the newer players several
Of which that complained about dying to much with berserker, then I’ll stop. No prob bro
Just a game , berserker is Op but watchers eye is probably out of range price wise
For newer players so I was simply providing an alternative.
I like ur vids, I’ve made that champion Uber farmer before and it’s great.
wooopaul11 wrote:
wooopaul11 wrote:
Juggernaut checking in here.

Facetanked pheonix.
Vinktar boss down in a 3 man group.
Yellow elder so easy.

Berserker or chieftain would have had to dodge those slams during certain boss fights.
Jug doesn’t move , jug says why move?
Jug just right click and not let go till boss poops loot.

Paul am not sure why you seem so determined to undermine chieftain and berserker. You have done that directly or indirectly in several posts now.
You mention them not being able to facetank the Phoenix, vinktar etc. That is simply not true and in a fight such as the phoenix the chieftain would be far tankier than the jugg.

Also I have facetanked all of the guardians on my berserker with various dangerous map mods, how? Because I deal so much damage that they rarely get to attack enough times before they die. Do I risk dying? Occasionally, yea sure - that is why I don't recommend berserker for HC, but it is rare that it happens and I can kill 3 guardians in the time it takes the jugg to kill 1.

The problem with me constantly having to defend the berserker is that it makes it sound like that I don't see any value in any of the other ascendancies and that is simply not the case. You can play this as a jugg, champion, raider etc. It is just not my preferable choice and I have explained why and I believe those are valid reasons. The goal of this build was to get the most damage and the best clear speed at the cost of taking extra damage - that is achieved via the berserker.

Also I see you comparing the damage of the chieftain to the jugg and claiming the jugg has more damage, which is partially true. It depends on the type of setup, however the point to understand here is that the chieftain was never intended to compete damage vise with the other ascendancies (although it has good damage). It was made as an alternative choice for newer players to the game or if you specifically want to farm uber lab due to the regen, elemental mitigation and low budget requirement. Comparing the two based on who does most damage is irrelevant as that is not the focus of that ascendancy

If you prefer the tankiness of the jugg then thats great, keep playing that. The same goes for the champion or any other ascendancy - but don't use it as an argument for devaluing the other ascendancies. Doing that simply indicates a lack of perspective and it confuses other players who might be interested in trying out the build. Each ascendancy has it's own benefit with this type of build.

Hey lifting, it’s nothing personal bro,
I like the build hence why I keep updating my progress
I was able to facetank Minotaur today with double damage mods
Never been able to do that before .

I appreciate u making the build, I was just trying to have fun with an alternative tanky
Version. If you sense I’m being inflammatory or trying to undermine u , or trolling I’m not.
I get it’s your thread and ur build and if u feel like I’m confusing the newer players several
Of which that complained about dying to much with berserker, then I’ll stop. No prob bro
Just a game , berserker is Op but watchers eye is probably out of range price wise
For newer players so I was simply providing an alternative.
I like ur vids, I’ve made that champion Uber farmer before and it’s great.

I Think if you're going to go Jug for this build, at that point you're better off going with the Oni-Goroshi Jug build, like this one https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2075047/page/1

Much higher damage...

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