[3.5]FJTHEBEAST| DW Nebuloch Chieftain Molten Strike |90% Dmg Mitigation|9M Shaper DPS| All content

IchiseRR wrote:
Danger google translate ^__^

Thank you very much for this build.

Although it was not usual to hold the charges at first (many deaths were fixed), but liked the gameplay so much that he decided to invest the entire currency in it, and not try something else.

But in Delve after reaching a depth of 270-300 and under lots of mods for crit and damage, sometimes I catch oneshot, but it does not disturb me but only defies me)

After my first and very complicated killing of the Uber Elder in the last league, in this I go to him daily, and also I help guild members with difficult bosses.

Thanks again for the excellent build, gl hf ^ __ ^

UPD: I think I solved the problem with oneshot crits, I took a "Indomitable" passive and a shaper belt with a "You take 28% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes". If you can get a cap elemental resist with the "Belt of the Deceiver", this option will be much cheaper.

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your experience. It seems that oneshots are very common this league and some white delve mobs hit harder than Shaper :D

The Wise Oak may give you more damage than Atziri's Promise. Nice gear by the way ^^
grimchip wrote:

Hi there! Thank you for answering others' questions.

I managed to understand how the Molten Strike sheet you shared last time works :D and you are right : Dying Sun gives 5-7% more dps than Atziri's Promise. However, it lowers our fire and chaos damage mitigation. Thank you for pointing that out :)
Last edited by fjtheknight on Oct 7, 2018, 11:39:15 AM
fjtheknight wrote:
grimchip wrote:

Hi there! Thank you for answering others' questions.

I managed to understand how the Molten Strike sheet you shared last time works :D and you are right : Dying Sun gives 5-7% more dps than Atziri's Promise. However, it lowers our fire and chaos damage mitigation. Thank you for pointing that out :)

np, It's not a huge deal either way.

Alot of what I've been seeing is people having trouble with survivability. Just an idea I've had is maybe somehow making it more clear that they need to be using enduring cry during boss fights to maintain endurance charges. I suspect alot of them may not realize they forgot to use enduring cry and suddenly take alot of damage.

Also I Have to say I am against abyssus. I'll be completely honest, I think it's a bad helm for this build (and most builds tbh) and it's not friendly at all to new players.

Abyssus has fallen out of the meta almost completely. and for good reason. Taking 40% more physical damage while delving or doing most new league mechanics is usually suicidal, and can be extremely dangerous even with this builds high mitigation. It's not even cheaper then other helms anymore because almost nobody uses abyssus for lab enchanting.
Last edited by grimchip on Oct 7, 2018, 4:57:00 PM
Hi there,

I can't see your character (modify your privacy settings or share a PoB link :) )

I changed it.
I also changed quite few things on my builds i think it's almost optimal for my level now.
But if you have any ideas i'll gladly take them
Nevertheless, I decided to abandon the Abyssus and take the Devoto. I lost quite a lot of damage (about 9%), but in return I received greater mobility and safety from physical damage. Thx to
grimchip wrote:
Personally I prefer devotos as I have 7k life with it and it gives me faster clear, which this build lacks.
Last edited by IchiseRR on Oct 8, 2018, 8:20:33 AM
Kayis wrote:
Hi there,

I can't see your character (modify your privacy settings or share a PoB link :) )

I changed it.
I also changed quite few things on my builds i think it's almost optimal for my level now.
But if you have any ideas i'll gladly take them

Just use the Nebuloch with "increased attack speed" in your main hand because leap slma only uses main hand weapon
grimchip wrote:

Also I Have to say I am against abyssus. I'll be completely honest, I think it's a bad helm for this build (and most builds tbh) and it's not friendly at all to new players.

Abyssus has fallen out of the meta almost completely. and for good reason. Taking 40% more physical damage while delving or doing most new league mechanics is usually suicidal, and can be extremely dangerous even with this builds high mitigation. It's not even cheaper then other helms anymore because almost nobody uses abyssus for lab enchanting.

IchiseRR wrote:
Nevertheless, I decided to abandon the Abyssus and take the Devoto. I lost quite a lot of damage (about 9%), but in return I received greater mobility and safety from physical damage.

I bought my Abyssus for 2 exalts in Bestiary :D Now they cost more than 10 ex.
I chose AByssus because of its price, huge dps boost, free stats (=free passive points and suffixes) and because my goal was to beat Uber Elder and even with Abyssus, game content wasn't dealing enough physical damage to make me think I should change Abyssus.

Devoto and Starkonja's are probably the best available alternatives to Abyssus. The Formless Inferno gives also a huge amount of armour with this build, but there are no available ones with MS enchant.

Unfortunately, we only have the option to add a second weapon set in PoB and not a full set of new items so we can add more options to the build.
Last edited by fjtheknight on Oct 8, 2018, 11:08:02 AM
fjtheknight wrote:

I bought my Abyssus for 2 exalts in Bestiary :D Now they cost more than 10 ex.
I chose AByssus because of its price, huge dps boost, free stats (=free passive points and suffixes) and because my goal was to beat Uber Elder and even with Abyssus, game content wasn't dealing enough physical damage to make me think I should change Abyssus.

Devoto and Starkonja's are probably the best available alternatives to Abyssus. The Formless Inferno gives also a huge amount of armour with this build, but there are no available ones with MS enchant.

Unfortunately, we only have the option to add a second weapon set in PoB and not a full set of new items so we can add more options to the build.

I think for bestiary it was the right choice, for delve unfortunately due to the incredible scaling of the mobs in the mines and its price, it is not.

The formeless inferno I think would be the best endgame option. It has everything we want and armour never stops scaling despite the "90%" cap that is implied. As you said though you'd be hardpressed to find one with the ms enchant, or any enchant for that matter. It's such a good helm for this build too because of the 100% fire resist we get from our ascendancy.

As for PoB, you can just change the items in the current PoB and make a new PoB link. You can have multiple PoB links for different items in the build.

Just use the Nebuloch with "increased attack speed" in your main hand because leap slma only uses main hand weapon

I'll loose 2 k dps doing so is it really worth it ?
And other than that anything bad you noticed?

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