[3.5]FJTHEBEAST| DW Nebuloch Chieftain Molten Strike |90% Dmg Mitigation|9M Shaper DPS| All content

grimchip wrote:
Rouxsale wrote:
Great guide! Loving the build so far, Delves like a char.

Question about gems... Why are we using Endurance Charge on Melee Stun support? PoB shows a much better dps with Fire Penetration Support, and I feel like bosses are just not stunned, ever, and therefore my charges are kept with Enduring cry anyway. AM I missing something?

P.S. I know my rings are not Kaom yet so I'm missing 2 endurance charges, but I've done the math on PoB with two Kaom's equipped.

You're using GMP. Typically the endurance charge on melee stun would go in that slot.

You're just seeing the last thing I put there to try out. The gem that actually goes there is Vicious Projectiles, as per recommended in the guide. Links are 3R-2B-1G

Molten Strike
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun
Elemental Focus
Concentrated Effect
Vicious Projectiles

That is the single target setup recommended, but swapping out Endurance Charge for Fire Penetration seems to increase the dmg. My question being : Do we really stun the bosses and manage to generate charges? Cause I don't seem to see them stunned ever.
Rouxsale wrote:

You're just seeing the last thing I put there to try out. The gem that actually goes there is Vicious Projectiles, as per recommended in the guide. Links are 3R-2B-1G

Molten Strike
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun
Elemental Focus
Concentrated Effect
Vicious Projectiles

That is the single target setup recommended, but swapping out Endurance Charge for Fire Penetration seems to increase the dmg. My question being : Do we really stun the bosses and manage to generate charges? Cause I don't seem to see them stunned ever.

you would swap out vicious projectiles for endurance charge on melee stun, which not only gives you more melee damage, but for most people who have good gear the endurance charge gem should also be more damage for your magma balls.

nothing beats fire pen on bosses unless you're getting fire pen from gear.

edit: reread the guide to be sure and the it says "endurance charge on melee stun/vicious projectiles" so I'm not sure where you got replacing fire pen with it.
Last edited by grimchip on Oct 3, 2018, 1:36:04 PM
So then the recommended setup is not 3R2B1G?

Because what you suggest means 4R2B, not going to recolor before a boss fight :P

Edit : I am based off the PoB link for 3.4 that the OP has given, not the written guide. However, it may just be that at the gear level he's at on the PoB Vicious becomes better than another red socket. I'll go with what you suggested and see how it is!
Last edited by Rouxsale on Oct 3, 2018, 1:42:49 PM
Rouxsale wrote:
So then the recommended setup is not 3R2B1G?

Because what you suggest means 4R2B, not going to recolor before a boss fight :P

Ok i see where the confusion is, In the mapping gem section he tells you to use vicious with the endurance charge gem (the endurance charge gem replacing fire pen)

what he's saying is that for boss fights you swap out the endurance charge gem for fire pen, as suggested in the next gem setup.

He's also saying that for bossing, the endurance charge gem is just as good as the vicious projectiles gem, so you could go 4r2b if you wanted, but it's not necessary.

I run 4r2b though because I use endurance charg gem over vicious projectiles (it's more damage for me) and when I'm mapping I use anc call and melee splash in place of fire pen and endurance charge on stun. I prefer 4r2b because melee splash is extremely useful for clear, which this build lacks.

and also I usually just never use the ecoms gem because I'm using ancestral call 100% of the time. Anc call not only triples the range you can attack a target from, if you attack in the deadzone, you can proc double the magma balls and effectively double your dps.
How does this build procs Endurence Charge on Melee Stun? I'm failing to understand that.
Thvrsis wrote:
How does this build procs Endurence Charge on Melee Stun? I'm failing to understand that.

It's not about proccing the gem. The gem simply gives you 4% more damage for each endurance charge you have active. This build when it is completely finished has 8-9 endurance charges which will cause the ecoms to be better then other gems.
Last edited by grimchip on Oct 5, 2018, 4:03:36 PM
well, i rerolled to jugg, coz keeping endurance charges on bosses is real pain
also charge stealing mods in delve ganking hard
Hey i'm having few issues with the build. First i don't understand how you get so much life.
And second i'm getting oneshoot.
Can you help me? What shall i do?

Thanks a million thought. The build is fantastic otherwise
Kayis wrote:
Hey i'm having few issues with the build. First i don't understand how you get so much life.
And second i'm getting oneshoot.
Can you help me? What shall i do?

Thanks a million thought. The build is fantastic otherwise

Hi there,

I can't see your character (modify your privacy settings or share a PoB link :) )
HeroEvermore wrote:
Is there a 3.4 update of the passive tree on here? Was working on this build but the passives are all broken up on the links.

Updated. Thanks!

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