[3.2] 15c BF BoR Champion/Zerker- Shaper/Guardians/Red Elder & Guardians/Uber Lab/Atziri

justin5862 wrote:
im curious to no whats the cwdt-frenzy-culling-punishment is even for ? frenzy isnt triggered by cwdt same with culling and punishment just seems like a complete waste of a 4 link ?

frenzy is for charges in boss fights and linked to cull. the cwdt+punishment should be linked to work, but i think he just had wrong level gems in at the time.
frenzy and cull i do without.
Last edited by wenlock on Dec 23, 2017, 8:22:43 PM
Shach99 wrote:
What do I craft on it? Worth slamming exalt btw?

Not worth exalting. You only want to exalt if you have this either of this mods on weapon, gains extra physical to cold, gains extra physical to fire, crit multiplier, elemental attacks with damage while you still hvae space to master mod, yours already have 5 mods on weapon so even if you exalt and hit crit multi OR elemental attacks with damage you can't master craft the remaining mod on it.
Last edited by Justinglee on Dec 23, 2017, 10:34:53 PM
stick111 wrote:
I ask for some advice (I have a 6-L Belly):
1. Should I leave the hemophilia gloves if I can make resist 75+?
2. Should I use the Taste of Hate flask (plan to remove the Quicksilver flask)?
3. Is it possible with Abyssus and Lighting Coil?
4. What are the best enchants to have on shoes and a helm?

1. Well even if you can make resist 75, gloves does give HP so I would pick Spiked gloves. However Hemophilia gives about 50k more damage on Shaper based on PoB. (1.32m to 1.37m), I would go gloves just to become tankier since I value the health more.

2. Sure if you can afford it. You Whirling blades most of the time anyway and ToH gives extra physical as cold which is amazing with build.

3. Yup that is fine. Abyssus and Lightning coil has about the same defence as normal helm and belly. https://jsfiddle.net/p7pe80jx/39/embedded/result/

4. Helm is 40% Blade FLurry damage for sure, shoes is regenerate 2% life and mana when hit or something like that. Damage penetration ele is nice for sure too
Last edited by Justinglee on Dec 23, 2017, 10:48:45 PM
Can anyone teach me how to craft my own one hand axe SHAPED please
I just bought shaped axe and spam alt and still can't found double gain #% damage as fire/cold
Thank you for your kindly help in advance.
tumplovejee wrote:
Can anyone teach me how to craft my own one hand axe SHAPED please
I just bought shaped axe and spam alt and still can't found double gain #% damage as fire/cold
Thank you for your kindly help in advance.

I'd be interested in this as well.
tumplovejee wrote:
Can anyone teach me how to craft my own one hand axe SHAPED please
I just bought shaped axe and spam alt and still can't found double gain #% damage as fire/cold
Thank you for your kindly help in advance.


Simply put just alt Until you find 2 desriable mods, regal, if its shit, scour.

OR if you're feeling ballsy, chaos spam it. The Easiest way IMO

STEP 1: Ilevel80 axe: WHITE AXE


1) Extra fire + Crit Multi
2) Extra Fire + Increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skill
3) Extra Cold + Crit Multi
4) Extra Cold + Increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skill.
IF the rolls are low, alt again, rule of thumb you want the tiers to be at least Vagan 5 and above meaning for Crit Multi aim > 22% for Increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skill aim for > 22%.

STEP 4: REGAL AXE and pray you get the affixes you want, else scour.

STEP 5: IF YOU MANAGED TO GET THE MOD YOU WANT, Vagan Craft. You now have an axe you can use for bossing.


Alternative you can be like John.

Step 1: Get an > Ilevel 80 axe.

Step 2: Make it rare, Transmute - Regal.

Step 3: Chaos Spam until desired mods.

Step 4: John managed to get Crit Chance, Attack Speed, Extra COLD (T1), Crit Multi (T3) on axe during Chaos Spam

Step 5: John realised he has 2 prefixes he can craft on axe.

Step 6: John blocked one prefix with shit mod by Vagan crafting so he can exalt slam without fear of getting shit mod.

Step 7: John managed to exalt slam t2 Extra Fire.

Step 8: PROFIT

Last edited by Justinglee on Dec 24, 2017, 1:27:10 AM
Justinglee wrote:
Crating tips

Thank you so much for this information! Spent so many alts thinking I could get both prefixes.
Aericura wrote:
Justinglee wrote:
Crating tips

Thank you so much for this information! Spent so many alts thinking I could get both prefixes.

No worries
B3rbo wrote:
HEy! A couple of questions if I may, sorry if they're stupid I'm kind of a rookie

Blade flurry skill - when I use the skill and it's activated do I need to click on enemy or simply point at it? I noticed there's some effect when I click on different mobs

Which node should I prioritize? the skill is huge and not sure which paths to take

Any good zone to level up around lvl 50?

what is stat stick?

I'm sorry for being so disgusting but do you mind sharing your gear if you stopped playing it?

Hey! No worries at all, everybody was new at some point.

Q1) Just hold that shit down in the general direction of enemies. At some point you'll see a green circle pop above your head (at 6 charges). That indicates you've hit maximum charges on blade flurry. Release it and it'll hit everyone another 6 times each, fucking em all up.

2) I need to make some leveling trees for people for sure. But for now, just pick up all the nodes along the way EXCEPT for going up to the life nodes near the scion starting point. You can do those all later.

3) Just keep heading through the story :) You'll get to the level you need to be at per zone.

4) We're dual wielding. Blade-flurry can only use claws/swords/daggers to attack. We hold a mace with some nice added GLOBAL (important!) damage that buffs our overall damage but makes sure since it's not one of the above weapon types, we only attack with our main-hand. That ensures maximum damage :)

Sorry I'm still playing the build, but I try not to give out gear except for very rarely, it just wouldn't be fair to everybody else. The build is cheap as all hell though for how much it can do. You should have enough currency to get started with it just through leveling.

Smoknum wrote:
Finally got a 6l Belly. In POB Increased Critical Damage is about 200k higher total dps than Faster Attacks. Trying to decide if losing some attacks per second is worth this damage boost.


I think that depends on how you want the build to feel. BF scales so extremely well with faster attacks even just with how smooth it gets. If without faster attacks clearing still feels smooth to you and not too slow, then yeah dude. Go with it :) More deeps is more deeps.

Bhannndoefvh wrote:
Is using the helmet better than a 5L belly? Or should i just wait till i can get myself a 6l belly before switching?

Justinglee is right. You'd be losing quite a bit of damage. I wouldn't swap without a 6-l or a 4-l shaped gloves with faster attacks/chance to bleed.

Ghato123 wrote:
Is it worth going Rite of Ruin for last ascend for more defences?

I wouldn't. You don't really die very often while clearing which is when that reduced damage would come in handy. During the deadly bosses you'll more often than not only have the attack speed bonus up, which isn't as good as Cloaked in Savagery.

stick111 wrote:
I ask for some advice (I have a 6-L Belly):
1. Should I leave the hemophilia gloves if I can make resist 75+?
2. Should I use the Taste of Hate flask (plan to remove the Quicksilver flask)?
3. Is it possible with Abyssus and Lighting Coil?
4. What are the best enchants to have on shoes and a helm?

1) You're gonna get better DPS and Defenses from a nicely rolled pair of gloves instead. You can use it though, I just wouldn't I don't think the bit of damage is worth losing the potential of a good pair of gloves.
2) Yea! In the super-end-game version I'd definitely go with a Taste of Hate instead of the Quicksilver.
3) You totally could if you can do the resists properly. I really just hate abyssus so I never recommend it, but if you can afford to deal with it and wanna go for it, it'll boost your dps a lot.
4) Shoes I'd go with Life Regen for defense, and Ele pen for offense. Helm increased BF damage.

hulkisgreen wrote:
I'm running the build with a Carnage Heart Onyx Amulet and I don't find the rare amulet appealing at all because of the leech and the damage while leeching on the amulet.Am I missing something??

Carnage heart will give you a bit more dps than the amulet I'm using in the vid, but I'm not confident it would beat out an amulet that costs as much as it does. My amulet was 1c, for 8-10c you can get a pretty sweet ammy. The leech and leech per second increase are irrelevant since we're zerker and insta-leeching. That being said, it deals with the int needed, gives pretty good damage, and some resistances. It's not bad. It's just not the best amulet for the build.

wenlock wrote:
frenzy is for charges in boss fights and linked to cull. the cwdt+punishment should be linked to work, but i think he just had wrong level gems in at the time.
frenzy and cull i do without.

You are correct! The gem levels were/are fine though. Everything was/is working as it should. Punishment is below level 36 at its current level so CWDT works :)
What about extra % phys damage as a random element? That works too right?

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