[3.2] 15c BF BoR Champion/Zerker- Shaper/Guardians/Red Elder & Guardians/Uber Lab/Atziri

wenlock wrote:
Shach99 wrote:
What do I craft on it? Worth slamming exalt btw?

can you craft crit multi on it?
Yes, I can. I can also craft attack speed, which one is more beneficial to this build?
Shach99 wrote:
wenlock wrote:
Shach99 wrote:
What do I craft on it? Worth slamming exalt btw?

can you craft crit multi on it?
Yes, I can. I can also craft attack speed, which one is more beneficial to this build?

Crit Multi as Attack speed is local.
Love your build.
Can you check out my gears and do i need to uprade anything ?
Thank you very much !
Thank you very much.
I wish you get Head Hunter soon.
Enjoying the build, got to level 74 quickly. I still blow up every now and then but I must admit I've been pretty gung-ho regarding map mods, so sometimes stuff just stacks against me.

One suggestion if you, like me and apparently others, forget to use your frenzy+cull (I'll admit that in my case it's more that I'm often too terrified fighting a boss and watching my health globe become a strobe light to press anything else other than flasks), is to drop that combo and add your ice golem and molten shell to your cwdt links. This saves you from manually resummoning the golem, since it dies so often anyway, and a level 9 molten shell adds a tiny bit of mitigation and damage.

Here's my stat stick, got it for 50c before things ballooned out of control. Not the best, but it does the job.
Two things for anyone new or experimenting that may have missed it in the thread:

Swap BF and Chance to bleed to Reave and multistrike and throw a vaal reave in somewhere while mapping once your dps is high enough. it will double your clear speed.

also make your offhand weapon house your low lvl cwdt gems. you can have the same gems in your aoe weapon and your single target weapon. since you dont need them being leveled, and you can swap them fast without having to recast anything.
I've hit lvl 89 and Shaper is no problem now!

First time and deathless

Awesome build, thanks for tips!
Awesome build, having a lot of fun with it! The only complain I have are the ascendancy trials. They are really difficult with such low level of life regen.

I got that 25c that was a good deal right? I assume % phys to random element works the same and those were much cheaper?? I also can I divine this thing to get those %'s higher. Probably remove the strength for something else..
Kefka92 wrote:

I got that 25c that was a good deal right? I assume % phys to random element works the same and those were much cheaper?? I also can I divine this thing to get those %'s higher. Probably remove the strength for something else..

Well we're using herald of Ash and Hatred hence Fire and Cold. Lightning, I mean would be best if you get Fire or Cold. Maybe you can try Wrath since your weapon is extra Lightning.
Last edited by Justinglee on Dec 24, 2017, 2:51:22 PM

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