[3.0] AFK Gone Cheap - AFK up to T16 guardians||Shaper killed || 3.0 balls video montage!

But all is not lost, since your spare socket in the Belly is blue, you might as well cast high level Flammability manually (= moar Burst damage) or Enfeeble against hard-hitting bosses.

I also have a 5 Link Belly of the Beast with a spare blue socket so this is great advice. My question is that if I manually cast a curse, won't it get replaced by the low level Flamability that I have attached to my CwDT the next time I get hit?
TimeDilation wrote:
K3YB wrote:
I am very new at this game and this is my second character. It feels like I've got all that is needed with decent mods. However it still feels like I'm dying all the time. Especially from bosses like Shavronne of Umbra, both in maps or outside on merciless. Please help me with what I should change or do better.
The belly is mainly used for tough bosses. The tabula is what I usually wear.



Shavronne is a toughie and requires you pay attention and know how the boss works. It turns out (thanks for pointing this out earlier, Chris) she has a short duration (~3.5 seconds) aura that reflects 100% of all (non-chaos) damage you do to her as lightning damage back to you. This doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere at all in the game; just another one of those things where the game flips you the bird if you haven't memorized the wiki or painstakingly worked out all of the hidden shit for yourself. I mean, how often do you really look at an aesthete's feet? You're probably dying to this reflect BS of hers. Pay attention to her and get the hell out of dodge once that goes up. Maybe even keep a bit of distance until you see it go up the first time, and then pounce in once it goes down. The killer here is that she reflects the damage without *taking* the damage, so you can't simply rely on Cloaked in Savagery to flip her reflect the bird (like you can with Atziri's mirror clone).

In general, any boss you're having trouble with or you've never faced before is something you should research before fighting. Many of them, including most end-game bosses, have attacks and features that you'll never realize how to handle, and will die to repeatedly, without being told about them ahead of time. Even then you may need a few tries to get the hang of things.

Otherwise, just try to pay attention to what was going on when you died, and try to recognize that situation and use your flasks, Fortify, and movement skill to keep you alive. Generic (white) giant skeletons can pretty easily do 8k+ damage with a basic attack, for example, so if you don't have your mitigation buffs up you can expect yourself to get one-shot when one of those survives long enough to smack you. There are a lot of ways this game can kill you in the blink of an eye, and it takes a bit of time to figure out the warning signs. The overflowing chalice is a pretty important aspect of the build's gear because it allows you to quickly refill your flasks, which are a major source of our, and most other builds', defenses (anti-bleed, basalt mitigation, anti-shock, possibly granite's armor boost, etc.). You want to try to have those defensive flasks running whenever you are engaged in combat.

That was a lot of stuff I didn't know! Thank you so much for a very detailed and fast answer :). I'll make sure to keep those things in mind and hopefully I'll make the build work.
tomay wrote:
K3YB wrote:
Especially from bosses like Shavronne of Umbra, both in maps or outside on merciless. Please help me with what I should change or do better.
The belly is mainly used for tough bosses. The tabula is what I usually wear.

Vaal Molten Shell does not really work with Belly, for this we'll need The Rat Cage (which converts fire damage which we self-inflict with Eye of Innocence into physical damage). Do yourself a favour and 4-ink your Belly with BBBG and use it permanently with BV + SE + AoE + CtI (replace the last two gems with CD and CE at bosses). Things only get worse with Tabula.

For Shavronne of Umbra I replace Glacial Cascade with Purity of Lightning, makes life a lot easier.

Oh, I see. really thought the belly would work the same. Thanks for explanation and tips! :)
Did I get mega lucky with this scepter?

But then look at this crap lol
Last edited by AdventAngel153 on Jan 7, 2017, 1:25:36 AM
I got a question gentlemen, Is there anyway I can tank those 1 shots by dom? I'm running a dual curse set up at the cost of 250 hp so im left with around 7,250ish hp although thanks to the set up I can survive most things in maps even with very unforgiving mods(except no leech, ele ref), But still I can't survive these 1 shots by that megalomaniac preist. Also can anyone explain to me how to properly work Vaal molten shell and rats cage? I have both but I'm not able to kill the bosses with it. What are the gems needed for it to truley get that "lol" factor

EDIT: I forgot to mention I also RIP to frost bearers when they all die simultaneously and drop those ice orb things at the same time. I sometimes can't tell from all of the skill effects going on.

Current set up:
Last edited by AdventAngel153 on Jan 7, 2017, 3:13:29 AM
I got a question gentlemen, Is there anyway I can tank those 1 shots by dom? I'm running a dual curse set up at the cost of 250 hp so im left with around 7,250ish hp although thanks to the set up I can survive most things in maps even with very unforgiving mods(except no leech, ele ref), But still I can't survive these 1 shots by that megalomaniac preist. Also can anyone explain to me how to properly work Vaal molten shell and rats cage? I have both but I'm not able to kill the bosses with it. What are the gems needed for it to truley get that "lol" factor

EDIT: I forgot to mention I also RIP to frost bearers when they all die simultaneously and drop those ice orb things at the same time. I sometimes can't tell from all of the skill effects going on.

Last I knew--and this came from quite some time ago, before 2.0--certain attacks, such as Dominus' Touch of God, determined the damage they would do to you *before* they actually hit you and applied that damage. In Dominus' case, I believe it's already determined the damage by the time you can see/hear him doing the attack. As such, it is pointless to throw up your defensive flasks and such after you see it coming. You have to have them activated before they're used. You can still avoid the damage by not being in the area of effect when it actually lands, though lag can be your enemy here as always. So if you want to cleanly survive Dominus (in first form), you basically can't ever let your mitigation effects drop, and if you do you cannot allow yourself to remain a valid target for the entire attack (aka, whirl out of there immediately). This applies to several other enemies, as well, though not all (I think it applies to the Vaal Oversoul's Vaal Smash, for example), and is one of the reasons why running your (defensive) flasks are not something you should see as an "Oh shit" reaction to protect you, but as a premeditated defense to have running as often as possible, with as few gaps as possible. That's why the Surgeon's prefix, Pathfinder, Overflowing Chalice, etc. have always been important features of builds.

As for Frost Bearers: never allow yourself to just stay standing within a bearer's explosion radius of any magic mob kill for more than a split second. Recognize when a pack of mobs is magic, and assume the worst case scenario: activate your anti-bleed flask and never stay put around their corpse. If you can manage to identify their mods you can act accordingly, but often you don't have that luxury. Assume the worst and prepare for it and you shouldn't RIP to it any more. Same advice goes if you don't know if there's a rare/magic pack in the group of monsters you're wading into: assume it does, and that it has the most problematic of mods, and pop your flasks in advance.
Last edited by TimeDilation on Jan 7, 2017, 3:34:46 AM
TimeDilation wrote:
I got a question gentlemen, Is there anyway I can tank those 1 shots by dom? I'm running a dual curse set up at the cost of 250 hp so im left with around 7,250ish hp although thanks to the set up I can survive most things in maps even with very unforgiving mods(except no leech, ele ref), But still I can't survive these 1 shots by that megalomaniac preist. Also can anyone explain to me how to properly work Vaal molten shell and rats cage? I have both but I'm not able to kill the bosses with it. What are the gems needed for it to truley get that "lol" factor

EDIT: I forgot to mention I also RIP to frost bearers when they all die simultaneously and drop those ice orb things at the same time. I sometimes can't tell from all of the skill effects going on.

Last I knew--and this came from quite some time ago, before 2.0--certain attacks, such as Dominus' Touch of God, determined the damage they would do to you *before* they actually hit you and applied that damage. In Dominus' case, I believe it's already determined the damage by the time you can see/hear him doing the attack. As such, it is pointless to throw up your defensive flasks and such after you see it coming. You have to have them activated before they're used. You can still avoid the damage by not being in the area of effect when it actually lands, though lag can be your enemy here as always. So if you want to cleanly survive Dominus (in first form), you basically can't ever let your mitigation effects drop, and if you do you cannot allow yourself to remain a valid target for the entire attack (aka, whirl out of there immediately). This applies to several other enemies, as well, though not all (I think it applies to the Vaal Oversoul's Vaal Smash, for example), and is one of the reasons why running your (defensive) flasks are not something you should see as an "Oh shit" reaction to protect you, but as a premeditated defense to have running as often as possible, with as few gaps as possible. That's why the Surgeon's prefix, Pathfinder, Overflowing Chalice, etc. have always been important features of builds.

As for Frost Bearer's: never allow yourself to just stay standing within a bearer's explosion radius of any magic mob kill for more than a split second. Recognize when a pack of mobs is magic, and assume the worst case scenario: activate your anti-bleed flask and never stay put around their corpse. If you can manage to identify their mods you can act accordingly, but often you don't have that luxury. Assume the worst and prepare for it and you shouldn't RIP to it any more.

Mmmm I see. Well then I'm gonna have to learn some new things. I'm so used to just staying there and tanking everything.
Hey i got a question again , I'm on 7.5 k life now and still i dont feel as tanky as i should be to

bosses .

it feels like my skills dont proc enough vs bosses so damage output issent big enough , and life

leech issent that great ( also damage output seems weak vs bosses ) !

Any good tips welcome !

my ing is killwitches
Skua99 wrote:
I also have a 5 Link Belly of the Beast with a spare blue socket so this is great advice. My question is that if I manually cast a curse, won't it get replaced by the low level Flamability that I have attached to my CwDT the next time I get hit?

Of course you will have to remove the shabby lvl 5 Flammability gem from your boots. ;)

My reasoning is this: If you don't have a "Hysteria helmet" you can use Chance to Ignite gems in your helemt and boots. This way you will have four spells with very high chance to ignite, as opposed to only three in the "Hysteria helmet", at the expense of one low-level spell and the inconvenience having to cast (a far more powerful) course of your choice manually.

This is also an option when Hysteria crafting has gone bad (i.e. resulting in a poor life roll) or if one just wants to maximize the health pool with a, say, 9x life/5x str helmet.
Last edited by tomay on Jan 7, 2017, 8:13:55 AM
Killhard wrote:
it feels like my skills dont proc enough vs bosses so damage output issent big enough , and life

leech issent that great ( also damage output seems weak vs bosses ) !

Any good tips welcome !

Replace Fire Penetration in your Belly with Iron Will (moar damage = better leech)

Replace Fire Penetration in your Sceptre with Iron Will where applicable (moar damage against non-resistant bosses) and use Conc Effect instead of AoE at bosses as well.

Use 2 x Mokou's Embrace instead of Emberwake + The Taming, greatly improved attack and cast speed for faster whirling and moar BV hits.

Replace Bladefall in your high-level CWDT with Flame Surge which will not be cut in half by Avatar of Fire and thus grant better leech where it really counts, i.e. after a "Savage Hit".
Last edited by tomay on Jan 7, 2017, 8:11:29 AM

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