[3.0] AFK Gone Cheap - AFK up to T16 guardians||Shaper killed || 3.0 balls video montage!

Yeah I set up the same way and I can stand there and not die but I would be there for 20 min lol. I guess maybe that's the purpose- I can afk and come back lol.
Shaymon wrote:
I am Ascendant and running the Poet's. If I switch to the Dual Razors, Should I be running the Magma Orb setup in my chest? As of right now, If I run with the CWDT in the chest, it seems I do very crappy DPS.

I do see on the last page what you recommend for razors-I am currently doing that. But mainly want to know if my DPS should be taking such a big hit- or if I should be self casting Magma Orb.

Thanks in advance!

The dual razors setup mentioned is only if you want to lol AFK something. The DPS will drop a lot of course, since you drop your whole clearing setup.

Overall, I do all content with dual poet's pen.
IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder
Cazadorr wrote:
Leaving the chest gems as is & swapping to the 2 CWDT setups that were suggested. Damage is low - looks like I'm missing about 15k dps in PoB compared to the other pastebin.

EDIT 1: Nevermind, just recalculated and it looks like I have identical dps

The setup with the poet's pen does enough dps for red elder easily.
IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder
So I began to use this (switched out a scion dummy I was just going to level up to 38 and then switch gems around for experiments) to the Poet's Pen moves with frenzy and HOLY SHIT that's powerful. Within seconds
dropped. Now I am deadly in Sarn Arena and PvP
Last edited by ThunderBiome on Jan 14, 2018, 6:29:02 PM
Hello, this will be my first post eve on these forums...anyway
I'm a very cheap builder in POE, that being said I'm complete poop and the scion I built copying you is the first character I have that has reached the map stage. When I first seen the AFK build I said "screw it, I suck at this game and this will be crazy to play as and annoy others." But after playing it....I LOVE IT, I was going for the magma orb build but it was so slow compaired to all the melee copy paste exiles out there, so I went for the expensive, in my book, dual Poet's Pen build. I played this game in beta then quit for a long time, came back for a league using a copying a "cheap" shadow build, then quit again. The word cheap in this game is worlds of difference as I talk to some of the players. For instance, on standard league I have 2ex, 1 was given to me 3 days before the last league ended. The current Abyss league I have not seen an ex drop, so that might tell you how cheap I NEED to be lol.

Anyway.........An Eye of Innocence with "baddies can have 2 curses" is 10ex, 10 MFin ex! Just wondering what would be a replacement for ele weakness on the CWDT chest for a cheap person like me?

EDIT: Im using Ball Lightning instead of Ice Spear on Tabula b/c no lightning dmg otherwise
Last edited by firedragon_008 on Jan 14, 2018, 10:21:20 PM
ChrispieD wrote:
Shaymon wrote:
I am Ascendant and running the Poet's. If I switch to the Dual Razors, Should I be running the Magma Orb setup in my chest? As of right now, If I run with the CWDT in the chest, it seems I do very crappy DPS.

I do see on the last page what you recommend for razors-I am currently doing that. But mainly want to know if my DPS should be taking such a big hit- or if I should be self casting Magma Orb.

Thanks in advance!

The dual razors setup mentioned is only if you want to lol AFK something. The DPS will drop a lot of course, since you drop your whole clearing setup.

Overall, I do all content with dual poet's pen.

Thanks for the reply- Glad to hear it is working as intended. And yeah the Poets and this build absolutely destroy everything. Definitely the strongest build I have done. Super DPS and Awesome defense.
Last edited by ThunderBiome on Jan 17, 2018, 5:35:50 PM
Hello! I have tried this build and it seems super funny! Somehow i feel really squishy. Especially vs some bosses, there is nowhere near i can facetank them. Could i perhaps get some suggestions as to what i should change? (im fairly poor so i miss quality on the gems etc, but that wont really boost survivability all that much no?)

To start off, i missed that you, the creater of the guide have swapped to Scion, so my talentpoints are based off the "Best at the moment" Magma orb, though i use 2 Poets, since it was so much fun!
Here are my currently equipped items :

Not sure how to link jewels, but i have 1 The green dream, 2 inevitability, 1 watchers eye, with life on hit with vita.

My skilltree is the following : https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAECAAQHBLMI9A3ND6sQWBEtFCAWvxbpGjgczhzcIZAi6iL0JDckiyaVJy8rUCycMgEy0TWSNj08BTwtPfxFR0WdRtdMs1BCUEdTNVNSVUtVhVXGVylYY1nzXz9f0GHiYqxmVGebakNsC2yMbRltbHGFcg9yqXyDgpuDzIPbhXuHZYw2jM-PGpBVkyeUb5eVl_SYV5o7muCdqp_fogCly6yqrj6vp7FCshm3PrzqvwjAZsM6xPbGrsbYz3rQH9Wm2L3aueRR6hDr7uw47TzvDu988B_2SPhf_gr-VA==?accountName=Storkmats&characterName=Bonkimnothere

Any tips on what i could change is prefered, i know i am not maxed out and missing some hp nodes etc, but i still get 1 shotted by some below tier 10 bosses. (i thought i should be able to facetank a bit more :P) so basically im on 100 % hp or dead....
Last edited by Storkmats on Jan 16, 2018, 4:16:23 PM
After seeing the updated version for 3.1, I was so excited to try it out that I have spent about 17 hours on it as of the past two days! And so far, its melting mobs at t10 as a joke!

Body swap makes this build so much fun to move around with but when I saw flicker strike builds, I wanted to go just as fast so I figured I would swap out controlled destruction with a second body swap, that way instead of moving every other attack, I move with every attack. Plus, controlled destruction seems like an overkill when mapping. (Especially when a level 68 melts mobs at t10?)

Otherwise, this build is still a +1 for me. Thanks for the amazing build :P

Edit: Even more impressed with this build, cleared uber lab at level 75 with gargoyles and fonts first try, plus a twinned lair (thanks prophecy) with 0 deaths on boss, this build is so gr8 that I r8 8/8 m8.
Last edited by PiMaster123 on Jan 21, 2018, 1:21:55 PM
Vaal Pact prevents life regen from nodes and vitality, yet you have both Vaal Pact and life regen nodes. Also, Vitality is an Aura that won't work with Vaal Pact. Pick one. (Am I missing something?)

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