[3.0] AFK Gone Cheap - AFK up to T16 guardians||Shaper killed || 3.0 balls video montage!

TiagoRox wrote:
Is this build still viable?

Could it do uber lab? Atziri?

I'm thinking to begin a new build, but i have only 300 chaos to spend. It seems possible to do this build with 300 chaos. But i don't know it it can do endgame stuffs

Excluding the optional Taming variant, even with the spike in Hysteria prices the build's cost is well under 300 chaos. Uber lab is easy as long as you bring the right set of flasks for dealing with traps. Regular atziri can be done deathless, though if you're not familiar with it you may need several runs to get the hang of things. Haven't tried Uber. Like most builds, the biggest problem with Uber (or regular) Atziri runs should be the trio.
You really should put a warning at the start of the guide, it is now over 2ex (at least in Breach league).
Last edited by victo0 on Jan 28, 2017, 8:47:51 PM
victo0 wrote:
You really should put a warning at the start of the guide, it is now over 2ex (at least in Breach league).

To start my answer:
1 ex in breach = 46.5c
1 ex in std = 81c

The ex price in breach is heavily inflated. I've earned like 20 ex in breach on 1 char to lvl 91 and one to 87, just maping and selling what I find and doing chaos recepie.

eye of innocence = 3-4c (people were very mad of it being 3ex after like 3 days in the league xD )
razor of the seventh sun = 1c
tabula rasa = 7c

This is the core the build can't be without. It costs 11-12c.

Essence of hysteria is 22c, and I would prioritize sceptre before helmet (just use chance to ignite in the helmet till you can afford it).

So the cost for sceptre with gear is 33-34c.
Cost for every build item is 55-56c. This is just over a heavily inflated exalted orb.

How do you reach this ex orb? Run the maps instead of letting someone else running them, as all the offerings will go to you, which sell for a lot. Don't roll your maps expensive and don't buy maps. Roll at least up to T8 with only transmutes and augs. You can alch after that. Don't reroll alched maps as that costs 4 times the cost of just alching. If you roll a mod you don't want to do, put the map on sale or just trash it. I don't reroll myself in league till I reach maybe T13. From what I see on my friends, I see them burning most of their currency on maps.
Also do unidentified chaos recepie. You just need to do it 28 times and it's done. I usually can do it 1 time per map. Also the map drops currency and items, so it's maybe a 2h farm or something.

Now, I guess you want me to put that the build has turned expensive, but the truth is that it costs about the same as when it was release, eye of innocence and razor of the seventh sun have never been this cheap. So I state firmly that this build is cheap.

IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder
Last edited by ChrispieD on Jan 29, 2017, 4:20:47 AM
ChrispieD wrote:
victo0 wrote:
You really should put a warning at the start of the guide, it is now over 2ex (at least in Breach league).

To start my answer:
1 ex in breach = 46.5c
1 ex in std = 81c

The ex price in breach is heavily inflated. I've earned like 20 ex in breach on 1 char to lvl 91 and one to 87, just maping and selling what I find and doing chaos recepie.

eye of innocence = 3-4c (people were very mad of it being 3ex after like 3 days in the league xD )
razor of the seventh sun = 1c
tabula rasa = 7c

This is the core the build can't be without. It costs 11-12c.

Essence of hysteria is 22c, and I would prioritize sceptre before helmet (just use chance to ignite in the helmet till you can afford it).

So the cost for sceptre with gear is 33-34c.
Cost for every build item is 55-56c. This is just over a heavily inflated exalted orb.

How do you reach this ex orb? Run the maps instead of letting someone else running them, as all the offerings will go to you, which sell for a lot. Don't roll your maps expensive and don't buy maps. Roll at least up to T8 with only transmutes and augs. You can alch after that. Don't reroll alched maps as that costs 4 times the cost of just alching. If you roll a mod you don't want to do, put the map on sale or just trash it. I don't reroll myself in league till I reach maybe T13. From what I see on my friends, I see them burning most of their currency on maps.
Also do unidentified chaos recepie. You just need to do it 28 times and it's done. I usually can do it 1 time per map. Also the map drops currency and items, so it's maybe a 2h farm or something.

Now, I guess you want me to put that the build has turned expensive, but the truth is that it costs about the same as when it was release, eye of innocence and razor of the seventh sun have never been this cheap. So I state firmly that this build is cheap.

There's a reason that the Chaos:Ex ratio is so much lower in Breach, or any non-standard league: there's a much greater need for chaos orbs. Many league challenges require Zana device mods, which all cost chaos orbs. Running things like Perandus is a luxury activity in Standard, but required if you want that Breach challenge (and the reward for 36+ challenges is pretty neat). That makes the chaos orbs worth a lot more.

Also your cost estimates don't include the costs of jewels or rares. Simple 7% life jewels are pretty cheap, but depending on the resists and stats on your rares you may need to get resists and/or dex on your jewels as well, plus there's the extra utility of cast speed/attack speed/ignite mods. And three+ mod jewels can easily fetch 15-30c each. Getting solid gloves/boots can also run in the 15c each neighborhood pretty easily (you might get lucky and find great ones for 5c or so, but this is a luck factor). You can be *functional* with pretty crappy options on all of these, but you won't be able to achieve most of the claimed performance without good jewels, good gloves/boots, and preferably something better than Tabula.
To be quite frank.... If you're complaining about the price of the build, don't play the build simple as that. It's relatively cheap for what it can do.... It's not his job to monitor the prices of every single item, of every single second, of each and every day.

Check the prices on items, if it's above your budget, roll something cheaper until you can afford it. Might I add that currently Shield Charge with facebreakers is kind of good for currency, considering the only thing you need is facebreakers and a bunch of +phys dmg items which come relatively budget friendly. SRS MF is also semi cheap too if you don't go for the luxurious items to make it POP.

With that said, yes this build is cheap, all things considered (2-3EX) is only 90c in BREACH HC (Yes, I'm trying this in hc lul), just farm maps for currency, or hell go Dried Lakes with a cheap speed clearer.

I just wish you all would stop giving OP shit for not checking prices constantly. #Entitled
To be quite frank.... If you're complaining about the price of the build, don't play the build simple as that. It's relatively cheap for what it can do.... It's not his job to monitor the prices of every single item, of every single second, of each and every day.

Check the prices on items, if it's above your budget, roll something cheaper until you can afford it. Might I add that currently Shield Charge with facebreakers is kind of good for currency, considering the only thing you need is facebreakers and a bunch of +phys dmg items which come relatively budget friendly. SRS MF is also semi cheap too if you don't go for the luxurious items to make it POP.

With that said, yes this build is cheap, all things considered (2-3EX) is only 90c in BREACH HC (Yes, I'm trying this in hc lul), just farm maps for currency, or hell go Dried Lakes with a cheap speed clearer.

I just wish you all would stop giving OP shit for not checking prices constantly. #Entitled

Oh, I know, I've made the same arguments when he released a new video and hysteria prices jumped in price (incidentally, that may be something of a coincidence, as it seems most corrupted essence prices have spiked heavily; seems a bit more like a market correction to these things being much rarer then in essence, or was even expected). At this point I'm arguing more about what should be counted in the "cost" of a build; and if you want to argue "required items only" then what constitutes "required" here? There are plenty of gaps our few rares and our jewels must cover, and very few of the tier 15+ bosses are actually do-able in the tabula; they need a belly or a kaom's or a rat cage, each of which adds a meaningful amount to the build's cost.
TimeDilation wrote:

Oh, I know, I've made the same arguments when he released a new video and hysteria prices jumped in price (incidentally, that may be something of a coincidence, as it seems most corrupted essence prices have spiked heavily; seems a bit more like a market correction to these things being much rarer then in essence, or was even expected). At this point I'm arguing more about what should be counted in the "cost" of a build; and if you want to argue "required items only" then what constitutes "required" here? There are plenty of gaps our few rares and our jewels must cover, and very few of the tier 15+ bosses are actually do-able in the tabula; they need a belly or a kaom's or a rat cage, each of which adds a meaningful amount to the build's cost.

I understand this concern that is popping up over and over again.

When I'm writing what the build essential items or core items of the build are, I mean that and nothing more. You can afk with this build very well with most content with the gear I just mentioned in my last post. I can with ease backup AFK gone cheap when it was released and now in breach league as well.

This is definately not: use close to none of the currency aquired from mapping on this build but use it all up on rolling maps and doing acheivements before gearing properly. I have yet to see a build like that.

Getting inc. aps on jewels is not for afking but speed clearing. Getting rat's cage VMS is not for afking, but making very end game fights a bit easier. It's not like I wouldn't have been able to take down the bosses without it, it just enabled me to skip their mechanics.

5L belly only increases the price by minimal margins. 6l rare chest does about the same. Kaom's heart is just for afking the really big hitters and definately not an essential for killing them what so ever.

I have killed all the bosses I have in the afk material with tabula not AFKing. Map rolling is key.

There is an insane difference in doing the build and min maxing the build.
The AFK build I did before this one "Mjölner Gone Phone Compatible" needed voll's devotion when it ran for 30ex+ to AFK. If you didn't have voll = no AFK. All the other gear together could be bought for 1-2 ex. Since it could not afk without volls, it was correctly classed as a very expensive build that maybe less than 1% of the end game league players could afford (exalts were really hard to aquire by then).

5 x 7% life jewels goes for 5 alchs all together. Getting a resist roll on each increases the cost to 5c. Getting a nice 100+ life belt is 5-10c. Getting 70+ life 90+ total res boots 1 alch+. Getting 70+ life 40dex+ 60 total res + runs for around 2-10c.

So getting all the "rares" adds up another 7c+6alch to 15c + 5 alchs. These rares are nothing special and by no means hard to aquire or over the standard of other builds. They are very cheap.

Now it is unreasonable to count in every rare as every rare is dependent on what you have on your other rares to custom fit your gearing. This is all the same for are builds.

Writing those long answers several times per league, stating the same thing is probably not worth it. Especially when I have to controll read my answers so I don't make people upset, because that is never my aim.

When the prices go above the point that a first char created in mid league can't play this build by endgame, I will rename this build thread to.

"AFK - Expensive as usual"

IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder
tomay wrote:
Bosses with massive Damage over Time are best dealt with using VMS + The Rat Cage.

A question on this ... why is the rat cage that useful? Is it the high evasion rating combined with some nice life added?
bex_HB wrote:
tomay wrote:
Bosses with massive Damage over Time are best dealt with using VMS + The Rat Cage.

A question on this ... why is the rat cage that useful? Is it the high evasion rating combined with some nice life added?

No. It's the conversion of fire to physical. And VMS triggers whenever you take any physical hit. And the fire damage from the eye is a hit. Which becomes a physical hit, in particular. Which becomes BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM boss is dead.
TimeDilation wrote:
bex_HB wrote:
tomay wrote:
Bosses with massive Damage over Time are best dealt with using VMS + The Rat Cage.

A question on this ... why is the rat cage that useful? Is it the high evasion rating combined with some nice life added?

No. It's the conversion of fire to physical. And VMS triggers whenever you take any physical hit. And the fire damage from the eye is a hit. Which becomes a physical hit, in particular. Which becomes BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM boss is dead.

Ah okay, VMS ... those boots, correct? What was the name ... ^^

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