[3.3] Unstoppable Gladiator 78% Max Block/Spells. Best Low Budget League Starter

is this 3.0 viable? I hope it is since ive been looking for a sword and board build for so long now.
clarkyshelo wrote:
is this 3.0 viable? I hope it is since ive been looking for a sword and board build for so long now.

It is, but the only change I spotted is the loss of 1 endurance charge previously earned with the 2.6 bandit quest.
would it possible to change this to a bleed damage focused build with all the new bleed gems and changes in 3.0.? No idea if it would deal more dmg, maybe some1 with more knowledge can help me out -_-
From what I'm seeing so far, the build as is will get a dps boost due to ailment damage being everywhere on the tree. Picking up Dirty Techniques, Bloodletting and possibly Crimson Dance are options.
Hi, what about the new bandit chosen?
gaeagaia wrote:
Hi, what about the new bandit chosen?

I say it's between Kraityn and 2 skill points. If you are going up to the AoE nodes then you can just take the 2 points and pick up Precision. If you choose to skip going to the increased aoe area then I say get Kraityn. It's everything that we want that we can't get otherwise unless we go up to precision which would then just be 2 points anyways.
gaeagaia wrote:
Hi, what about the new bandit chosen?

I took Oak for it's mix of increased phys damage and some defensive utilities.
stuck at 70% block at lvl 85 ??? any1 else got same issue ? :p calculated everything, aint missing anything, should be 78%...
Orbzx wrote:
stuck at 70% block at lvl 85 ??? any1 else got same issue ? :p calculated everything, aint missing anything, should be 78%...

You get +8% when you get hit due to Painforge ascendency node. May be that's it.
Any tips on chest chest armor pre-"Bringer of Pain". I'm lvl 40 now, and i think the Foxshade is starting to hurt a little on the defense.
Last edited by Brunskillz on Aug 7, 2017, 4:24:51 PM

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