3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

haha yeah I actually made my dual striker as a mix of Diablo 2 smiter pally and ebotdz barbarian
dual wields like the ebotdz whirlwind barbarian but attacks like the smiter wearing dracul's leech gauntlets haha
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Last edited by Umbra_the_Wolf on Jul 17, 2017, 3:01:20 AM
Just a quick question, why vitality void when you are a zerker wit hvaal pact
Just for an info. I did also this mistake - turning in the PoB target is bleeding so i didnt notice that dps loss.

Dual strike linked with Bloodlust support

Bloodlust support prevents bleed, but also bleeding status, so if you guys using budget version (BoR), your only chance to cause target bleeding is leap slam or you will not reach that dmg bonus - non budget version has ancestral warchief and thats better source of applying bleed (still you need to summon totem and risk during summoning to get killed while you are not leeching), so maybe another support gem will be better for budget or even epic version, like culling strike, etc?
Last edited by Chimerka on Jul 17, 2017, 9:44:55 AM
Chimerka wrote:
Just for an info. I did also this mistake - turning in the PoB target is bleeding so i didnt notice that dps loss.

Dual strike linked with Bloodlust support

Bloodlust support prevents bleed, but also bleeding status, so if you guys using budget version (BoR), your only chance to cause target bleeding is leap slam or you will not reach that dmg bonus - non budget version has ancestral warchief and thats better source of applying bleed (still you need to summon totem and risk during summoning to get killed while you are not leeching), so maybe another support gem will be better for budget or even epic version, like culling strike, etc?

Every build should use warchief, it'd be silly not to. Bloodlust is too good to drop. You don't need to put down the totem for every pack, just for tougher mobs and bosses. Once you get in the habit of applying the bleed with a movement skill or dropping a totem, it is very worth it.

Anilogas wrote:
Just a quick question, why vitality void when you are a zerker wit hvaal pact

Every bit of leech helps. Vaal Pact doesn't increase your leech, it just makes it instant. You're not under the effects of Cloaked in Savagery all the time. That said, once you feel comfortable without the leech on the tree, feel free to drop it.
Last edited by roguemjb on Jul 17, 2017, 8:23:27 PM
Anilogas wrote:
Just a quick question, why vitality void when you are a zerker wit hvaal pact

Mainly because during the Uber Trio fight they are almost impossible to kill without it. They are easier 3 v You because you take constant savage hits, but when it's just 1 vs You you are almost entirely reliant on base leech and the bleeding can burst kill you otherwise. It's the difference between taking a few stacks of corrupted blood and 16-18 stacks before health starts draining and a bleed pot is required.

I hate having to take it but berserker savage hits are less common with nearly 10k life for elite versions of my build
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Chimerka wrote:
Just for an info. I did also this mistake - turning in the PoB target is bleeding so i didnt notice that dps loss.

Dual strike linked with Bloodlust support

Bloodlust support prevents bleed, but also bleeding status, so if you guys using budget version (BoR), your only chance to cause target bleeding is leap slam or you will not reach that dmg bonus - non budget version has ancestral warchief and thats better source of applying bleed (still you need to summon totem and risk during summoning to get killed while you are not leeching), so maybe another support gem will be better for budget or even epic version, like culling strike, etc?

This is true
Leap slam is extremely effective and Ancestral usually applies bleed by the 3rd hit with 33% bleed chance on hit

This is all in my FAQ section of my guide
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
bump this worthless terd
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
So lets Talk about the Future with Brutality.

if I would use this, Added Fire, Hatred and HoA become useless. would it be possible to go full BM?

or replace the auras with Haste? Arctic Armor?

then maybe replace Soul taker with a Rare axe and use some Mana leech?

hmmm, I just wish GGG added a new good PHYS only aura!
Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG!
xchokeholdx wrote:
So lets Talk about the Future with Brutality.

if I would use this, Added Fire, Hatred and HoA become useless. would it be possible to go full BM?

or replace the auras with Haste? Arctic Armor?

then maybe replace Soul taker with a Rare axe and use some Mana leech?

hmmm, I just wish GGG added a new good PHYS only aura!

Arctic Armour, blasphemy + Vuln, Purity of elements maybe? Thats 95% reserved

Also +1 for phys aura! Like Herald of Steel / Earth
Last edited by Chimerka on Jul 18, 2017, 8:17:49 AM
I think the biggest loss would be having to drop Hatred obviously. HoA doesn't really seem THAT necessary from my own experience.

I was actually messing around with a blood magic version, using an essence ring for Hatred. Using a void and Essence is losing a lot of life on rings though.

Wouldn't need the essence if you just went Brutality though, because with blood magic you obviously can't use dmg on full life.

I think with BM and Brutality you could hit 10k+ life, but it would be a decent hit to DPS right? Although you obviously wouldn't need the Soul Taker anymore with BM, so would a much higher DPS weapon more than make up for the loss of hatred? Although getting that high of a DPS weapon is not cheap. Seems like it could potentially work but it would be a very expensive version of the build.

My guy is BM right now and im pretty much completely broke on Standard so I can't really respec and try more stuff right now haha. I'm just waiting for 3.0 to start.
Last edited by PhreEkGarden on Jul 18, 2017, 1:20:01 PM

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