[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

Gave up on farming doryanis and just bought one.
I was having good luck on mortal frags though, got almost 2 sets. Sold first frags, then thought I'd give Uber Atziri a go.
Ripped badly, mostly against Vaals - Am a bit rusty, and let the second enrage with a bit too much health. Bit too low on mobility (Still haven't got Merc/Uber lab done) and maybe the curses make us a bit too stunnable. Might try again if I get the frags.
Ran a Rigwald too, yolo attempt at a greatwolf as I got lucky getting a Natural Hierarchy. No luck though. So basically ripped about 3ex!

Current gear

4 self flagellations atm - I need a little bit more dex to cover one of my rare jewels to get another.

Hey Milky. I wanted to say thanks for sharing your build. Most informative one I've seen. I just reached level 80 in the HC SSF league with your help. I went the Chieftain route with Blood magic. I haven't invested in double curses yet. The playstyle has been Shield Charge, drop totem, Shield Charge, drop totem, etc - a mostly autopilot experience. However, now that I am doing yellow maps, I have to play much more slowly and tactically because everything is hitting noticeably harder as melee/physical. I'm using a level 14 CWDT (1980 damage) with IC and it procs nearly every time I am hit with a normal melee swing.

I got pretty lucky with a rare sceptre drop. I got really lucky with this rare jewel. Alt spammed a crimson and then had a lucky Regal. Otherwise, my gear is pretty ordinary.

Thanks again.
Milkyslice wrote:
RabidRabbit wrote:
Thoughts on curse options in 2.6? OoS doesn't give very good EO uptime without Increased Crits, which has to be dropped in order to keep two curses on CoH. It might be worth dropping a damage curse in favor of more consistent EO, since we need the damage most against bosses who have 60-80% less curse effect anyway. It'd also free up either passives points from the curse cluster or a ring slot, which can go toward making up for the lost curse.

this is reasonable and a good option, i thought about trying it myself already.
Those points can go right into totemic zeal for better clearspeed.

edit: just respecced and testing for a bit.

I was thinking similar thoughts. Seems a bit odd as we used to really emphasise the curses on this build, though probably a bit of a hangover from when curses were a lot more effective against bosses.

Rerouting via shaper, and the scion regen nodes/socket, dropping the whole curse cluster and the top jewel socket saves about 4 points, and gives us 1.7% life regen (Plus some wasted mana regen), at the cost of the curse, curse effect and 8% ele damage.
Other option is continuing round past scion for profane chemistry and another socket. Sorts out the dex issue, but a bit point heavy. Profane chemistry would be nice though.

Hey Milky. I wanted to say thanks for sharing your build. Most informative one I've seen. I just reached level 80 in the HC SSF league with your help. I went the Chieftain route with Blood magic. I haven't invested in double curses yet. The playstyle has been Shield Charge, drop totem, Shield Charge, drop totem, etc - a mostly autopilot experience. However, now that I am doing yellow maps, I have to play much more slowly and tactically because everything is hitting noticeably harder as melee/physical. I'm using a level 14 CWDT (1980 damage) with IC and it procs nearly every time I am hit with a normal melee swing.

I got pretty lucky with a rare sceptre drop. I got really lucky with this rare jewel. Alt spammed a crimson and then had a lucky Regal. Otherwise, my gear is pretty ordinary.

Thanks again.

Well SSF :P
Physical damage can spike (and those arc mages, seems they got buffed!) with low armour gear and little endurance charges.

I got constantly a granite + 99% armour roll up, a tukohama shield and 4 endurance charges atm... thats a whole different world with phys dmg ofc ;)

I hope rngesus blesses you with loot.

besides that, consider 1b1r1g on your sceptre for rapid decay instead of burning damage and try enfeeble instead of flammability

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Thanks Milky, I had a great time with this build.

Just one newbie question, if I pick the Elemental Equilibrium node, aren't Orb of Storms and RF gonna overwrite each other overtime when they are both on the ground?
Beastosh wrote:
Thanks Milky, I had a great time with this build.

Just one newbie question, if I pick the Elemental Equilibrium node, aren't Orb of Storms and RF gonna overwrite each other overtime when they are both on the ground?

No, Dots never apply Elemental Equilibrium. So you can use searing bond, righteous fire and scorching ray without any conflicts.

Orb of storms only applys Elemental Equilibrium if you havent skilled ancestrals bonds, with it you have to use a lightning or ice trap.

In my case i have respecced ancestral bonds because i have three totems without it and dont want/need a 4th, in other cases i would keep it ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
1/2 of a ghosted phoenix fight

Haven´t thought i would beat him with noregen and ghosted prophecy, thats why the recording started later. Had to use inc aoe instead of conc because he was pretty fast.

also 2nd lifeflask because noregen.

aaaand i killed Uber Atziri in this moment, my first one ever :)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice on Mar 8, 2017, 10:33:13 AM
Uber Atziri down

Skilltree lvl 89

Used a chaos resi flask for the run because the trashmobs can hurt a lot ;)

2 deaths on the vaal duo for the record, the rest was smooth. killed one too early

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice on Mar 8, 2017, 10:45:22 AM
Hi guys.

Used this as a league starter and I'm really really enjoying it - the damage is really nice and it's a lot of fun, so thanks Milky for putting this up - I really appreciate it.

Just ran though Merc lab and got an enchant on my helm - 30% increased flammability duration.

I'm somewhat new (ran a bit of Breach) - so have a couple of questions. You say that RF is but also kind of isn't ignite - does the above stat effect us at all? If it's a good find, I'll jew/fuse it up and get a 4 link out of it.

If not, I'll sell it and just buy another 4 link helm.

Is this worth anything though? I guess it could be pretty handy for a couple of builds as it has a near perfect fire dmg roll. Any ideas?

Thanks for the help all :-)

The firedmg on the help increases our damage, i also use one.

The enchant on the other side is next to useless for this and any other build.

Flammability curse effect would've been good for excample, but duration is meh, because mobs die quicker than the curse runs out and orb of storms (to curse and eo) should be up most of the time, too.

sorry dude

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc

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