(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

biomuesli wrote:
Lighty wrote:
biomuesli wrote:
Update: changed some stuff around, lost the Kongor and went for something faster got some IIR because droprates.

Currently running 24k (selfbuffed - no flask) in a 5l, 30k with Taste:



Will update stuff when I get my 6l.

Also: wooot?

Spec out of hard knock (30 int node) and use those 2 points to grab the jewel slot near marauder, use brute force to convert 70 of your str to int ( 90ish int overall ) and that should cover all your int problems. Drop precision and do the same 2 point jewel maneuver for fluid motion to convert 70 str to dex ( 90 ish dex overall ). Grats on the fishing rod you lucky bastard!

Yeah, I guess that's a good idea. Thanks, btw., now I don't know what to do with that thing. Just sell and get something useful remain a member of the 0.01% who have the most useless item in the game. ;)

overall its around 25ex but the price range is gross.

Easy way to check the listing for b/o

Last edited by Lighty on Jul 22, 2015, 10:28:57 PM
Amaranth314 wrote:
Hi, I have a blast playing with this build, thanks a lot!

I have one question. Near the destroyer passive in the duelist area, why did you pick up 4% attack speed instead of 12% physical damage? Is attack speed better at that stage?

There isnt much/any difference, there valued very similarly on the passive tree and attack speed scales lightly better when you attain a better weapon.
Ivogil wrote:
I have been following this guide with a few modifications, I'm using vaal haste instead of phase run, manual enduring cry and leap slam. Still levelling my enlighten, so 3rd aura will be the last thing to do.
Got an Atziri Axe, 6 link it myself, and Kaom heart non legacy. Having a blast playing path of exile again after a few months! Feels like WW from D2, so nostalgic!

I've been trying to craft some nice Jewels for Axe and got this one
The regal give me sword dmg and what I need is axe dmg, if someone is interested give me a pm.

Thanks for sharing this simple but super fun build Lighty!

Glad to hear you enjoy it, in my current iteration i'm running just hatred and haste but triple aura is still perfectly fine. Sucks for that regal and if it rolled mace id be all over it. Let me know if you have any questions or things you'd like to see tested.
hyperion1984 wrote:

Do you have a level ~80 version of the Marauder Axe tree? I'm not sure what to prioritize between the leveling build and the final build.


If softcore get 100% life ( 4-5K ) ish and your fine, hardcore id reach for 5% regeneration and 200% ( 7kish ) life. Overall the marauder and duelist area are valued the highest and i would suggest rushing them, wrecking ball afterwards. Jewels are valued extremely high for there 1-3 point cost and if you can afford to purchase/craft them it would help drastically.
Eidanx wrote:
Damage, come to me

DarthCidious wrote:
so your current suggestion would be runnig 1 4 link with hatred haste curse on hit and punishment, another 4 link with stun endurance charge on stun bloodmagic and leap, a 6 link weapon, kaoms heart and a 4 link with bloodmagic inc duration bloodrage and phase run?

yeah i would drop Stun for vengeance and cwdt(lv1) + curse(lv5) not curse on hit, but that's the gist of it.
if youre dropping stun but running endurance charge on melee stun hows thats upposed to work?
DarthCidious wrote:
if youre dropping stun but running endurance charge on melee stun hows thats upposed to work?

Vengeance + Endurance charge on melee stun will still stun enemies and gain you endurance charges. You would have to do the math for each mob but its [stun_chance (%) = 200 * damage / defender_effective_max_life]. vengeance will stun most everything without having stun linked to it, stun support basically guarantees it and increases the duration from its quality.
Lighty wrote:
tyvar1 wrote:
Is it really necessary to use the Secondary Setup even if you don't have Kaoms yet? Don't want to spend to much currency for another linked item :)

Also is it better to use Fluid Motion/Brute Force Jewel’s than get out stats req from gear?

Yeah its not required at all to make a second 6l, its just if you have one toss in some shit. Fluid motion or brute force will cost 2 passives for the best locations, normal to reach a 30dex/int node its 1-2 points, both fluid/brute will grant 90-100 int/dex so you get alot more states for possibly 1 more passive. it really comes down to how little attributes you have on gear.
Awesome! Perfect thanks!
Lighty wrote:
tyvar1 wrote:
Holy sh!

%5 linked and right colors after 4 jewellers and 3 fusings! :D

Also got this chest for only 2 chaos!

Those boots for 5 chaos! (hope it was a good price?)

congrats on the 5l! chest is crazy good boots are about 5c, overall nice upgrades
yeah. The upgrades did a lot of difference :D and waaaow! That 30% speed boost is incredible!
Lighty wrote:
blingi wrote:
But doesn't this post say that AS becomes better when you have some gear?

I misunderstood the post. Sorry guys :(

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