(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

What do you mean by "Still okay-ish for Abyss League"?
Hey Lighty,

I love your guide. It's my first time playing Cyclone and I'm doing it in HC SSF (also first time HC and first time SSF). I love my experience so far, currently lvl59 in A7 and everything's pretty smooth. I play this build as a Slayer by the way.

I have a few questions for you:

* What is the best way to reliably generate Endurance charges? Do I even need them? Currently have a (manual casting) Enduring Cry gem but it's hard to keep my charges up and it seems like you can't cast ECry while Cycloning so I usually don't bother much with Endurance charges.

* Should I use Iron Reflexes?

* Should I use Vaal Pact?

* How important is Brutal Fervor? I play SSF so I might have to wait a long while before being able to do Uber Lab. I'm gonna have to choose between Headsman and Brutal Fervor on Merciless and I'm not sure which one to take. In softcore, Headsman would be the obvious choice but I wonder if I should go for Brutal Fervor since I play hardcore.

Also, I thought about using Enfeeble instead of Molten Shell in my CWDT setup but for some reason it never seems to cast (Enfeeble lvl1 with CWDT lvl4... it should work)
Any idea why it isn't working properly?

Thanks a lot for the help, much appreciated.
PS: My character is public, in case you want to check my gems setup and etc.

--- Edit ---

Just found a decent jewel (+6% Attack Speed with Axes / +12% Area Damage) and I was wondering if it's worth using 2 passive points to use it (doesn't seem like it) or if I should swap out my Warlord's Reach for it (+1 range doesn't seem to do much anyways...?)

Keep in mind I play SSF so I can't buy jewels with 3-4 affixes for a few chaos each. I'm eventually gonna have to craft them myself, once I get enough ressources.

--- Edit 2 ---

I'm considering taking the Blood Magic keystone and swapping out Added Fire Damage + Blood Magic gems for Brutality + Maim. That would remove my 3 auras (Hatred/Herald of Ash/Arctic Armor) but I would get so much more HP (from the nods behind Blood Magic) and physical damage... Not sure if it's worth it going full physical though. Should I do it? I probably won't be able to get a Starforge anytime soon but that build option looks strong even without it.
Last edited by hurlyz on Dec 28, 2017, 1:11:34 AM

I am at lvl 78 and I start thinking where I'm going next. I don't really know where to put my skill points :P

For the momemt I play with Ngamahu's Flame so I have taken some skillpoints up to Avatar of fire but those will maybe be taken back ^^. I don't know where to go.
I have been thinking on a Atziri's Disfavour for the end game but that 6L is expensive shit :P





Last edited by DeZiez on Dec 29, 2017, 11:15:26 PM
I am enjoying the build so much so far, but how can I use, for example, those gems Warchief Totem + Melee Physical + Concentrated Effect + Maim, when I am reserving 100% of the mana.
Is Starforge better than Atziri's Disflavour? looks great to me, but im not sure wich one to pick..
thanx for the great thread and guide - wanna go for it.

why don´t you spend any points on improvement of the weapon skills. Since you´re using a sword why don´t you go for eg "Razors Edge" and "Blade Master"?

Last edited by Nihujax on Jan 6, 2018, 8:30:44 AM
Is Starforge better than Atziri's Disflavour? looks great to me, but im not sure wich one to pick..

Hey Bro, I'm having the same struggle, right now. But in the fact that Starforge is cheaper (almost half of atziris disf. (average)), I tend to buy the sword, although I've to spend some currency to new jewels. Besides I like the Shaper stuff with its relation to the universe, stars etc :D

Furthermore, I'm not quite sure which passives I should run when I use Starforge. Hatred and Herald of Ashes will be obsolete.
Thought about Haste and Vulnerability (maybe as CoH/Blasphemy setup?)
Any tips?

Swagger_tron wrote:
Is Starforge better than Atziri's Disflavour? looks great to me, but im not sure wich one to pick..

Hey Bro, I'm having the same struggle, right now. But in the fact that Starforge is cheaper (almost half of atziris disf. (average)), I tend to buy the sword, although I've to spend some currency to new jewels. Besides I like the Shaper stuff with its relation to the universe, stars etc :D

Furthermore, I'm not quite sure which passives I should run when I use Starforge. Hatred and Herald of Ashes will be obsolete.
Thought about Haste and Vulnerability (maybe as CoH/Blasphemy setup?)
Any tips?


Same here. I started out following Lighty axe guide. Eventually I found out Disfavour is way more expensive than Starforge. Therefore I decided to buy a Starforge and improvised.

Here are my gears:

I replaced auras with Vulnerbility and Determination(defensive) or Punishment(dual curse from amulet for offensive). While using Determination, Punishment can still be use as active cast. Replaced Kaom Heart with Death's Oath for extra dps, armor, all res and +50 int for gem instead of using Brute Force jewel so I can have 1 more jewel slot. Skill tree is a little bit different too, check my profile>char. Still using mana from leeching and regen, no bloodmagic.

Stat from pob:

Without Flasks

With Flasks

Never tried running shaper or his guardians yet but T15 Elder is piece of cake.
I still need improvement on belt and abyss jewel. Tried test on pob, with them it can reach 550k dps. Also need better jewels but I'm just trying to finish all the challenges
Last edited by thkhang92 on Jan 9, 2018, 8:08:15 PM
My only concern is, can this build facetank Izaro and if so, which class/ascendancy?
Hi Lightly,

Been following the guide for last 2 seasons. This season I went Slayer in hopes of more DPS for guardians. Currently I am hitting a wall on Minotaur . I realize its my Physical Mit that is hurting me. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I have changed my tree around ( VP) to try adjust. I have about 10 Ex to spend if I need to upgrade.

Also can this build kill Shaper? Or am I beating my self against a wall.


Last edited by Drexxon on Jan 19, 2018, 1:53:06 PM

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