(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Great guide, very informative indeed!

If I may, can I get some advice on which piece of gear to improve next? I'm very well aware that my gear is far from ideal, but I don't have a big budget to work on (currently about 1ex).


EDIT: I forgot to add my gear, doh!

Last edited by xour on Jan 8, 2016, 11:58:31 AM
andrew8448 wrote:
Hey again, everyone.
I'm back with another question that I *really* need an answer to since I do not know the associated math to figure out DPS.

Basically, I am wondering which of the following setups give more damage.

1. Cyclone-Blood Magic-Melee Physical Damage-Added Fire Damage=Fortify-Concentrated Effect


2. Cyclone-Blood Magic-Melee Physical Damage-Fortify-Bloodlust-Concentrated Effect

I know that Bloodlust gem doesn't show up on tooltip, and that's where I am having trouble figuring this out. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Also, let me know is this is the 'right way' to calculate Bloodlust DPS

Tooltip DPS x 0.61(from Bloodlust multiplier) = Bonus damage from Bloodlust Gem.


Bonus damage from Bloodlust Gem. + Tooltip DPS = True DPS

Is that correct?

Again, any help = greatly appreciated. Thank you in advanced!


Is Faster Attacks in any way 'better' than Weapon Elemental Damage? Again, too lazy/uninitiated in the required math to figure this out.

A huge Thank You to any help I can get!

Bumping for answers.
andrew8448 wrote:
andrew8448 wrote:
Hey again, everyone.
I'm back with another question that I *really* need an answer to since I do not know the associated math to figure out DPS.

Basically, I am wondering which of the following setups give more damage.

1. Cyclone-Blood Magic-Melee Physical Damage-Added Fire Damage=Fortify-Concentrated Effect


2. Cyclone-Blood Magic-Melee Physical Damage-Fortify-Bloodlust-Concentrated Effect

I know that Bloodlust gem doesn't show up on tooltip, and that's where I am having trouble figuring this out. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Also, let me know is this is the 'right way' to calculate Bloodlust DPS

Tooltip DPS x 0.61(from Bloodlust multiplier) = Bonus damage from Bloodlust Gem.


Bonus damage from Bloodlust Gem. + Tooltip DPS = True DPS

Is that correct?

Again, any help = greatly appreciated. Thank you in advanced!


Is Faster Attacks in any way 'better' than Weapon Elemental Damage? Again, too lazy/uninitiated in the required math to figure this out.

A huge Thank You to any help I can get!

Bumping for answers.

Thank you for bumping as I occasionally miss questions when I dont check forum for a day and have 5 pages to respond to. So bloodlust will give more dps than added fire for sure, the issue becomes applying the bleed with an attack that's not the attack in which bloodlust is linked to. From what ive tested and the general consensus of others its best to apply bleed using a disfavour with leap slam + vengeance when engaging combat so the bleed doesn't come from cyclone, which then grants the bloodlust buff to cyclone. I believe your calculations are correct and for example if you had 100 tooltip you would have 161 with bloodlust. To your faster attacks question the only time its better than wed is if your bloodmagic keystone and dont have hatred or herald of ash to grant wed to scale off of.
xour wrote:
Great guide, very informative indeed!

If I may, can I get some advice on which piece of gear to improve next? I'm very well aware that my gear is far from ideal, but I don't have a big budget to work on (currently about 1ex).


EDIT: I forgot to add my gear, doh!


First off 20% quality that weapon! Your jewelry is fairly weak and most your gear could do with higher life rolls. A solid investment would be Taste of Hate, Atziri Disfavour or Lightning Coil for the big ticket items. Rumi and belly are cheaper alternatives if you dont play often or just cant gain currency. Id like to see a progress post from you in a few days with your jewels and flasks to get a full picture of where your heading.
What's your current tooltip DPS, just so I can compare. I'm level 73 with Hezmana atm
Lighty wrote:

Thank you for bumping as I occasionally miss questions when I dont check forum for a day and have 5 pages to respond to. So bloodlust will give more dps than added fire for sure, the issue becomes applying the bleed with an attack that's not the attack in which bloodlust is linked to. From what ive tested and the general consensus of others its best to apply bleed using a disfavour with leap slam + vengeance when engaging combat so the bleed doesn't come from cyclone, which then grants the bloodlust buff to cyclone. I believe your calculations are correct and for example if you had 100 tooltip you would have 161 with bloodlust. To your faster attacks question the only time its better than wed is if your bloodmagic keystone and dont have hatred or herald of ash to grant wed to scale off of.

Thank you for your answers.

And yes, I am using Disfavour already and that's why I was wondering. Pretty much planning Ascendancy choices right now. Currently leap slamming and vengeance are my ways of proc'ing the bleed atm.

Also, doesn't Added Fire give more dps than WED 100% of the time?
The only time I seen WED give more is with Hatred + HoA (which should be used anyways) but like, if I had to pick one or the other, it's always correct to go with Added Fire, simply due to tooltip numbers, right?

PS. Going with the logic of "More" modifiers giving more than "Increased" modifiers. Does it make sense to try Hypothermia over Added Fire/WED? Any experience there, Lighty? Seeing as I already use Arctic Armour and Cwdt with Arctic Breath and GMP, does Hypothermia seem like a no-brainer? Asking because, too lazy to re-colour and self test >.<
Last edited by andrew8448 on Jan 8, 2016, 8:17:44 PM
Man I love The Ledge!

A few days ago I was doing Alter runs there trying to use up a bunch of stored talismans, came across an arcanists lockbox, and it dropped an exalt.

Then earlier this evening, I was doing the same thing, and went up and whacked that unique Totem mob thing. Killed it in half a second and out popped this:

My best drop yet this league! Was very happy. With Atzeri's and this now I am hitting 80k dps.

Hopefully when I try Atzeri again I wont get splattered like last time.
Thanks a lot for this build, it is extremely solid!
But quick question, im playing this on HC and was wondering what your thoughts on auras are. Do you think its best to run hatred+herald of ash+arctic armor or hatred+determination?

How do you get enough Dex from your gear without devoto's? I'm 58 and having problem's already even while using Lioneye's Paws


Decided to level this after I linked the Kaom's very very easily. 22k DPS at 58 with 3.5k life
could you look at my gear and suggest what i focus upgrading next

atziri runhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHKkDpzIrb8
Last edited by Zuke_ on Jan 10, 2016, 2:02:24 PM

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