(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

crux47 wrote:
blingi wrote:
I have tried running BM and with Herald of Ash on life (Cyclone - Added Fire - Weapon Elemental - Fortify -Melee Phys - Faster Attacks) and I still do less damage than I do with 1 less link and Herald + Hatred (Cyclone - Added Fire - Weapon Elemental - Fortify -Melee Phys - Blood Magic).

The problem with your experiment was that you didn't use Added Fire before which should be used even with Blood Magic as one of your links.

I haven't tried using Increased AOE + Concentrated Effect instead of Weapon Elemental + Faster Attacks though so maybe that would yield more DPS.
Maybe someone could try this.

In any case, BM keystone seems to be a good choice if you are running in a party that can supply Hatred.

So it's a matter of how many links your Cyclone is in it seems. I only have 4L atm and still use LGoH, dropping BM Keystone meant I had to run Cyclone+BM+Fortify+LGoH.

Assuming we're going for pure phsyical damage in all slots, anyone have a rough guess on what yields the most DPS gains? As far as Support Gems, Auras, and Herald? Would help identify when using BM Keystone would or would not be beneficial.

Here is my assumption(not including Conc Eff):
Melee Phys > Added Fire > Hatred > Faster Attacks > HoA > WED

Cyclone + Fortify take 2 gems. So at 5L, dropping BM Keystone for BM Gem becomes better. 4L or less, BM Keystone is better. That sound right?

See above few posts for answer but basically its hatred ( gain 36% of your Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage ) & aura swap options vs. Weapon elemental damage or inc aoe/conc effect ( most likely "7th" links) and Hoa/AA off life.
knedlik85 wrote:
Hi Lighty, thanks for this build. Newbie aproved, I finished merciless :)

Thank you and let me know if you have any questions; this forums sub-section community is very helpful and will fill in between the days I answer questions. Look forward to seeing your progress!
Sattarqt wrote:
Is selfcasting EC and IC linked with CWDT-Increased Duration a good option?
Im playing on HC and looking for some defensive mechanics to prevent random oneshot, and feeling like selfcasting EC and IC is not that comfortable.
I went for couple of 70 maps today with this setup and it was kinda okay, but im wondering if its viable for harded maps.
Thanks for reply.

So for hardcore there is a few things ive suggested; running a curse ( temp chains,enfeeble or warlords mark ) on a lv1cwdt with a chaos golem for the pure 3% physical damage reduction. I like self casting enduring cry and having a high lv20cwdt setup with immortal call + molten shell + increased duration. Assuming your not running bm keystone [ hatred + Grace/determination ] is a nice option; majority of people ive talked to are running [ Hatred + Herald of Ash + AA ( for the chill) ] which is also completely fine.
Ishkabibble wrote:
Every once in a while, even the elderly can strike gold:

Kinda cool - 63 jewlers & 23 fusings = "Reflect Nightmare" but who cares with this beast. Now I can ask what should I work on upgrading first?

These are my thoughts - I have been running 100+ rarity since lvl 65, so:

#1 Chest piece upgrade - "Belly or Lgt Coil"
#2 Quality my gems - not sure which first though.

Truly - Reflect is "NOW" a huge issue --

Balance of my gear:

To be clear I am 66 years young, when this puppy dropped I almost wet myself, then to follow it up I hit those rolls linking this puppy I needed to change the batteries in my pace maker.

Ideas - suggestions and/or comments on what you would do and or change with this beast in hand are desired. The reach on this monster is so wide, I get stuck sometimes in tight quarters.

I paid 10c for the helm, 1ex for the 20 quality cyclone and 1ex for the belt, everything else is self found. With 122 rarity my drops are crazy good.

Congrats! Incorporating rarity into your mapping gear is always nice and the surprise unique drops are always welcome when unexpected. If your going to start quality'ing your gems do those in your cyclone setup first ( no particular order ). Kaoms Heart might be a good goal or if you want to run a secondary 6l setup lightning coil is great if you can break 5-6k life with it on ( don't forget the -60 lightning res ).

-----------------------------------This is you
Last edited by Lighty on Aug 20, 2015, 3:07:45 AM
blingi wrote:
Brookizlol wrote:
Hello guys , i'm playing this cyclone build in Tempest actually and i'm 77 , 4.4k life , 120% all res ect... But my cyclone is only at 4.1k dps with HoA activated , i think i'm a bit low dps for my lvl. I just don't know what to do to up my damage without losing alot of survivability , if someone can help me with some advices !

(Sorry for my bad english it's not my native language !)

Your Cyclone is in a 4l with 0 dps gems. Replace LoH and get a 5 or 6l.

If you can afford to drop lgoh ( which you should be able to at your level ) added melee physical damage along with getting a 5-6l will drastically increase your dps. Alot of cyclone support gems are "more" multipliers which basically means they scale very well and add a large boost to your overall dps.
The_Rain_Man wrote:
blingi wrote:
Hi guy,

I'm running good with your build in my first hardcore run but can you tell my why you don't take blood magic as passive skill? It's bcause the auras?

~ dont need to run bloodmagic support gems on anything ( +1 cyclone link )
~ 35% increased maximum life
~ 50% less mana reserved ( herald of ash maybe? )

~ Less damage ( no hatred - haste ect. )
~ Alot less damage ( no hatred - haste ect. )

I'm a little confused by the whole alot less dps by taking the Bloodmagic node.
I run the BM node in my build.
standing in my H/O my dps is 46.5k. If i turn on Herald of ash my dps is 51.3k my HP goes from 9.7k to 8.4k which doesn't hurt even in full partys its still completely viable. Then when i enter a map and run Fortify and Bloodrage my dps is 70.9K when i pop atziris flask it's 81k.
That's alone in a map.
Then in full partys because i am leeching off other peoples auras i have seen my dps go over 100k i'd prob say 110-120k max always varies depending on what auras people are running.

When i take out my added fire gem and leave the socket empty and say the BM gem is in there and i turn on Hatred and Haste my dps standing in my H/O is 45k. so 1.5k less dps than when i turn the auras off and put the added fire gem back in the socket. Then if i was running hatred and haste in a full party i won't be leeching them auras if people are running them but most people do so it's less dps again.
I can't figure out how it is less dps???



This isn't quite the same build i was using when i posted this always stuffing around with it still isn't polished.
But this one is at 50k dps no buffs and 86k buffed have seen it spike to 91k but not sure what's doing it. And HP is at 9,228. 900 life per second regen with 4 charges up and 55% Damage reduction 81% with Gflask.[/quote]

See above posts for my take on bm keystone vs. auras ( Tl:dr aura flexibility ( grace ect. ) vs. effective 7link & slightly more life ). Your unaccounted-for dps increase may be onslaught from slaughter if you already considered frenzy charges and blood rage attack speed buff.
Akalamiammiam wrote:
FINALLY killed Atziri today ! No portal left, 1 death vs Trio (Titty + stupid bleed), 2 stupid death vs Atziri (gem swap for PoF => cyclone not in skill bar => panic => death + tried to attack Atziri while yellow storm call) and 2 totally unfair death in the split phase with a storm call + bleed + flameblast + storm call + storm call combo :'(
But I did it ! 5.5k life, something like 16k tooltip dps (can't remember exactly, game closed), and I got an awesome... Atziri flask --"

Gear + tree :


Next upgrade should be at 2 good jewels, maybe more. Don't really know what to take for the next passives point : life, jewels slot, something else ?

Congrats on the sloppy kill! Few things i notice in your gear, I would swap stun for [ endurance charge on melee stun ] and vaal cyclone ( along with other vaalskills ) doesn't require mana anymore. Try and swap your skill gems around to get vaal haste + increased duration if possible, its opop. If you have good-decent jewels or have the currency to craft them I would suggest grabbing as many jewel slots within reach; they are weighted very high due to the insane potential rolls they can have.
Last edited by Lighty on Aug 20, 2015, 3:19:23 AM
Lighty wrote:

Congrats on the sloppy kill! Few things i notice in your gear, I would swap stun for [ endurance charge on melee stun ] and vaal cyclone ( along with other vaalskills ) doesn't require mana anymore. Try and swap your skill gems around to get vaal haste + increased duration if possible, its opop. If you have good-decent jewels or have the currency to craft them I would suggest grabbing as many jewel slots within reach; they are weighted very high due to the insane potential rolls they can have.

Thanks !
For Stun and ECoMS, it was just a quick setup to get Leap Slam + Faster Attacks for Atziri, and I didn't pay attention to what I removed. The Vengeance setup will probably disappear once I get a Kaoms, so not a big deal anyway.
I know for Vaal Cyclone, but I don't have any other place to put it, same for Vaal Haste + Inc Duration, can't place the Inc Duration (or if I want to, need to remove Molten Shell from my CwDT setup). Once I get Kaoms + 6L weap, I'll probably respec for BM node, and so everything will be a lot easier, but I'm not sure it will append soon...

I don't have really goods jewels, and they are really expensive, but I think it will be the next thing to buy, even before Kaoms.
Finally got myself a Belly of the Beast! Only problem is I'm now about -20% under capped for cold res which I need to figure out and sort. Can you help me with my gear a little please homie?

I only have a couple of exalts at the moment, I'm level 90, I'm guessing I should sort out my terribad amulets/rings first? Having no issue's with dealing damage really.

Also, now that I have a Belly, should I replace one of my instant health flasks with a different health flask to make use of the recovery bonus? If so what would be the best base to grab please?

As always thanks in advance, never seen anyone be as responsive to people in a guide thread as you <3.
FrozenShivers wrote:
Finally got myself a Belly of the Beast! Only problem is I'm now about -20% under capped for cold res which I need to figure out and sort. Can you help me with my gear a little please homie?

I only have a couple of exalts at the moment, I'm level 90, I'm guessing I should sort out my terribad amulets/rings first? Having no issue's with dealing damage really.

Also, now that I have a Belly, should I replace one of my instant health flasks with a different health flask to make use of the recovery bonus? If so what would be the best base to grab please?

As always thanks in advance, never seen anyone be as responsive to people in a guide thread as you <3.

Congrats on the belly; its great for countless other builds so its a good investment overall. Having any minus resistance is a problem and should be fixed A$AP. Your right to assume your jewelry is dumpster-trash and you get a large amount of res from rings in most scenarios; so replace those first ( no need to spend more than 10-20c for shitty res two-stone/1 res rings [ POE.Trade Links 4 u Rings & Amulets ]. After you replace jewelry spending a few ex on good [ res + life + 30% move speed ] boots is a solid move. For flasks if you want to utilize the belly flask mod a [ Saturated Or Bubbling Divine Life Flask ] would be best; always good to have a slow rolling flask in addition to instant flasks; your granite flask is great but you should upgrade the quicksilver with the Perpetual Prefix if possible. Let me know if that answers everything or if you have other questions. #Lighty4Prez
Last edited by Lighty on Aug 20, 2015, 1:57:49 PM

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