Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

kratasek wrote:
Hi, how's everyone's rng with getting the ele to chaos+elem. pen. affixes while crafting daggers? I'm at 6,5k alts/100ish augments and I've seen these two roll together once (the ele to chaos wasn't even t1).
From what I've seen, ele to chaos is extremely rare roll (compared to phys to cold, which rolls like 5x more often).
Should I keep trying or just give up?

If you do hit it take an imprint at the beast master, got my first chaos and ele, and failed annuling it, after that I got it again and imprinted it 2 times in order to finally get it
kratasek wrote:
Hi, how's everyone's rng with getting the ele to chaos+elem. pen. affixes while crafting daggers? I'm at 6,5k alts/100ish augments and I've seen these two roll together once (the ele to chaos wasn't even t1).
From what I've seen, ele to chaos is extremely rare roll (compared to phys to cold, which rolls like 5x more often).
Should I keep trying or just give up?

read my comment

The difference between 7% double damage and 10% penetration on my dagger (If I change double damage to penetration:

it's always -1% or +1%, depends on the amount of penetration on your other items. But it's fair to say that it's pretty much the same
Last edited by blg_RealiZe on Dec 31, 2018, 11:25:40 PM
I've been following this guide. My arc dps according to PoB is almost 200k , in PoE it says my arc is 30k dps. I don't know how to increase my dps anymore. I have almost 4k hp and 2k mana. I follow your order guide up to step 3 but I can't get a watcher's eye with mana leech (it cost 4 ex which is more expensive than an inpulsa). I don't know what to do now.
Chrisss0r wrote:

The survive part is mostly mechanics but my impression on currency:

1. I have the personal impression that Dropchances are favoured towards the respective league mechanics. So far i have found 5 exalts, 3 of which in syndicate encounters. Of course this could be sheer luck.

2. Beating the game and farming currency are correlating but not fully in this game. The best way to straight up farm currency is to find the highest tier of maps
a) you can most comfortably instazap
b) Sustain from drops
c) have a nice diviniation drop chance
d) Are comfortable to run for you

And then just run the shit out of them (e.g. run 30 rare Cementaries and drop everything into a dump tab)

Being aware of shaper/elder dynamics also helps with drops especially if you are going for exalt shards

Thanks for your reply. I followed a list of maps that I used my shaper's orb on so I'll probably run those for a while.
blg_RealiZe wrote:

I’m curious though about something I hope to test later today. I’ve been fiddling for a while trying to be able to replace Added Lightning Damage with Elemental Focus (16% damage increase at the cost of Arc not being able to shock/chill).

don't you just lose shock damage bonus bonus (50% damage with 150% shock effectiveness) and hypothermia by doing that?

You loose out on the ability for Arc to proc elemental ailments. If you have another sustainable source that can proc them, then Arc will still benefit. However, there are only a few abilities that natively grant Shock effectiveness. Arc granting 30% makes my acceptable range 20%+ unless I can add more into the talent tree to compensate. Lightning Nova grants 40%, so even with the limited AoE potential if I can easily sustain it, I’d take that route. I have not yet found an acceptable alternative.

Chill is easy enough with Storm Brand, and SB will still shock, just for less than Arc would.
Last edited by Aldonés on Jan 1, 2019, 1:05:47 AM

You loose out on the ability for Arc to proc elemental ailments. If you have another sustainable source that can proc them, then Arc will still benefit. However, there are only a few abilities that natively grant Shock effectiveness. Arc granting 30% makes my acceptable range 20%+ unless I can add more into the talent tree to compensate. Lightning Nova grants 40%, so even with the limited AoE potential if I can easily sustain it, I’d take that route. I have not yet found an acceptable alternative.

Chill is easy enough with Storm Brand, and SB will still shock, just for less than Arc would.

I'm not sure about arc, but elemental focus is actually a good replacement for added lightning damage in my lightning spire trap setup. Thanks
sny83 wrote:
For proccing Arcane Surge, I really like jlh165's idea of using Flame Dash to do it. It's no bother to use FD instead of WB once every 7 seconds or when approaching a pack to keep AS up all the time, and Flame Dash + Arcane Surge Support + Increased Duration support raises the mana cost of FD to 64, which allows us to level the AS gem to 10. That's 2% more spell damage and 2% increased cast speed as well as a bit of mana regen.

Self casting both Storm Brand and Enfeeble felt clunky and slow to me and CwDT limits Enfeeble's level and thus its effectiveness, so I also like Storm Brand + CoH support + Enfeeble + [something] in a four-link to apply debuff(s) while also proccing Elemental Overload. I like having many layers of defense, so I mainly use Blind as the fourth link when working on progression, but for more damage, there are a lot of interesting choices, including the popular Culling Strike, Onslaught and Increased Critical Strikes, but Innervate is another nice buff to have during mapping or at bosses with adds that Storm Brand can take out - 8-145 lightning damage to spells is nothing to sneeze at.

I really like Arcane Surge linked to Flame Dash. It is extremely smooth while mapping since FD is already a slightly faster movement skill than my 1.9 APS for Whirling Blades. However, it only procs a L8 AS unless you intend to use multiple dashes.

You're absolutely right, I didn't take into account the "supported by Lightning Penetration" affix from my current shaped dagger affecting the mana cost of FD as well. So unless I get lucky with a "support by Faster Casting + increased cast speed" hybrid affix on one of the daggers I'm crafting, I'll also have to downgrade to level 7 or 8 with AS.

Gonna edit my previous post to reflect this necessary component to using a lvl10 Arcane Surge.
Last edited by sny83 on Jan 1, 2019, 1:49:23 AM
Have a question about shaper of desolation, hope someone can clarify it for me.

Let's say I have now the ignite conflux and all my damage ignites, is my lightning damage still shocking enemies in this time? Will the enemies be ignited and shocked in the same time?
bibanul wrote:
Have a question about shaper of desolation, hope someone can clarify it for me.

Let's say I have now the ignite conflux and all my damage ignites, is my lightning damage still shocking enemies in this time? Will the enemies be ignited and shocked in the same time?

bibanul wrote:
Have a question about shaper of desolation, hope someone can clarify it for me.

Let's say I have now the ignite conflux and all my damage ignites, is my lightning damage still shocking enemies in this time? Will the enemies be ignited and shocked in the same time?

Yes, you can have multiple elemental ailments active on enemies simultaneously. This happens for 2 seconds in every 14-second cycle anyway via Shaper of Desolation, but isn't exclusive to that ascendancy notable. We're constantly shocking and chilling with Arc to make use of the multiplicative damage bonuses from Beacon of Ruin/shock effectiveness and Hypothermia, which is why yellow mobs and bosses in red tier maps with the "monsters have 90% to avoid elemental ailments" feel so much tankier than normal until you manage to apply both ailments on them.
Last edited by sny83 on Jan 1, 2019, 3:32:45 AM

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