Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

I don't quite get how wise oak works. Is theren Explain me like im 5 years old link for that somewhere?
Is it worth to get daggers instead of wands cause movement skill?
It will propably cost me a lot of dps (got now around >60k buffed) with wands and couldnt find cheap variant that would suit me as replacement of those wands (they have +100% to lightning spells) which is great,couldnt find those on daggers :/ propably around 50-80, so that would cost me atleast -100%/-40% spell dmg in total.

Currently am using lightning warp + flame dash,which is nice,but with warp kinda cannot react in time when boss throws something big.

BTW sry,not native spearker :/
Hello everyone,
I'm really enjoying this build so far and I reached the highest level for me personally so far(93 Softcore)

I got quite a good setup of items so far, it should show in my profile.
I've been struggling a bit with "endgame" content such as the guardians and shaper for example. I managed to beat them but always while dying a few times.
This most likely seems to be related to my inexperience and I seem to get better at the fights already.

So my question was, related to my profile, where should I continue spending my currency to improve my character? Sidenote:I got the Watcher's Eye and Clear Mind, not sure if people can see that stuff in my profile.

I got about 4 ex and 150 C to spare right now.

Should I try to get Inpulsa and six link it? Or should I try to craft and endgame dagger (like described in PerkyPsycho's post)? Not all of my jewels have max life on them right now though.

I also still have the Elder Orb and tried to find some kind of guide, which helps me decide where to use it.

Sorry if my questions are all over the place and my englando is bad..

Any feedback would be appreciated greatly :)
If your question is missing below, someone else has already answered it or i've seen that you already figured it out for yourself.

You can mostly ignore tooltip, things like penetration or shock effect do affect our damage but don't show up in tooltip, so someone with more of those stats but less tooltip will likely still end up dealing more damage. As long as you follow what the guide says, you can't do anything wrong and your damage will be fine.

Amulet is probably the easiest, they can come with both attributes as implicit which would just require you to get another low dex roll somewhere (jewel or benchcrafted on an open suffix slot). You can also temporarily use the +30 Str/Dex nodes near Elemental Overload if it allows you to wear some great gear without those stats.

It's already mentioned twice within the guide, i've also added it to the PoB notes and another sentence to the Intro to read everything. Unfortunately the guide is at this forums post limits again, and I couldn't add such a long explanation without removing something more relevant.

Daggers, mobility beats the little damage gain Sceptres would give.

Start with working on flasks, replace Sorrow of the Divine with a regular Sulphur and Life/Mana with Eternal versions of each, then craft them all according to the crafting advice in flask section. Next upgrade your gear. Essence Worm isn't expensive anymore, also replace all other rares except for maybe the boots to gain more life and damage. And you're missing Cold Damage to Spells to make Hypothermia work, easiest way to get it is a Hypnotic Eye jewel.

You seem to overall have fairly low life on some pieces, your flasks and jewels could also need some work. The craft on your belt and ring also don't do anything for spells, could put something more useful like Mana there.

Molten Shell, a high level Enfeeble to selfcast on demand or a Vaal Aura are good choices. Our active curse limit is one, so Conductivity and Enfeeble would override each other.

If you can afford, then yes. Leave out Added Lightning Damage or if you don't have Cold Damage to Spells, then Hypothermia.

Most of the gear is pretty decent for now, what you should do is replace the Stibnite Flask with Atziri's Promise and the Prismatic Ring with Essence Worm, also craft life instead of movement speed on boots and replace the gloves. I've also noticed that you're using the gem setup that's intended for the "Trigger socketed Spells on Skill use" veiled mod, since you don't have that mod you'd be better off with the regular gem setup in this guide.

Sounds like your Storm Brand may not hit anything to leech, and your mana regen is being consumed by skill usage. Your character tab isn't public so I can't check if there may be something else causing this to happen.

Your flasks need some work, replace the Divine with Eternal Life Flask then craft all according to the crafting advice in flask section. Also upgrade Pantheon if you haven't done it yet. Syndicate shouldn't be a huge issue anymore after their nerf.

While it would work, I find that it's an extremely clunky playstyle and just slows you down, especially once you have an Inpulsa's. The bit of single target gain is not worth that payoff.

The wands are fairly easy to replace, some lowend daggers for 10-15c a piece will work out better and you have more mobility. Most of your gear also has very low or no life on it, and you should get an Essence Worm for a big damage boost. Your flasks also need some work and you don't have any mana leech currently.

Anything that says "attacks" and local damage (such as Adds # to # Lightning Damage) on weapons doesn't work, the rest does.

You have almost no life on your gear, the wrong flask and weapon setups and it seems you've focused on Ele Damage with Attacks, which doesn't work with Spells.

Yeah Essence Worm is required, you should also replace the Granite with Basalt and Quicksilver with Sulphur Flask.

Your flasks need lots of work, and better switch to daggers, even if it's just a Divinarius/Heartbreaker combo.

I'd keep the chaos craft for bigger individual hits.

I've done corrupted T16 Guardians and Shaper with a 5L Inpulsa few days ago, with Added Lightning Damage being booted from the damage links. It was a quite noticeable damage loss, but still doable. So if you have any Cold Damage to Spells in your setup, rather keep Hypothermia and kick ALD.

Flask Duration to maximize their duration during bossfights, where we can't always easily refill them.

Lv21 Arc, Watcher's Eye and maybe Clear Mind should be next on your list.

We only gain about 5% DPS total from two sceptre implicits, at the cost of being stuck with a worse movement skill. The crit from most dagger implicits isn't really that bad, it still does help with EO uptime through Storm Brand.

The issue with WM on Hit is that you lose Enfeeble for it, which in the end is a much bigger and more reliable survivability boost than the EC on kill, which are either down on bosses or consumed once IC procs.

Essence Worm + Wrath can't be beat damage wise. Even a shaped Opal ring with 5x perfect DPS affixes gives less DPS than just Essence Worm + Wrath does, and that's without taking possible Watcher's Eye mods into account.

Spiritual Aid is a huge damage boost and allows for more flexibility while gearing. For example you wouldn't have to buy that expensive Arc Dmg enchant, could've just used any Bone Helmet and blessed it to 40% for exactly the same damage increase. Other than that, the node also opens up Minion Damage on jewels and other gearpieces for us.

So with that said, your next upgrades should be an Essence Worm and maybe Stygian Vise, and then Watcher's Eye and if you want, Clear Mind too.

Char looks fine, but couldn't find any Cold Damage to Spells on your gear so try to get that on a Hypnotic Eye jewel. After that you could look out for a Stygian Vise, pretty much got all the other stuff already.

Only CwDt and Enfeeble need to be linked.

Phase Run can't proc Fortify, which is a pretty important part of our defensive concept. I also just don't like the feel of it, the other movement skills fit this build better.

That's correct, Lv21 Wrath does nothing for us.

Can confirm that it's ilvl85, i'll see if I can reach the OP of the crafting guide or just edit the picture.

Tabula Rasa, Lifesprig, Goldrim, Wanderlust, Heartbreaker.

PoB can't correctly show shock currently, it always shows the maximum 50% damage increase even if you can't realistically reach it. Just keep in mind, 10% shock effect = 2% more damage with Beacon of Ruin, until you hit 150% shock effect. To see the impact of its increased damage mod, you need to check "Shocked an enemy recently" which will appear after equipping Inpulsa in PoB.

Jewels have the advantage that they can add more than just DPS. I usually go by Life + 2 DPS mods or 1 + DPS mod + Hinder for each jewel. Maybe less DPS, but overall still the better option.

Attack speed. Also hate to say it but the penetration mod on it doesn't work for spells.

We actually chill consistently thanks to Beacon of Ruin, just takes any amount of cold damage added to Arc.

The weapon swap thing would be too clunky for me personally, but it's worth a try.

I'd recommend look out for two cheap daggers to get started, and to get a feeling for Whirling Blades.

Yeah that's a decent combo to get into maps.

No issues with them here, clear your browser cache and try again.

I'd personally go with two Sai Daggers.

Just the lightning penetration is fine, although i'd recommend to eventually try to balance all three for that extra defensive bonus.

You can do that, could also dump Cold Snap (or put it in place of Clarity if you have Clear Mind) and put CwDT + IC + Inc Duration into the gloves.

Get Sai if you can, unless it's substantially more expensive than an equal dagger with crit implicit. A regular Bone Helmet is fine, shaped would require ilvl84 for T1 mods unless you don't care about it, then ilvl75 is fine. The same goes for elder gloves, except ilvl85 for T1 mods here. It's better to just buy either already with the desired mods and only bother with crafting once you've gathered more currency. #% Effect pf non-damaging ailments is also a really good mod you can craft on amulet.

Tbh I haven't even seen Winter Orb in action yet, literally don't know what the skill even looks like. If you're satisfied with Arc then no reason to change right now, right?

Your golems can only get damaged by physical and chaos damage, there shouldn't be enough around to constantly kill them, and the few times it happens doesn't really warrant using another support. That said, if you use Clear Mind you can put Decoy Totem inplace of Clarity and have a socket open for Minion Life.

Divinarius + Heartbreaker would probably turn out better, other daggers will likely cost 10c+ each.

Get an Essence Worm, also quality all flasks and reroll the Sulphur for Experimenter's of Warding. Boots could also het an upgrade, something with life and if needed, resistance implicit. And you could look out for a higher DPS amulet. After that it's probably time to save up for the bigger stuff.

The videos were recorded with a regular Arc gem, you can see the full setup in the PoB posted right below the video links. I personally don't put much important upon Vaal Arc, to the point that I even forget to use it if I have a Vaal Arc socketed. That said, it's not bad to use it, jsut remember that a Lv21 Arc will always be better than a Lv20 Vaal Arc, and a Lv21 Vaal Arc will always be more expensive than a Lv21 Arc.

Gear is pretty solid, i'd go for a Watcher's Eye before Inpulsa's. I've noticed your belt is missing its jewel, either just an oversight or i've clicked on your profile while you had it unsocketed to craft.

Thanks, always great to get feedback like this :)

Your flask setup needs some work. Vendor Sorrow of the Divine and replace with a regular Sulphur, replace Amethyst with Atziri's Promise then quality and roll all flasks properly according to flask section. Only your life flask is fine, just throw on 10x Glassblower Baubles to quality it.

Both of your CwDt gems, Enfeeble, Immortal Call, Cold Snap and Arcane Surge are way too high leveled. Get new ones in Epilogue and keep them at the suggested levels. You also don't have any Cold Damage to Spells anywhere to make Hypothermia work, and the mods saying "to/with attacks" on ring/amulet don't work with Arc, which is a spell.

Last but not least upgrade your Pantheon if you haven't yet. All these things will add up and raise your survivability and damage immensely.

https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Wise_Oak the mechanics section should do it well.

Yes, daggers are worth it. Any form of damage% also isn't everything, they are additive multipliers and have diminishing returns. It's better to have a good amount of damage% together with flat lightning to spells, cast speed and one or both of the listed shaped affixes.

Yeah, looks like Inpulsa is the next reasonable upgrade for you. Also switch the Divine to Eternal Life Flask, it's more heal/sec.

About Elder Orb, common choices still seem to be Underground Sea or Haunted Mansion, although the atlas reshuffling may have created some other good choices that I don't know of.
nqtuan92 wrote:
Hello, should we link Minion Life Support to lightning and flame golem?. I feel my golem so papper when go high tier map, they die so quick and therefore we cant get the buff from them... Or should we choose other acendary point?

My understanding is the minion base life is a percentage of your character's life. Your life doesn't seem to be too low, so that shouldn't be an issue. The only thing I can recommend with that is to level your minions up more. Your lightning golem is 20% quality, but your flame golem is not (1% increased minion life per quality).

I haven't gotten to that point this league personally, but I don't think 20/20 or 21/20 golems will have much difficulty staying alive in most situations, so long as you have enough hp to support them. They are immune to elemental damage and get 30% increased life with 1% life regen per second in passives with this build.

napraen wrote:

Is it ok to not have 75 all res when you're running Wise Oak or should it always be max anyway? Wise Oak feels kinda wasted with max res when lightning isn't your max uncapped for the pen :(

SCStrafe wrote:
I don't quite get how wise oak works. Is theren Explain me like im 5 years old link for that somewhere?

In my opinion you definitely still want 75% resistances in each element. You are taking much more damage without it (70% resistance takes 20% more damage than 75%).

The goal with Wise Oak is to balance resistances. You want all 3 elemental resistances to be equal at their maximum value (number past resist cap). With that you get the full offensive and full defensive buff for all 3 elements.

Is it worth to get daggers instead of wands cause movement skill?

I'd say yes. If you are going to loose too much damage, feel free to wait till you can get better daggers, but high end daggers are extremely powerful. Also, with a high amount of attack speed (and we honestly get a high amount), you move extremely fast with Whirling Blades. Furthermore, the delay telegraph for Whirling Blades is at the end rather than beginning, meaning it is much better for dodging.
Got beat to by Enki, going to post anyways.

derwaynez wrote:
Hi can sb help me? I really have a hard time staying alive, especially against the syndicate members, they bring me down to 500 hp in 1 or 2 secs, to kill them i have to jump around constantly and recast decoy totem constantly. I dont really get why. I would think my gear is pretty solid.

Trade some HP nodes for Purity of Flesh. Loss of some HP, +20% chaos res. This will let you change helm to Minion or Arc enchanted.
Changed Spell crit for Lord of the Dead + minion dmg - +25% dmg.
Change your flasks. Sorrow of the Divine is terrible for this build because it blocks life leech. Amethyst flask should be Atziri's Promise.
Bad enchant on right ring, WED doesn't work with spells.
Daggers are kinda bad. Left daggers has no lightning to spells and right dagger has no spell damage. Those are my go-to daggers unless a Shaped dagger comes with luck or good price.

Not much else for Betrayal bosses. Learn their telegraphs and don't stand still too often. Make sure Basalt and Fortify are up to reduce physical damage and drop Decoy totem.

nqtuan92 wrote:
Hello, should we link Minion Life Support to lightning and flame golem?. I feel my golem so papper when go high tier map, they die so quick and therefore we cant get the buff from them... Or should we choose other acendary point?

I mean.. you can if you want to, but you should eventually be clearing so fast that the golems are only getting damaged by the occasional boss or Betrayal boss. Stack some more chaos res, get Purity of Flesh, 21 Arc (you're still re-leveling a 20%), Essence Worm, etc will help a lot. You may also consider changing your Bandits to the 2 points as the skill points can offer more than the other Bandits can.

SCStrafe wrote:
I don't quite get how wise oak works. Is theren Explain me like im 5 years old link for that somewhere?

Wise Oak does 3 things:
1. 35% elemental resists (counters elemental weakness maps).
2. Whichever elemental resist is lowest, you take 10% less damage from that element. If 2 are lowest, take 10% less from both of those elements.
3. Whichever elemental resist is highest, you penetrate 10-15% of that resist. If 2 are highest, you penetrate both of those resists.
Bonus: If all 3 elemental resists are the exact same #, then you get both benefits for all 3 elements. But can get pricey to keep the exact same with every upgrade. The most important thing is that lightning is the highest for the penetration.

Is it worth to get daggers instead of wands cause movement skill?

Definitely worth for movement skill. You have to reduce your search because daggers have crit chance, not spell damage. So easier to get high spell damage on wands/scepters. I usually aim for 30% spell dmg, cast speed, and high lightning to spell on my starting daggers. If it costs too much, get Heartbreaker and/or Divinarius as good starting daggers.
Which gems should i put on command of the pit gloves?
Which gems should i put on command of the pit gloves?

Personally, I sold the one I got yesterday for 3.5 ex (bought Watcher's Eye w/ Mana Leech). I don't think the gloves are that great for this build for the cost, imo, and prices will probably continue dropping. In terms of what gem to drop.. the guide says to drop Increased Duration with Storm Brand.
Last edited by blackdeath101 on Dec 20, 2018, 11:18:33 AM
Hi Enki, I play your build since 2 leagues now. and i Always manage to gather a decent amount of currency but at some point i Always see myself spec to a new more ''endgame build'' with more damage because i struggle so hard with t16 guardians and uber elder, you got advice to make this build do that at best please? or point me in some direction. i really love the playstyle but at the uber endgame i suddenly Always hit a wall with this build. i crafted everything myself

Thanks alot for any tips, and the work you put in this build you are the best man.
A few things I am enjoying last couple days (maybe tips for others).

Finally got enough money for a Watchers Eye and clear mind jewels.


No more mana issues, even when taking big hits. Just spam arc.
Removed mana leech and inc duration from Storm Brand setup and added onslaught and culling strike instead (thanks for Realize tip). This is a great QOL change.

The result of those changes means moving way way fast and clear maps super fast, even without Inpulsa. Storm Brand much better on bosses with the different supports.

Strongly recommend people get Watchers Eye before saving for Inpulsa IMO. You can then speed clear maps and delve without as much trouble and more fun / faster, to get currency for Inpulsa quicker.

Now to save for Inpulsa and try to find some even slightly better daggers! (dang that dagger market is rough!)

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