Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Turbohamster wrote:
Hello, I am new to the game and have a question about this build related to the maximum dps, I downloaded PoB and I can't get the DPS higher than 449K whilst I see some other builds which PoB says over 3M DPS. Am I doing something wrong?

As someone else mentioned, take quoted potential DPS’s with a grain of salt. It’s easy to say how high a build can get, but not always easy to gear it. Furthermore, high DPS builds often build as glass cannons. Think about it, in the health nodes at the bottom, we spec 8 points into only increased life which does nothing for our sheet dps. We could further increase our available passives by moving the jewel node down there up a bit and having 9 extra passives with 12% elemental damage. In fact, if I took out everything defensive we don’t have to path through, I could free up 22 passives easily. That would be a deadly mistake.

When maximizing gear for this build, we want to reach 150% shock effectiveness. This allows every hit of lightning damage to shock for the full 150% effect. You can then go into PoB and click “enemy is shocked” rather than manually calculating what your shock factor is. Assuming you have a source of cold damage, you should also check “enemy is chilled” to calculate for Hypothermia.

Gear can get very expensive when you start maximizing it. For example, having a head piece with added lighting damage to spells with an “Arc gets +1 chain” enchant. Shaper, Elder, and league-specific mods are often very powerful and very expensive. Taking all your jewels and either having them at 21/20 or 20/23 (or 21/23 in rare cases) can make a considerable difference at great expense. This build allots for 6 jewel slots in the passive tree. Good jewels often run 1+ ex each.

All that is to say, when they read 3 million dps, they are probably talking about builds worth several hundred exalted. Since very few people will ever see that much, those inflated numbers are often worthless.

My goal this league is to reach 1 million Shaper dps (Shaper is another thing you select in PoB which decreases your shown dps to that against the Shaper boss). Granted, I probably won’t, but it is doable.
nomoreagine wrote:
Any idea what is the final flask setup?
and can you take a look on my gear, and let me know If something is missing?

I would probably change necklace and gloves first. Spell damage/cast speed first, attack/cast speed second.
Later on a belt with sbyss socket (but actually your belt is good).
Flasks is good, probably change your quicksilver with a Wise Oak later on.
Hi everyone. I am new to PoE and I am following this build.

Looking at the gems, I am unsure on which skills I should be having on my skillbar? Can anyone explain the basic gems to me at all? I know arc is our main dealer and storm brand is also good but that's about it.

Hello! I droped "Unnatural Instinct" viridian jewel yesterday. Shoud i sell it to get some currancy and boost my items?
Since Inpulsa's is so ridiculously expensive this league is there a cheaper alternative I should go for or just get a 6L rare?
1. Anyone else using Storm Brand with trigger socket? Only seen a few people discuss it. Been working for me and opens a slot for other stuff, like Minion support.
2. Thoughts on dmg while leeching glove craft instead of minion dmg? 10-20% vs 31-36%, same cost. We are pretty much always leeching with Storm Brand mana, but would be a null effect when at completely full HP and no mana leeching.

KingCompton wrote:
Looking at the gems, I am unsure on which skills I should be having on my skillbar?

Arc for attack.
Storm Brand for mana regen and some small aoe dmg.
If you use daggers, Whirling Blades for movement/Fortify and Flame Dash for ledges. Apply other movement skills if using not daggers (Leap Slam, Shield, etc).
Vaal Arc (if used) for Lucky Arc buff.
Clarity buff (I use middle mouse because I don't like that button).
Decoy Totem as needed
Golem #1

I like to left click for move only, so I toggle 2nd Golem with #1 as needed to be recast.

Trollfather wrote:
Hello! I droped "Unnatural Instinct" viridian jewel yesterday. Shoud i sell it to get some currancy and boost my items?

Nice name. Grats if real.

drizztvoljin wrote:
Since Inpulsa's is so ridiculously expensive this league is there a cheaper alternative I should go for or just get a 6L rare?

6L rare with HP/resists. Save for Inpulsa.
Last edited by blackdeath101 on Dec 13, 2018, 6:10:26 AM
Ynera wrote:
nomoreagine wrote:
Any idea what is the final flask setup?
and can you take a look on my gear, and let me know If something is missing?

I would probably change necklace and gloves first. Spell damage/cast speed first, attack/cast speed second.
Later on a belt with sbyss socket (but actually your belt is good).
Flasks is good, probably change your quicksilver with a Wise Oak later on.

the thing is, my mana gets empty when fighting, mobs hits me sometimes and MoM eats it up, shall I keep playing with mana flask or is there any other solution
Thank you blackdeath101 :)
nomoreagine wrote:
the thing is, my mana gets empty when fighting, mobs hits me sometimes and MoM eats it up, shall I keep playing with mana flask or is there any other solution

If your mana is being drained, it means you're not using Storm Brand enough. 20% mana leech will boost leech speed by another 10%. If something is branded, I cannot run out of mana spamming Arc.

If you're lazy, like me, try the trigger socket craft with Storm Brand for passive mana leech and Arcane Surge procs (adds to mana regen). Re-casts every 5 seconds so I can just spam Arc and Whirling Blades.

If you're still having trouble, you can also try changing Alchemist to Soul Siphon and the 8% mana towards jewels to up your mana pool by ~200. That increases your "HP" and increases mana regen rates. Without Arcane proc, I'm at 140 mana/sec, so it takes awhile to run out of mana just spamming Arc.

Aside from Betrayal bosses, nothing should be exploding your pools that much. Try to keep Fortify up and Decoy as needed. I assume you have 4.5k HP, ~2k MP, and max resists. If you're doing a map with Elemental Weakness or lots of stacking dmg amplifiers, then more avoidance is the trick.
nomoreagine wrote:
Ynera wrote:
nomoreagine wrote:
Any idea what is the final flask setup?
and can you take a look on my gear, and let me know If something is missing?

I would probably change necklace and gloves first. Spell damage/cast speed first, attack/cast speed second.
Later on a belt with sbyss socket (but actually your belt is good).
Flasks is good, probably change your quicksilver with a Wise Oak later on.

the thing is, my mana gets empty when fighting, mobs hits me sometimes and MoM eats it up, shall I keep playing with mana flask or is there any other solution

Get mana leech. Either mind of the council, either mana leech jewel (link to arc ->lose dps or linked to storm brand) last solution is watcher's eye jewel with mana leech with wrath

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