Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

blackdeath101 wrote:

If you're lazy, like me, try the trigger socket craft with Storm Brand for passive mana leech and Arcane Surge procs (adds to mana regen). Re-casts every 5 seconds so I can just spam Arc and Whirling Blades.

How is arcane surge working with this setup? brand autocast doesnt spend mana i think. I tried it but doesnt work for me.
blackdeath101 wrote:
nomoreagine wrote:
the thing is, my mana gets empty when fighting, mobs hits me sometimes and MoM eats it up, shall I keep playing with mana flask or is there any other solution

If your mana is being drained, it means you're not using Storm Brand enough. 20% mana leech will boost leech speed by another 10%. If something is branded, I cannot run out of mana spamming Arc.

If you're lazy, like me, try the trigger socket craft with Storm Brand for passive mana leech and Arcane Surge procs (adds to mana regen). Re-casts every 5 seconds so I can just spam Arc and Whirling Blades.

If you're still having trouble, you can also try changing Alchemist to Soul Siphon and the 8% mana towards jewels to up your mana pool by ~200. That increases your "HP" and increases mana regen rates. Without Arcane proc, I'm at 140 mana/sec, so it takes awhile to run out of mana just spamming Arc.

Aside from Betrayal bosses, nothing should be exploding your pools that much. Try to keep Fortify up and Decoy as needed. I assume you have 4.5k HP, ~2k MP, and max resists. If you're doing a map with Elemental Weakness or lots of stacking dmg amplifiers, then more avoidance is the trick.

Got it, thank you
Trollfather wrote:
Hello! I droped "Unnatural Instinct" viridian jewel yesterday. Shoud i sell it to get some currancy and boost my items?

You "could" use it in the jewel near the Scion nodes, but honestly for the 8-9 ex that it's worth, you could buy a better rare jewel. No, I'd sell it and buy an Inpulsa's with it. Grats! That is a very nice drop indeed!

Note: When buying Inpulsa's prioritize Increased Effect of Shock. Life and spell damage as secondary, whichever playstyle you prefer (I'd personally go life).
Just got myself an upgrade

Not the best mods but it was cheap
Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]

I always play witch and i just wanted to thank you, this build is nice, i doubt about the minion dmg at first but it ended to be better than other options, Since Inpulsa is sooo expensive im using a shroud of the lightless till i farm some exalts for inpulsa :'c! ..

Also im wearing a Ahn's heritage for the ONslaught effect, i sacrificed some damage but my void sceptre is strong, so i feel im doing good atm :3 0 struggles till now..

Thank you bro keep it up!
R40H wrote:
How is arcane surge working with this setup? brand autocast doesnt spend mana i think. I tried it but doesnt work for me.

Crap, you're right.. thanks. I forgot my offhand dagger had arcane surge on kill and that is fairly reliable uptime with speed clears. The mana leech still works though.

So now back to Increased Duration. Will allow for more instances of all 3 being activated instead of 2-3.

*Edit - Got a Shaped dagger that can't get prefixes. Now testing Arcane Surge with Flame Dash. It was either that or no trigger effect.
Last edited by blackdeath101 on Dec 12, 2018, 1:36:08 PM
Curious, why MoM so early in the build? Isn't it hard to sustain before you get more regen and max mana?

Also, loving the build so far. About halfway through A2 and it's been a gentle stroll through the park. I can't even tell you how happy I am with how amazingly thorough you were with making this guide.

Something I need to point out for people who are leveling, since it reserves mana and you likely don't want it later, just in case...Herald of Purity is an amazing tanking gem. You constantly have all the spirits up and enemies tend to ignore you and attack them it seems. It makes fortresses really easy, the towers and immortals tend to focus on the spirits so you're almost not even attacked.
Last edited by sutasafaia on Dec 12, 2018, 1:45:54 PM
sutasafaia wrote:
Curious, why MoM so early in the build? Isn't it hard to sustain before you get more regen and max mana?

Also, loving the build so far. About halfway through A2 and it's been a gentle stroll through the park. I can't even tell you how happy I am with how amazingly thorough you were with making this guide.

Something I need to point out for people who are leveling, since it reserves mana and you likely don't want it later, just in case...Herald of Purity is an amazing tanking gem. You constantly have all the spirits up and enemies tend to ignore you and attack them it seems. It makes fortresses really easy, the towers and immortals tend to focus on the spirits so you're almost not even attacked.

I think it's kind of like a payroll contribution into a retirement plan. If you make the contribution from the very beginning, you never miss it. If you don't and then decide to add it later, you end up like "WTF JUST HAPPENED TO MY PAYCHECK!!???!?"
Earthslug wrote:
Just got myself an upgrade

Not the best mods but it was cheap

Standard I presume? Looks to be a legacy lab enchant that is super powerful now. Nice find!
Last edited by Aldonés on Dec 12, 2018, 2:06:20 PM
Could someone explain why we need shock effect on abyss jewels if we opt for them and what that does for us?

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