Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Ynera wrote:
May I ask what was the reason to switch from Sceptre + Shield to double Sceptre (and Leap Slam)? The Ahn's Shield gave permanent Onslaught which really felt nice and smooth, this is gone now, right?

Yeah they are both gone.

For faster movement speed youo could go with 2 daggers and whirling blades + faster attack (with nodes tree +% attack speed)

But why are they gone? It felt so good to fly over the map and attack really fast :/

My understanding is that we want to buff our damage so that this build is less struggling with boss fights. Another major change of this build is to take minion damage related nodes and give up some elemental damage nodes for a better dps buff.
blg_RealiZe wrote:
Uber elder down. Not very clean, 3 deaths. Forgot to upgrade and use arakaali and ryslatha pantheons =\


Congrats mate! thanks for sharing :)
Apparently GGG fixed uber elder spawning method (with elder's orb on low tier map). I've done 35 atoll maps - no influence
ive skimmed through quite a lot of this thread, but didnt found an answer to a problem: where do i put second golem gem-kit?

other than that, having quite a blast with the build, thou im still quite low on gear.
Very nice guide, well explained, beginer friendly. Arc is fun to play and selfcast makes you learn boss fights strategies.

Main cons I'd say is every boss with high elemental resist is a pain...

Mainly because no arc dps while moving/avoiding attack (unlike arc totems), and no burst (arc traps / mines).
I couldn't beat a vaal area frog boss because of that. I had to give up.

Kitava was very long too. My lighhning penetration gem wasn't level max yet.
I think I'm going with another build. First off, this build is great for as "starter", but it's definitely not a budget build for THIS LEAGUE, due to the increased rarity of the inpulsa... It was much better last league, but as I said, I think the biggest reason is the rarity now of the inpulsa. The inpulsa suppose to get cheaper, but instead it's getting more expensive every day. It's went from 3.5 exalt to costing 6 exalt now for the lowest rolled 1 socket one,and it costs upwards to 12 exalt for a 6 linked one. I wont' be surprised if you can't buy one for even 15 exalt within a couple of weeks.

I was watching Ziggy stream with Winters Orb and he was mowing through bosses like crazy and he was also running a league starter build. I miss being able to kill bosses like that :(

With that said, I still think that this is hands down the best build guides on the net in terms of direction and instruction, But it just seems weaker this league. I know my gear isn't that good right now, but I shouldn't be struggling with bosses at only act 8. This wasn't the case last league when I was running this build. But the biggest reason is the skyrocketing price now for Inpulsa's. Since I don't play for hours every day, it's doubtful that I will ever be able to afford the 15 exalt chest piece with is the center point of this build. If there was good replacement,I would be all over it, but this seems almost mandatory when you get to yellow maps and above. I remember last league, my inpulsa significantly made my build feel better. Anyway, I guess that happens, shit gets changed.
Mentoya wrote:
I think I'm going with another build. First off, this build is great for as "starter", but it's definitely not a budget build for THIS LEAGUE, due to the increased rarity of the inpulsa... It was much better last league, but as I said, I think the biggest reason is the rarity now of the inpulsa. The inpulsa suppose to get cheaper, but instead it's getting more expensive every day. It's went from 3.5 exalt to costing 6 exalt now for the lowest rolled 1 socket one,and it costs upwards to 12 exalt for a 6 linked one. I wont' be surprised if you can't buy one for even 15 exalt within a couple of weeks.

I was watching Ziggy stream with Winters Orb and he was mowing through bosses like crazy and he was also running a league starter build. I miss being able to kill bosses like that :(

With that said, I still think that this is hands down the best build guides on the net in terms of direction and instruction, But it just seems weaker this league. I know my gear isn't that good right now, but I shouldn't be struggling with bosses at only act 8. This wasn't the case last league when I was running this build. But the biggest reason is the skyrocketing price now for Inpulsa's. Since I don't play for hours every day, it's doubtful that I will ever be able to afford the 15 exalt chest piece with is the center point of this build. If there was good replacement,I would be all over it, but this seems almost mandatory when you get to yellow maps and above. I remember last league, my inpulsa significantly made my build feel better. Anyway, I guess that happens, shit gets changed.

If you are struggling with getting to maps, you are doing something wrong my man, you may need to have your gem links correct and having both CWDT setups saves you from a lot of damage, check out my character (its public) and i got all the way to t10 maps easily, but the only thing i struggle with is red map corruption and those syndicates in t11+. The biggest problem is phys damage and chaos damage, which kills you instantly on this glass cannon low defense, but other than that I got through the story and t1-10 alched maps very easy.
Mentoya wrote:
but I shouldn't be struggling with bosses at only act 8

That seems odd - I annihilated the act 8 bosses with similar gear/gems to yours (think I had my arc on a 5L by then though). Have you tried adding herald of thunder and using conductivity? I used both of those to level, and have ditched them now moving towards final gem setups, but they both helped a lot. Mapping T5 at the moment with no issues.
Mentoya wrote:
I think I'm going with another build. First off, this build is great for as "starter", but it's definitely not a budget build for THIS LEAGUE, due to the increased rarity of the inpulsa... It was much better last league, but as I said, I think the biggest reason is the rarity now of the inpulsa. The inpulsa suppose to get cheaper, but instead it's getting more expensive every day. It's went from 3.5 exalt to costing 6 exalt now for the lowest rolled 1 socket one,and it costs upwards to 12 exalt for a 6 linked one. I wont' be surprised if you can't buy one for even 15 exalt within a couple of weeks.

I was watching Ziggy stream with Winters Orb and he was mowing through bosses like crazy and he was also running a league starter build. I miss being able to kill bosses like that :(

With that said, I still think that this is hands down the best build guides on the net in terms of direction and instruction, But it just seems weaker this league. I know my gear isn't that good right now, but I shouldn't be struggling with bosses at only act 8. This wasn't the case last league when I was running this build. But the biggest reason is the skyrocketing price now for Inpulsa's. Since I don't play for hours every day, it's doubtful that I will ever be able to afford the 15 exalt chest piece with is the center point of this build. If there was good replacement,I would be all over it, but this seems almost mandatory when you get to yellow maps and above. I remember last league, my inpulsa significantly made my build feel better. Anyway, I guess that happens, shit gets changed.

I have what I would consider mediocre & low-budget gear and I have been still tearing through yellow maps. I do share some concerns about the budget "friendliness" of this build with the rising Inpulsa's cost. I do wonder when I'm going to hit that ceiling where Inpulsa's becomes a necessity, but I haven't felt that need yet. I still have a bunch of other items that are low hanging fruit upgrades, so I'll wait till I've knocked those out before evaluating.

Also jumping on the daggers over sceptres bandwagon. The clear speed is insane comparatively and I have a hard time imagining the extra damage being better than the survivability / mobility of WB
Last edited by ksaldana1 on Dec 11, 2018, 3:05:59 PM
Plodding along with this build again... Ohh I miss you Inpulsa!

I'm 85 as of posting and today I switched from Scepters to daggers and whirling blades. This change has re vitalised me into wanting to push on further. The difference was night and day. Scepters felt like walking through tar compared too two daggers with WB.

Syndicut dudes are my only deaths so far, A1 to 10 regular leveling was deathless.

Had zero luck on currency drops so in bad gear, but ive crafted and used what I have to get to where I am now. Next stop for me will be saving for Inpulsa / watchers eye, chancing garbs etc and hope RNGesus is on my side!!!

If I could offer an opinion from last leagues build to this one, go daggers and whirling blade as quick as you can. Leap slap sux balls! It's akin to mapping with a zimmer frame too mapping in a BMW M5!

My betrayal dudes public if you want to check my gear. It's terrible but functional. My gems suck but all have some life, I lack end game damage rolls on most things, but in yellow maps I can toe to toe it with syndicut bosses now.


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